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Problem with refresh of heart rate value in dashboard

Tim Finnegan shared this problem 7 years ago

Background: I have bt gps and bt heart sensor. It works quite stable but sometimes heart sensor is lost (gps never). It can be fixed by resetting bluetooth. So I need 4 taps : tap home -> tap bt on\off app (BT off) -> tap bt on\off app (BT off) -> tap Locus app.

It would be nice to have BT reset button in Locus that will be reset BT (off-1sec-on), and also will be available from dashboard screen.

I think it's not difficult to realize and will be helpful to those who works with BT.

Replies (1)


Good day Tim,

such feature only try to solve different problem you describe - not working reconnection to your HR monitor.

What sensor you use? It just lost connection and never reconnect even if you wait for a minute? Latest Locus Map version?


Thanks, you are right!

It's seems to be dashboard bug.

Locus 3.23.2. HR Coospo H6.

I often use locus in "computer" mode with BT gps and BT HR. It's never lost GPS but some times HR value on dashboard screen became 0. But if I look in BT menu I can see current heart rate, and AVG HR still counting and HR addon still alerting about zones.

If I reset bluetooth dashboard item became to shows current HR. So I think that locus do not update dashboard current HR item after reconnection. Or something similar.


I'll better open proper problem topic


Not needed, I'll changed this to a "Problem" and look at it. Anyway if coordinates and other values are refreshing correctly, I currently have no idea, why heart rate value should act different.


Yes, it seems to be very strange. Will try different situations and see.


Some news: restart phone and clear cache - no zeros in dashboard. Maybe no reconnectons?

New thing: if my location is not known by gps HR in dashboard still shows 0. But in BT menu I can see actual heart rate. Once gps get fixed dashboard begin to show HR


Good day, restart makes usually miracles. Here I really did not expected, it should help. I was checking a code precise and unfortunately see no possible source of problems why just heart rate values should not work correctly, interesting.

GPS location is required for correct display of values in dashboard, this is currently how Locus Map works. It is not expected to use it without enabled GPS. Anyway you are not the first who point on this issue, so it is possible this will change in future.

For now, I'm considering this as solved. If there will be some news, feel free to write me. Thanks!


Yes, HR without GPS is not a problem . Really I don't need it. Thanks!

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