19:11:37.607 D SettingsPrivate loadConfig(o.ᔽ@8e45a1c) 19:11:37.628 D MainApplication finishInitialization(), root dir:/sdcard/Locus 19:11:37.771 D StartChecker StartChecker(), mPerformLicenseCheck:false, sep:false, false, false 19:11:37.778 D UtilsExtraData areDataReady(), everything ready 19:11:37.791 W UtilsFile isDirectoryWritable(/storage/9016-4EF8), e:open failed: EACCES (Permission denied) 19:11:37.792 I FileSystem addExternalStorageFsTab(), vold.fstab - not exist! 19:11:37.837 W UtilsFile isDirectoryWritable(/storage/9016-4EF8), e:open failed: EACCES (Permission denied) 19:11:37.841 D StartScreen isRootDirectoryStateSame(), one dir, no change 19:11:37.907 W EventsListener onEventBusEvent(o.ค$if@3328e93) 19:11:37.907 W EventsListener onEventBusEvent(o.ค$if@3328e93) 19:11:37.942 D PresenterLifecycleDelegate onViewPause(true), presenter:o.sk@db35df1 19:11:37.984 D UtilsExtraData areDataReady(), everything ready 19:11:37.996 I ActionMan initActions(), start 19:11:38.073 I ActionMan initActions(), completed 19:11:38.088 D LocationState onLocationChanged(), provider changed from Settings to network 19:11:38.175 D OnlineManager initialize(), loaded providers:106 19:11:38.176 D MapContent getCurrentSQLZoom(), map not ready, return 'last zoom' value 19:11:38.190 W MapContent isLayerBase(o.ahx@cc85ca8), invalid state 19:11:38.190 W MapContent isLayerBase(o.ahx@cc85ca8), invalid state 19:11:38.191 D MapContent getCurrentSQLZoom(), map not ready, return 'last zoom' value 19:11:38.194 W MapContent setMapLayer(o.ahx@cc85ca8, 0, false, true, ZoomValue [value:20, scale:1.0]), current: 0 java.lang.Exception at o.afH.ॱ(:1694) at o.afH.ॱ(:1679) at o.afH.(:304) at o.afn.ॱ(:66454) at o.afn.ˋ(:167) at o.qz.onCreate(:273) at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:6877) at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1136) at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:3209) at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:3352) at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1100(ActivityThread.java:223) at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1797) at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102) at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:158) at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7231) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:1230) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1120) 19:11:38.203 W MapScreenView setCorrectBackgrounds(true), enabling hardware acceleration 19:11:38.242 D qh showAds:false, true 19:11:38.277 D TasksManager addTask(TaskInfo [id: 1486398659411, timeCreated: 1486398659411, name: Sieh nach Deinem Willkommensgeschenk!, desc: Hast Du Dir schon Deine kostenlosen Offline-Karten geholt? Besuche den Locus-Shop!, image: o.ภ@e92e8d6, ]) 19:11:38.277 D TasksManager addTask(TaskInfo [id: http://www.locusmap.eu/?p=10338, timeCreated: 1486045958000, name: Locus Map Pro Webinare erfolgreich angelaufen, desc:

Matsch&Piste hat die ersten Webinare für Offroad-Navigation mit Locus Map Pro durchgeführt. Bequem von Zuhause und […]

, image: o.ภ@3028757, ]) 19:11:38.278 D TasksManager addTask(TaskInfo [id: http://www.locusmap.eu/?p=10318, timeCreated: 1485519210000, name: Neue Webseite mit den gesammelten Locus Premium-Karten, desc:

Neben den laufenden Verbesserungen der Benutzeroberfläche und der Features von Locus Map lag unser Augenmerk vor […]

, image: o.ภ@3028757, ]) 19:11:38.278 D TasksManager addTask(TaskInfo [id: http://www.locusmap.eu/?p=10298, timeCreated: 1484918440000, name: Geofun – kdo si hraje, nezlobí, a také se mnohému naučí, desc:

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Čeština verfügbar.

, image: o.ภ@3028757, ]) 19:11:38.278 D TasksManager addTask(TaskInfo [id: http://www.locusmap.eu/?p=10216, timeCreated: 1484316643000, name: NeoTreks Karten – unabdingbar für Wanderungen in den USA., desc:

Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika bieten auch für Wanderbegeisterte unbegrenzte Möglichkeiten. Auch sind die USA, als […]

, image: o.ภ@3028757, ]) 19:11:38.279 D TasksManager addTask(TaskInfo [id: http://www.locusmap.eu/?p=10119, timeCreated: 1483708313000, name: What3words, das einfachste globale Adressierungssystem nun auch in Locus, desc:

Stellen Sie sich vor das jeder Ort auf der Erde eine eindeutige, einfach gestaltete Adresse hat […]

, image: o.ภ@3028757, ]) 19:11:38.279 D TasksManager addTask(TaskInfo [id: http://www.locusmap.eu/?p=10044, timeCreated: 1482329332000, name: Und, zu guter Letzt, das schönste Geschenk unter dem Weihnachtsbaum – Locus Map 3.21!, desc:

Vor Kurzem haben wir Sie mit einem Weihnachtsrabatt von 50% überrascht – für die weltbeste Outdoor […]

, image: o.ภ@3028757, ]) 19:11:38.280 D TasksManager addTask(TaskInfo [id: http://www.locusmap.eu/?p=10026, timeCreated: 1481798472000, name: Locus Map Pro mit 50% Rabatt. Fröhliche Weihnachten!, desc:

Straßen, Geschäfte und Einkaufszentren glitzernd im Weihnachtsschmuck, Lautsprecher berieseln geschäftige Menschen mit Weihnachtsliedern beim besorgen Ihrer […]

, image: o.ภ@3028757, ]) 19:11:38.280 D TasksManager addTask(TaskInfo [id: http://www.locusmap.eu/?p=10005, timeCreated: 1480688763000, name: Compass – Der polnischer Weg vom Orientierungslauf zum Verlag, desc:

In letzter Zeit wuchs das Karten-Portfolio von Locus Map wie Pilze nach einem Regen. Lassen Sie […]

, image: o.ภ@3028757, ]) 19:11:38.281 D TasksManager addTask(TaskInfo [id: http://www.locusmap.eu/?p=9998, timeCreated: 1480082805000, name: Kompass, die Referenz für Outdoor Karten seit über 60 Jahren., desc:

Vor einiger Zeit haben wir mit einer neuen Locus Version das komplette Portfolio der Outdoor Karten […]

, image: o.ภ@3028757, ]) 19:11:38.281 D TasksManager addTask(TaskInfo [id: http://www.locusmap.eu/?p=9965, timeCreated: 1479484234000, name: Weitere Beispiele und Varianten der Navigation mit Locus, desc:

Im letzten Artikel präsentierten wir Tipps bezüglich der Benachrichtigungs-Einstellungen wenn die geplante Route verlassen wird, die […]

, image: o.ภ@3028757, ]) 19:11:38.297 W UtilsCompat isTransitionAnimEnabled(com.asamm.locus.basic.MainActivityBasic@f575129), e:android.provider.Settings$SettingNotFoundException: transition_animation_scale 19:11:38.313 W BottomPanel onMapCenteringChanged(false) 19:11:38.314 D DbPoiHandler refreshDataOnMap(), '0' dbPoi ready, theme:null 19:11:38.351 W TasksService onTaskQueueChanged() 19:11:38.351 D TasksService onTaskQueueChanged(), no more tasks to do 19:11:38.411 W UtilsCompat isTransitionAnimEnabled(com.asamm.locus.basic.MainActivityBasic@f575129), e:android.provider.Settings$SettingNotFoundException: transition_animation_scale 19:11:38.439 W yt updateTopLabels(), unsupported label type:-1 19:11:38.453 W MapContent drawMap(1536, 2000, android.view.DisplayListCanvas@61f3364), cannot draw map, mapScreenView:o.afU{9db2227 V.E...... ........ 0,0-1536,2000 #7f0e031b app:id/map_screen_view} 19:11:38.454 W MapContent drawMap(1536, 2000, android.graphics.Canvas@4989cd), cannot draw map, mapScreenView:o.afU{9db2227 V.E...... ........ 0,0-1536,2000 #7f0e031b app:id/map_screen_view} 19:11:38.523 D MapContent initialize(), valid:false 19:11:38.526 D MapContent initialize done, base:true 19:11:38.539 W vr beginTransaction() 19:11:38.554 W vr endTransaction() 19:11:38.556 W vr beginTransaction() 19:11:38.597 W vr endTransaction() 19:11:38.598 W vr beginTransaction() 19:11:38.603 W vr endTransaction() 19:11:38.793 D MapContent destroyMapLayer(null) 19:11:38.797 W MainAfterStart handleStartIntent(), main ready:true 19:11:38.803 W DashboardUpdateHandler stopRefreshing() 19:11:38.804 W LiveTrackingStarter start(com.asamm.locus.basic.MainActivityBasic@f575129, null), invalid item 19:11:38.863 I LocusLoader ---------------- | 0 ---------------- 19:11:38.863 I LocusLoader Memory info: eventFirstTimeVisible - completed (1290ms) 19:11:38.864 I LocusLoader PrivDirty Pss SharedDirty dalvik: 27068 (27068), 27075 (27075), 740 (740) native: 0 (0), 0 (0), 0 (0) 19:11:38.864 I LocusLoader nativeHeapSize: 22.50 MB 19:11:38.864 I LocusLoader nativeHeapAllocatedSize: 20.63 MB 19:11:38.865 I LocusLoader nativeHeapFreeSize: 1.87 MB 19:11:38.865 I LocusLoader -------------------------------------------------- 19:11:38.883 W MapContent setMapLayer(o.ahx@cc85ca8, 0, false, true, ZoomValue [value:20, scale:1.0]), current: 1 java.lang.Exception at o.afH.ॱ(:1694) at o.afH.ॱ(:1521) at o.akU.ˋ(:458) at o.ᴩ.ˏ(:64) at o.ᴩ.onPostExecute(:12) at android.os.AsyncTask.finish(AsyncTask.java:651) at android.os.AsyncTask.access$500(AsyncTask.java:180) at android.os.AsyncTask$InternalHandler.handleMessage(AsyncTask.java:668) at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102) at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:158) at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7231) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:1230) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1120) 19:11:38.884 W MapContent setMapLayer(), map already added, removing and adding to new index 19:11:39.167 D LocationState onLocationChanged(), provider changed from network to gps 19:11:39.169 W LocationState addSpeedToFilter(0.0), initializing filter with initial value:0.0 19:11:42.507 W UtilsCompat isTransitionAnimEnabled(o.MH@efae019), e:android.provider.Settings$SettingNotFoundException: transition_animation_scale 19:11:42.547 D ButtonEx button is basic flat button, no colors should be applied 19:11:42.548 D ButtonEx button is basic flat button, no colors should be applied 19:11:42.548 D ButtonEx button is basic flat button, no colors should be applied 19:11:42.569 D ButtonEx button is basic flat button, no colors should be applied 19:11:42.570 D ButtonEx button is basic flat button, no colors should be applied 19:11:42.570 D ButtonEx button is basic flat button, no colors should be applied 19:11:42.616 W Yu refreshAdapter(), adapter is not yet ready 19:11:42.631 W Yu refreshAdapter(), adapter is not yet ready 19:11:42.829 W vr beginTransaction() 19:11:42.971 W vr endTransaction() 19:11:43.024 D DataFragment refreshFolderCounts(), layout 'NC{85aac0e #0 id=0x7f0e01a9 TAG_FRAGMENT_LEFT}' or counter 'null', not yet ready 19:11:43.206 W MapContent saveLastState(), map online 19:11:43.207 W UtilsGeoData removeOneTimeMapItems() 19:11:43.207 W DashboardUpdateHandler stopRefreshing() 19:11:47.400 D PointFragmentMain refreshMapView(), ready:false 19:11:47.522 W UtilsCompat isTransitionAnimEnabled(o.SH@439c7a8), e:android.provider.Settings$SettingNotFoundException: transition_animation_scale 19:11:47.525 D SensorsManager doActionBeforeFiltering(), clear of filters 19:11:50.468 D GetLocationActivity createDialog(null) 19:11:50.545 D GetLocationActivity onDraw: N 48° 35.594 E 008° 49.474 19:11:50.546 D UtilsFormat parseCoordinates(N 48° 35.594 E 008° 49.474) 19:11:50.547 D UtilsFormat optimized: N 48° 35.594 E 008° 49.474 19:11:50.549 D Utils mat01, group:0, value: 35.594 E 008°  19:11:50.549 D Utils mat01, group:1, value:null 19:11:50.550 D Utils mat01, group:2, value:35.594 19:11:50.551 D Utils mat01, group:3, value:null 19:11:50.551 D Utils mat01, group:4, value:E 19:11:50.552 D Utils mat01, group:5, value:008 19:11:50.552 D Utils mat01, group:6, value:null 19:11:50.553 D UtilsFormat handled, coords01: Location [tag:UtilsFormat, lon:8.0, lat:35.594, alt:0.0] 19:11:50.596 D GetLocationActivity onDraw: N 48° 35.594 E 008° 49.474 19:11:50.597 D UtilsFormat parseCoordinates(N 48° 35.594 E 008° 49.474) 19:11:50.598 D UtilsFormat optimized: N 48° 35.594 E 008° 49.474 19:11:50.599 D Utils mat01, group:0, value: 35.594 E 008°  19:11:50.600 D Utils mat01, group:1, value:null 19:11:50.600 D Utils mat01, group:2, value:35.594 19:11:50.601 D Utils mat01, group:3, value:null 19:11:50.602 D Utils mat01, group:4, value:E 19:11:50.602 D Utils mat01, group:5, value:008 19:11:50.603 D Utils mat01, group:6, value:null 19:11:50.603 D UtilsFormat handled, coords01: Location [tag:UtilsFormat, lon:8.0, lat:35.594, alt:0.0] 19:12:58.106 D UtilsFormat parseCoordinates(N 48° 35.594 E 008° 49.474) 19:12:58.107 D UtilsFormat optimized: N 48° 35.594 E 008° 49.474 19:12:58.109 D Utils mat01, group:0, value: 35.594 E 008°  19:12:58.110 D Utils mat01, group:1, value:null 19:12:58.111 D Utils mat01, group:2, value:35.594 19:12:58.111 D Utils mat01, group:3, value:null 19:12:58.112 D Utils mat01, group:4, value:E 19:12:58.112 D Utils mat01, group:5, value:008 19:12:58.113 D Utils mat01, group:6, value:null 19:12:58.113 D UtilsFormat handled, coords01: Location [tag:UtilsFormat, lon:8.0, lat:35.594, alt:0.0] 19:12:58.114 D UtilsFormat parseCoordinates(N 35°35.640';E 08°00.000') 19:12:58.115 D UtilsFormat optimized: N 35°35.640' E 08°00.000' 19:12:58.116 D Utils mat02, group:0, value:N 35°35.640' E 08°00.000' 19:12:58.116 D Utils mat02, group:1, value:N 19:12:58.117 D Utils mat02, group:2, value:35 19:12:58.117 D Utils mat02, group:3, value:35.640 19:12:58.118 D Utils mat02, group:4, value:E 19:12:58.118 D Utils mat02, group:5, value:08 19:12:58.119 D Utils mat02, group:6, value:00.000 19:12:58.124 D UtilsFormat handled, coords02: Location [tag:UtilsFormat, lon:8.0, lat:35.594, alt:0.0] 19:12:58.128 D UtilsFormat parseCoordinates(N 35°35.640' , E 08°00.000') 19:12:58.129 D UtilsFormat optimized: N 35°35.640' , E 08°00.000' 19:12:58.130 D Utils mat02, group:0, value:N 35°35.640' , E 08°00.000' 19:12:58.131 D Utils mat02, group:1, value:N 19:12:58.131 D Utils mat02, group:2, value:35 19:12:58.133 D Utils mat02, group:3, value:35.640 19:12:58.134 D Utils mat02, group:4, value:E 19:12:58.134 D Utils mat02, group:5, value:08 19:12:58.135 D Utils mat02, group:6, value:00.000 19:12:58.137 D UtilsFormat handled, coords02: Location [tag:UtilsFormat, lon:8.0, lat:35.594, alt:0.0] 19:12:58.195 D MapSelection onEventBusEvent(o.aua$ˏ@b73bc10), mapContent:MapContent[id:133440265, baseContent:true, baseMap:o.ahx@cc85ca8], true 19:12:58.196 I CustomActivity:o.Wj onActivityResult(), call super 19:12:58.199 D PointFragmentMain refreshMapView(), ready:false 19:12:58.201 D PointFragmentMain refreshMapView(), ready:false 19:13:00.452 W vr beginTransaction() 19:13:00.459 D ButtonEx button is basic flat button, no colors should be applied 19:13:00.459 D ButtonEx button is basic flat button, no colors should be applied 19:13:00.460 D ButtonEx button is basic flat button, no colors should be applied 19:13:00.462 W ListsTools insertFooterSpaceForFab(android.widget.ExpandableListView{4cda8ca VFED.VCL. ......ID 0,281-768,1776 #7f0e01ad app:id/expandable_list_view_left}), invalid list 19:13:00.479 D ButtonEx button is basic flat button, no colors should be applied 19:13:00.480 D ButtonEx button is basic flat button, no colors should be applied 19:13:00.481 D ButtonEx button is basic flat button, no colors should be applied 19:13:00.482 W ListsTools insertFooterSpaceForFab(android.widget.ExpandableListView{7021f4 VFED.VCL. ......ID 0,281-768,1776 #7f0e01ad app:id/expandable_list_view_left}), invalid list 19:13:00.486 W DualScreenFragment refreshFragmentRight(), right fragment do not exists 19:13:00.577 W vr endTransaction() 19:13:00.580 W vr beginTransaction() 19:13:00.701 W vr endTransaction() 19:13:00.706 W Yu refreshAdapter(), adapter is not yet ready 19:13:00.764 D PointsFolderDetail fillList(), task canceled 19:13:00.767 D DataFragment refreshFolderCounts(), layout 'NC{85aac0e #0 id=0x7f0e01a9 TAG_FRAGMENT_LEFT}' or counter 'null', not yet ready 19:13:00.777 W Yu refreshAdapter(), adapter is not yet ready 19:13:00.786 W Yu refreshAdapter(), adapter is not yet ready 19:13:01.061 W vr beginTransaction() 19:13:01.189 W vr endTransaction() 19:13:01.233 D DataFragment refreshFolderCounts(), layout 'NC{85aac0e #0 id=0x7f0e01a9 TAG_FRAGMENT_LEFT}' or counter 'null', not yet ready 19:13:06.552 W BtConnManager disable() 19:13:06.570 D LocationState onLocationChanged(), provider changed from gps to LocationState 19:13:06.573 W EventsListener onEventBusEvent(o.ค$iF@a1e89bf) 19:13:06.575 W EventsListener onEventBusEvent(o.ค$iF@a1e89bf) 19:13:06.597 I vr closePrivate(), textIdent: dbWaypoints 19:13:06.617 I vr closePrivate(), textIdent: dbTracks