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Marking of tracks and POI's in the dropdown list

Ruediger Fabro shared this problem 9 years ago

Hi Menion,

this is not a big issue, but it sucks sometimes.

Imagine the dropdown list for your tracks and POI's. If you have only a small amount of listings in either one of those lists you can scroll up and down with your finger and mark the eye to have the marked point or track displayed in your card. The scrollbar at the right side in the scenery described is a long small grey or bluegrey one which you cannot grab with your finger to use as an aid to scroll thru your list.

Depending on your device, phone or tablet, but independendly of brand and dependendly of the amount of listings in your list, at a certain quantity the long grey scrollbar changes to a thick, small blue one which you can grab with your finger to use as an aid to scroll thru your list.

But there is one problem: now with this scrollbar you won't be able to mark the eye if this bar stays in the same row as the cursor. You only can mark the eye in this row if the cursor shows up elsewhere. That means additionally, you'll never be able to mark the eye of the very first and very last row.

Did you get what I mean?

I've made a small video so you can see what I talked about.

Maybe as long as the wheather is just as bad you may have a closer look at this.



Replies (12)


Hello Ruediger,

this one was hard. I was aware of this issue for a while, but was too busy with other tasks to look at it closer. Issue seems to be caused by new version of Android, where is defined larger area for touching of this "fast scroller".

In the end, I've created solution that after one second of inactivity (no scrolling), this fast scroll will be completely disabled => no problem with selecting. When some scroll starts again, it will be again enabled.

After testing, seems to work correctly, so hope I'll get only positive feedback after next Locus release.


Hi Menion,

your performance is absolutely outstanding. Many thanks.

Nave a nice day



A 4.4.2 Locus version Only one quick nightly test and fast report. Test run on Samsung Tab4 only !

The blue scroll tooltumb is not available anymore on the above Locus beta, now only the grey indicator appears.

The previous behaviour in (3.15.3 Pro) using A4.4.2 ? See description in the attached .pdf

There (was) is also idea proposal in the pdf. I did not publish, because it changes a little bit the "view".

Maybe some users will not like that change ;-) It is late in the night now, so no more new changes now, I'll just leave it in the pdf. Have a look.


Report Phone Ace 2 A 4.1.2 !

Locus 3.15.3 Pro:. List <32 items: "Grey" list indicator, if List >32 items: "Blue" = activated scroll tool.

Locus Beta: Blue scroll tool not available ( = Broken).



where did you get the beta from? I'ld like to test it.



Am 24.02.2016 11:53 nachm. schrieb "Locus Map" <>:


Hi Rudi,

please read

it´s also in german available ;-)




hab ich gemacht, warte jetzt auf die Beta.



Am 25.02.2016 8:54 vorm. schrieb "Locus Map" <>:


ich denke Du musst nicht warten, geh mal in den Appstore und installiere die FREE Version von Locus. Beim ersten Start siehst Du dann gleich ob es die offizielle Free ist oder die Beta-Free



Die neue Version hat das Problem soweit behoben. Menion hatte ja eine kleine Zeitverzögerung eingebaut. Sobald der fette Scrollbar vom Display verschwunden ist, kannst du ungeniert markieren. Solange er sichtbar ist, dazu musst du aber richtig flott sein, ist’s das gleiche wie vorher. Aber damit kann ich leben. Ob es die anderen auch können weiß ich nicht.

Willy schrieb:



A 4.4.2 Locus version Only one quick nightly test and fast report. Test run on Samsung Tab4 only !

The blue scroll tooltumb is not available anymore on the above Locus beta, now only the grey indicator appears.

The previous behaviour in (3.15.3 Pro) using A4.4.2 ? See description in the attached .pdf

There (was) is also idea proposal in the pdf. I did not publish, because it changes a little bit the "view".

Maybe some users will not like that change ;-) It is late in the night now, so no more new changes now, I'll just leave it in the pdf. Have a look.

Fast Scrollbar tumb.pdf

Ich denke  dass ein vertauschen der Spalten nicht notwendig ist, zumal ich nicht weiß welche Spalten er denn überhaupt tauschen will.



Gesendet von Mail für Windows 10

Von: Locus Map

Gesendet: Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2016 15:39

An: Ruediger Fabro

Betreff: New Comment in "Marking of tracks and POI's in the dropdown list"


"Menion": Caused by new version of Android , where is defined larger area for touching of this "fast scroller".

Rudi,of coarse keep the well known standard list design without position exchange "eye" <-> symbol is fine, IF new fastscroll solution also works in previous android versions. Lets wait...positive thinking.



for me it's fine as it is now.

As far as the older versions of Android are concerned it's your go to find out since I don't own any phone elder than lollipop.

Many thanks

Regards Rudi

Am 25.02.2016 5:51 nachm. schrieb "Locus Map" <>:


now i can no more scroll on scrollbar.

it's only a grey bar hint for "more content".

...but this is normal google style now.

Please don't waste your time for this "feature"


Hi Gynta,

I only did report my observations. Testversions are published to do tests and report not ? Too complicated to 'repair' ? No problem for me.

"Non Locus comment" : Grey list indicator only is standard normal google style ? No no....The fastscroller feature well applicated in (some) Android apps is very nice.

As I appreciate this very functional android fast scroller function in app used as music 'dlna' music player/remote controller.

Very comfortable with large song lists (arranged alphabetically), even during fastscrolling, showing a nice compact indicator popup window. ( ABC... 123 etc )

A very important feature in Locus ? Probably not. Agree with that.

Oho... I see actually already a new solution. So ok for now, tnks for comments. "End" ..._._


@0709: thanks, you are correct, on 4.1.x devices seems to be blue fastscroll bar completely missing, thanks so next version.

Thanks also for another suggestion, but I really would like to keep behavior as is - standard scroll.

@gynta: don't worry, wasting won't happen here. Just wait on next version, where missing blue rectangle when list is long, will appear again. On 5.x devices all should be fine now.


That is quite right. All 5.x devices work as described in your earlier post.




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