External SD Card missing after starting Locus
Sorry to bother you with that question but I seriously don't understand what's going on.
I have a rooted phone (SGS3, Cyanogenmod 11 - Android 4.4) and use Locus for ages from my external SD Card because I have a lot of vector maps I use. Everything works fine... until recently.
I realized that I couldn't save my recorded tracks anymore. I always got a "Forced Close Message". I wondered why and found out, the moment I start Locus my external SD Card is missing. It just disappered and is not shown any more until I reboot or remount the device. This doesn't seem to be related to track recording. I deleted cache and personal data, reinstalled a clean Locus Pro. Still the same problem. Even Locus can't find the drive and is asking next time I start the App for a new folder.
Looking at the log, I saw that there was a SQLite error. I'm aware that this is most likely not the reason but a symptome for the problem. So I got lots of these messages:
- android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such table: tiles (code 1):
- while compiling: SELECT s, image FROM tiles WHERE x=='1098' AND
- y=='671' AND z=='6'
- ...
- E/SqLiteCache(13122): open(), filePath:/mnt/media_rw/sdcard1/Locus/mapsOnline/MapQuest_Classic.sqlitedb
- E/SqLiteCache(13122): android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCantOpenDatabaseException: unknown error (code 14): Could not open data ...
Which I guess comes from the missing SD Card again.
So here is the question: has anyone ever had the same problem? What is the solution? I checked the SD Card and it looks fine (still quiet new, 64GB microSD card). No other program seems to have this problem. Any ideas?
Thank you very much,
Tobias Reich
Okay, I found a solution for this - even though it is not a fix.
I reealized that Locus (the System??) seems to have a problem with exFat formatted SD cards. So in order to keep the option for files bigger than 3 GB I formatted it in NTFS (yes, I know it sounds strange but works) instead of Fat32.
In any case this seems to work. Hope someone else might find this useful, too.
Okay, I found a solution for this - even though it is not a fix.
I reealized that Locus (the System??) seems to have a problem with exFat formatted SD cards. So in order to keep the option for files bigger than 3 GB I formatted it in NTFS (yes, I know it sounds strange but works) instead of Fat32.
In any case this seems to work. Hope someone else might find this useful, too.
Hello Tobias,
sorry to hear about another guy with similar issues ... isn't this the same topic?
Hello Tobias,
sorry to hear about another guy with similar issues ... isn't this the same topic?
Okay, I found a solution for this - even though it is not a fix.
I reealized that Locus (the System??) seems to have a problem with exFat formatted SD cards. So in order to keep the option for files bigger than 3 GB I formatted it in NTFS (yes, I know it sounds strange but works) instead of Fat32.
In any case this seems to work. Hope someone else might find this useful, too.
Okay, I found a solution for this - even though it is not a fix.
I reealized that Locus (the System??) seems to have a problem with exFat formatted SD cards. So in order to keep the option for files bigger than 3 GB I formatted it in NTFS (yes, I know it sounds strange but works) instead of Fat32.
In any case this seems to work. Hope someone else might find this useful, too.
And NTFS works without a problem? Little bit funny ...
Anyway I think it should be some problem in Cyanogenmode itself, but as a temporary solution it should be useful, thanks for sharing!!
And NTFS works without a problem? Little bit funny ...
Anyway I think it should be some problem in Cyanogenmode itself, but as a temporary solution it should be useful, thanks for sharing!!
Yepp, sounds weird. But makes sense since I just moved all stuff from my 32GB Fat32 card to the newly formatted 64gb exFat. Still, as mentioned, all other things worked fine. I could write on the card, read from it - all without any problems. Not sure what went wrong. Formatted the card in exFat, reinstalled Locus - still had the same problem. So, well, might be a CM problem. Anyway, it seems to work so maybe it is a quick fix for someone else! Thanks for your help anyways!
Yepp, sounds weird. But makes sense since I just moved all stuff from my 32GB Fat32 card to the newly formatted 64gb exFat. Still, as mentioned, all other things worked fine. I could write on the card, read from it - all without any problems. Not sure what went wrong. Formatted the card in exFat, reinstalled Locus - still had the same problem. So, well, might be a CM problem. Anyway, it seems to work so maybe it is a quick fix for someone else! Thanks for your help anyways!
As already commented in the other tread
I tested this with a spare 16 GB sd and NTFS worked well, read and write in my SGS4 (GT-I9505) with CM12.
Thank Tobias!
Yes, I find it useful :)
As already commented in the other tread
I tested this with a spare 16 GB sd and NTFS worked well, read and write in my SGS4 (GT-I9505) with CM12.
Thank Tobias!
Yes, I find it useful :)
@Tobias, you wrote: So in order to keep the option for files bigger than 3 GB I formatted it
in NTFS (yes, I know it sounds strange but works) instead of Fat32.
I guess this is a typo, FAT32 can have up to 4 GB.
And indeed, FAT32 is working. NTFS works too, but has some even more annoying disadvantages, so FAT32 is best choice if no need for files bigger than 4 GB.
Thanks anyway.
@Tobias, you wrote: So in order to keep the option for files bigger than 3 GB I formatted it
in NTFS (yes, I know it sounds strange but works) instead of Fat32.
I guess this is a typo, FAT32 can have up to 4 GB.
And indeed, FAT32 is working. NTFS works too, but has some even more annoying disadvantages, so FAT32 is best choice if no need for files bigger than 4 GB.
Thanks anyway.
Well, the point is, that Windows doesn't offer me formatting my 64GB card in FAT32. So there is not much choice left.
What are the disadvantages you are talking about NTFS?
Well, the point is, that Windows doesn't offer me formatting my 64GB card in FAT32. So there is not much choice left.
What are the disadvantages you are talking about NTFS?
There are free Partitioning Tools for Windows, doing FAT32 (and more useful things): Mini Tool Partition Wizard or EASUS Partition Master.
On my phone I use Aard2, which is an offline Wikipedia app. It uses wiki-files (slob-files) with > 2 GB. NTFS makes these slob-files unusable, only maybe half of the wiki is working, other half (I guess the part after 2 GB, the file has nearly 4 GB) throws errors.
If I download a file bigger 2 GB to the phone, it will stop after 2 GB and throw error, the system cannot write the file, I guess.
If I want to copy a file bigger 2 GB to the sd-card, I need to take it out and use the PC. Android cannot write it, e.g. MyPhoneExplorer or MTP etc. This is not really handy.
NTFS is just not ment to be used in Android, and as at the moment I don't have files bigger than 4 GB I will just use FAT32.
EDIT: don't you have these issues with files bigger 2 GB? Is this working on your device?
There are free Partitioning Tools for Windows, doing FAT32 (and more useful things): Mini Tool Partition Wizard or EASUS Partition Master.
On my phone I use Aard2, which is an offline Wikipedia app. It uses wiki-files (slob-files) with > 2 GB. NTFS makes these slob-files unusable, only maybe half of the wiki is working, other half (I guess the part after 2 GB, the file has nearly 4 GB) throws errors.
If I download a file bigger 2 GB to the phone, it will stop after 2 GB and throw error, the system cannot write the file, I guess.
If I want to copy a file bigger 2 GB to the sd-card, I need to take it out and use the PC. Android cannot write it, e.g. MyPhoneExplorer or MTP etc. This is not really handy.
NTFS is just not ment to be used in Android, and as at the moment I don't have files bigger than 4 GB I will just use FAT32.
EDIT: don't you have these issues with files bigger 2 GB? Is this working on your device?
@Tobias: hast du diese Probleme mit Dateien über 2 GB unter NTFS denn nicht? Kannst du auf deinem Gerät Dateien größer 2 GB schreiben, downloaden etc.?
@Tobias: hast du diese Probleme mit Dateien über 2 GB unter NTFS denn nicht? Kannst du auf deinem Gerät Dateien größer 2 GB schreiben, downloaden etc.?
Well, tested it with my system (Cyanogenmod 11 - Android 4.4) on my Galaxy S3.
Works like a charm. Tested files up to 10 GigaBytes with the NTFS partition (writing from Windows aswell as from the device itself using Total Comander)
So far everything works fine. Can't tell you about CM 12 though since CM doesn't support it for the S3.
Well, tested it with my system (Cyanogenmod 11 - Android 4.4) on my Galaxy S3.
Works like a charm. Tested files up to 10 GigaBytes with the NTFS partition (writing from Windows aswell as from the device itself using Total Comander)
So far everything works fine. Can't tell you about CM 12 though since CM doesn't support it for the S3.
Thank you for testing. Lastly I hope that Menion finds a fix for this issue that I can reuse exFAT.
I doubt that the CM12 community will do anything, because CM12 is not touched anymore since 20.04.2015. The CM12.1 could handle it, but at least I cannot test this, because I cannot use it. CM12.1 doesn't run Xposed (only pre alpha).
Thank you for testing. Lastly I hope that Menion finds a fix for this issue that I can reuse exFAT.
I doubt that the CM12 community will do anything, because CM12 is not touched anymore since 20.04.2015. The CM12.1 could handle it, but at least I cannot test this, because I cannot use it. CM12.1 doesn't run Xposed (only pre alpha).
Never got any answer from the CM-Crack I contacted ("AntaresOne") in xda :(
Now I face again that problem, because I want to use a file bigger 4 GB, which is not possible in FAT32 (which has not this CM/Locus/Sqlite-Bug).
Never got any answer from the CM-Crack I contacted ("AntaresOne") in xda :(
Now I face again that problem, because I want to use a file bigger 4 GB, which is not possible in FAT32 (which has not this CM/Locus/Sqlite-Bug).
Put a bugreport in Jira anyway now:
Put a bugreport in Jira anyway now:
And, who thought it, the bug report is closed, not possible to report a bug on nightlies, but there is no snapshot version anyway.
Funny way to avoid fixing bugs ;)
And, who thought it, the bug report is closed, not possible to report a bug on nightlies, but there is no snapshot version anyway.
Funny way to avoid fixing bugs ;)
Since I use an exfat-sdcard i have the bug to. My phone is a samsung s4 mini with CM12.1 nightly. Thera are already snapshots available, but i can´t use them, beacause the are older than the nightly version i use.
Anyone posted on xda-developers about this bug?
Since I use an exfat-sdcard i have the bug to. My phone is a samsung s4 mini with CM12.1 nightly. Thera are already snapshots available, but i can´t use them, beacause the are older than the nightly version i use.
Anyone posted on xda-developers about this bug?
Ich hab den AntaresOne angeschrieben, der will sich das mal genauer anschauen. Bisher konnte er es nicht reproduzieren, hat aber vermutlich nicht die gleiche Voraussetzung gehabt. Ich hab ihm aber jetzt vorhin eine 40 MB Beispiel-SQLite Datei und den Link zu Locus geschickt, damit müsste er es reproduzieren können.
Darauf sitzt grad meine ganze Hoffnung :)
Ich hab den AntaresOne angeschrieben, der will sich das mal genauer anschauen. Bisher konnte er es nicht reproduzieren, hat aber vermutlich nicht die gleiche Voraussetzung gehabt. Ich hab ihm aber jetzt vorhin eine 40 MB Beispiel-SQLite Datei und den Link zu Locus geschickt, damit müsste er es reproduzieren können.
Darauf sitzt grad meine ganze Hoffnung :)
Wenn Du es jetzt noch in englisch schreiben könntest, wär Menion sicher glücklicher. Nich viel - aber ein wenig :)
Steht nunmal ganz groß auf der Startseite:
Only supported communication languages are
English and
Czech.Topics in all other languages will be deleted as we are unable to give quality support in other languages. Thanks for understanding!
Nix für ungut.
Wenn Du es jetzt noch in englisch schreiben könntest, wär Menion sicher glücklicher. Nich viel - aber ein wenig :)
Steht nunmal ganz groß auf der Startseite:
Only supported communication languages are
English and
Czech.Topics in all other languages will be deleted as we are unable to give quality support in other languages. Thanks for understanding!
Nix für ungut.
I wrote yesterday (it was in german, sorry, now in englisch):
I wrote again to AntaresOne (as PM in xda-dev.), one of the most important and skilled Custom-CM-Developers, who wants to look now into it more detailed. Till yet, he could not reproduce the crash, but probably he had not have the exact same condition.
But now I sent him a just 40MB sample SQLite file which I used to reproduce the bug, and sent him the link to Locus, so he should be able to reproduce it. Then he can use his debugger ...
On this last effort all my hope is sitting :)
Better? Nothing for ungood :)
I wrote yesterday (it was in german, sorry, now in englisch):
I wrote again to AntaresOne (as PM in xda-dev.), one of the most important and skilled Custom-CM-Developers, who wants to look now into it more detailed. Till yet, he could not reproduce the crash, but probably he had not have the exact same condition.
But now I sent him a just 40MB sample SQLite file which I used to reproduce the bug, and sent him the link to Locus, so he should be able to reproduce it. Then he can use his debugger ...
On this last effort all my hope is sitting :)
Better? Nothing for ungood :)
For about a year now, I've been trying to get my 60GB sqlite map file to work on locus, and I thought I would share what I've found.
I run Android cm12.1
I've tried the following things to hold the map file, with the following results:
Otg cable with portable hdd ntfs: success
Otg cable with portable ssd ntfs: success
Otg cable with thumb drive ntfs: fail
Otg cable with thumb drive exfat: fail
Micro SD card ntfs: fail
Micro SD card exfat: fail
Micro SD card ext4: success!!
Ideal was always going to be map file on an external SD card, but never got it to work because I only tried ntfs and exfat.
It seems like all types of flash media corrupts a large sqlite database upon copying if it has ntfs or exfat file system. For some reason, it seems to be working perfectly everytime when it's formatted ext4! Only took me a year of playing around with it.
For about a year now, I've been trying to get my 60GB sqlite map file to work on locus, and I thought I would share what I've found.
I run Android cm12.1
I've tried the following things to hold the map file, with the following results:
Otg cable with portable hdd ntfs: success
Otg cable with portable ssd ntfs: success
Otg cable with thumb drive ntfs: fail
Otg cable with thumb drive exfat: fail
Micro SD card ntfs: fail
Micro SD card exfat: fail
Micro SD card ext4: success!!
Ideal was always going to be map file on an external SD card, but never got it to work because I only tried ntfs and exfat.
It seems like all types of flash media corrupts a large sqlite database upon copying if it has ntfs or exfat file system. For some reason, it seems to be working perfectly everytime when it's formatted ext4! Only took me a year of playing around with it.
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