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Further explain Navigation Number Of Commands

Andrew Heard shared this question 7 years ago

There is a setting: Navigation > Advanced > Number Of Commands = low | medium | high. See reference in online manual here. I have not noticed any difference in number of commands with change of settings. Can you please explain the rules used by Locus to decide which commands are or aren't announced? Maybe the help topic can be expanded with any explanation?

Replies (1)


Hi Andrew,

I had to ask Menion :) When you want to be navigated along a ready made route, Locus generates the navigation commands according to the shape of the route - it doesn't "see" intersections, just turns of the line. Setting the number of commands works on principle of testing particular spans of the route if there are any turns. When you set LOW number of commands, the span is 180 meters long. When you set HIGH, the span is just 20 m. Depending on the shape of the route it may happen that the number of commands is the same for all settings.


Thanks Michal. OK, so if the route is created (Compute Source) by BRouter, does the lo|med|hi make any difference? Because in this case BRouter generates the navigation commands, not Locus, and they are all announced.


exactly - the Locus command generator is used only when the route doesn't contain any commands itself. When it is computed by BRouter, it contains BRouter's commands and Locus settings do not apply.


OK, thanks for clarifying. Then when BRouter is selected as Compute Source, should this setting be hidden? and maybe this fact can be added to the documentation? I was experimenting with each lo|med|hi setting on same ride but in hindsight was not necessary as it makes no difference.


This setting is independent on chosen router - it concerns navigating along a ready made route (drawn manually or imported). Anyway, it's "hidden" deep in the settings structure so just power users like you can find it.


Hidden deep? settings > Navigation > Advanced > Number Of Commands - not so deep. Surely documentation could easily be made clearer for if and when the setting is applied? You have already said "Locus settings do not apply" when the route doesn't contain commands, so this setting is quite confusing.


For you it's not "deep" but as majority of Locus users don't even have a clue about the Settings section, it is deep enough. Nevertheless, I've just edited the relating settings section so that it's clearer what this setting is for. Thanks for prompting me.

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