{ "version": 2, "language": "en", "actions_A": { "action_dist": "after %D %A", "arrive_at_dest": "you've arrived at your destination", "arrive_at_dest_dist": "after %D, you'll be at your destination", "straight": "continue straight on %S", "right_bear": "bear right onto %S", "right": "turn right onto %S", "right_sharp": "sharp right onto %S", "left_bear": "bear left onto %S", "left": "turn left onto %S", "left_sharp": "sharp left onto %S", "stay_right": "stay right on %S", "stay_left": "stay left on %S", "take_exit_right": "take exit right onto %S", "take_exit_left": "take exit left onto %S", "take_ramp_straight": "take ramp straight to %S", "take_ramp_right": "take ramp right to %S", "take_ramp_left": "take ramp left to %S", "merge": "merge with %S", "merge_right": "merge right with %S", "merge_right_on": "merge right on road %S", "merge_left": "merge left with %S", "merge_left_on": "merge left on road %S", "then": ", then", "turn_u-turn": "turn around", "turn_u-turn_dist": "after %D turn around", "recalculating": "wait, recalculating", "roundabout_dist": "after %D, you will be at roundabout", "roundabout_dist_exit": "inn roundabout after %D, take %N2 exit", "roundabout_exit": "%N2 exit from roundabout", "navigation_start_car": "Start car trip", "navigation_start_bicycle": "Start bike ride", "navigation_start_foot": "Start walk", "navigation_too_far_from_track": "Route lies %D at %N1 o'clock", "tts_set": "Text-to-speech using modified file", "track_recalculated": "Route was recalculated", "poi_alert_point_X": "Point %S lies %D at %N1 o'clock", "poi_alert_X_points": "%N1 points in range" }, "distances_D": { "m": [ "%N1 meter, 1, 1", "%N1 meters, 2, Inf" ], "km": [ "approximately %N1 kilometer, 1, 1", "approximately %N1 kilometers, 2, Inf" ], "yd": [ "%N1 yard, 1, 1", "%N1 yards, 2, Inf" ], "ft": [ "%N1 foot, 1, 1", "%N1 feet, 2, Inf" ], "mi": [ "approximately %N1 mile, 1, 1", "approximately %N1 miles, 2, Inf" ] }, "numbers_N1": { "1": "one", "2": "two", "3": "three", "4": "four", "5": "five", "6": "six", "7": "seven", "8": "eight", "9": "nine", "10": "ten", "11": "eleven", "12": "twelve", "20": "twenty", "30": "thirty", "40": "forty", "50": "fifty", "60": "sixty", "70": "seventy", "80": "eighty", "90": "ninety", "100": "one hundred", "200": "two hundred", "300": "three hundred", "400": "four hundred", "500": "five hundred", "600": "six hundred", "700": "seven hundred", "800": "eight hundred", "900": "nine hundred", "1000": "one thousand" }, "numbers_N2": { "1": "first", "2": "second", "3": "third", "4": "fourth", "5": "fifth", "6": "sixth", "7": "seventh", "8": "eighth", "9": "nineth" } }