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Crash after update to 3.8.2

Rudolf Betak shared this problem 9 years ago

After update to 3.8.2 I'm not able to start locus, it crashes immediately with andioid send report dialog. ?!

Replies (3)


Hello Rudolf,

firstly, sorry for a late respond!

Do you still have this issue? If so, did you added some comment when you reported your issue on Google Play? Also what device and Android version you have, so i can easily find it in list of reported issues. Thanks


nope, factory reset of the phone "solved" the things, crash was a day before I've started my holiday so it was sent 6 and 7th may.


Ah thanks for a respond and glad to hear it.

Next time, I'll try to be faster in my own responds, but I'm really glad that this solved your issues!

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