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Not able to unpair Ant+ device

Peter Kundrat shared this problem 9 years ago

Couple of days back i think i was able to unpair the device and search for a new one.

Now the button to do that is gone - with paired device i can only disable it, nothing else.

Ideal solution would be to remember paired sensors and select the order of preference, automatically using the one with the highest rank.

Minimal solution should allow unpairing sensor and pairing a new one.

Replies (9)


Hello Peter,

I'm not sure, but some "pairing" and default devices are not handled by Locus itself, but by ANT+ service installed in your device.

Try to install this application: , with it, you should be able to do, what you need.


I see - this explains why i am getting the popups even if Locus is not active.

I believe using ANT+ plugin service is not a good solution. It might be ok as an emergency solution to get Ant+ support, but not as a long-term solution.

Please have a look at Endomondo - it demonstrates it is possible to manage Ant+ devices without Ant+ plugin service popups.


Popups? I'm not aware of any problem with popups. I personally use ANT+ HRM sensor for a few months every week and I do not noticed any problems with popups. When I disable ANT+ connection to HRM in "Ant manager", communication with ANT service is immediately stopped and no more attempts to re-connect happen.

So back to your initial post ... what is a problem wit un-pairing? When you use "disable" button and later you enable certain sensor again, Locus should call ANT+ service which tries to connect to device. And if previously stored device cannot be found, it should offer you connect to different visible devices. Right?

EDIT: btw. are you using latest 3.9.3 version of Locus?


See my comment at

Do you prefer to discuss the topic of popus here or there (or shall i open a new topic)?

Yes 3.9.3. Problem with current approach is that it is very impractical - especially with devices out of reach/not transmitting. Yes - i can connect to 2nd HR strap by pressing Search all devices. But when i have both straps on - the only way to connect to the second strap is to use external app to change the preferred device.

Endomondo seems to manage Ant devices without Ant+ plugin service - and allows to connect to several ANT+ devices at once - and remembers all paired devices, which is much nicer than searching each time.

1) My cadence sensor (VeloComputer) only transmits when revolving. The way ANT+ plugin service works is extremely annoying with popups when searching for the sensor - it prevents me to use the app completely. All i was doing was pressing cancel every minute to get rid of the popup. As i wrote in the other topic - sensor search has to be silent - search popups make sense only when connecting/pairing a new sensor never outside ANT setup,

2) I have in total 3 sensor types (HR, temp, cadence) - speed + power will come later.

I get ANT+ plugin service popup for each sensor type. Thats really bad (especially if sensors are out of reach at the moment). I cannot spend so much time disabling sensors depending on their position.

3) If i cancel Temp sensor lookup and search for HR, Temp sensor is retried anyways - and disrupts HR search.

4) After Locus startup (and often after cancelling all searches) Locus tells me i dont have ANT+ plugin search and proposes to download it - only to start the search immediately without waiting for the anser. This message is displayed multiple times in sequence - looks like for each sensor search failure.

5) "Preferred device not found" popup does not say which sensor type this message is for (this might be ANT+ plugin service defect)

6) I get Searching for "Stride based speed and distance" and "bike speed" sensors full screen popup even though i have that disabled in Locus. This only happens when opening ANT manager after locus startup.

7) Locus does not show which device is connected (not a big deal but pretty useful with multiple straps)

It also looks that it is possible to have a search without a popup - if i am in ANT manager and dont use connect/disconnect button - the search happens without popups. If i click connect/disconnect or open it first time after starup i immediately get annoying popups.

So to summarize most of this are cosmetic defects i could live with.

The only critical thing which needs fixing is getting rid of ANT+ plugin service popups when not pairing a new device and when not in ANT manager. And point 6 is also annoying.


One more observation. If i am in ANT manager and lock the screen, unlock triggers this full screen ANT+ plugin service search (with Proximity button) - point 6).


More details for point 6) - reliably reproducible.

1) see point 6) (start Ant manager after fresh Locus start)

2) go out of Ant manager (e.g. main map screen or data manager), search for disabled sensor (cadence and pod) screen pops up, "GPS disabled" bubble appears (i am indoors) ANT search fails, but the search screen stays active. After i go back, Locus shows maps, shows short "Process aborted" bubble, within 5s bubble "GPS enabled" appears and then within 3-15s the ANT search screen appears again - in endless loop.


Good day Peter,

from your post became after month quite big

skeleton in wardrobe. Because seems this topic is interesting just for

us, I'll switch to Czech as it will be easier for such complicated task.

Mainly for me ...

Takže. Testuju a opakovaně si hraju s ANT+

připojením a bohužel nejsem schopen nasimulovat problém uvedený zde: . Jelikož Pawel se již neozval, nevím zda pro něj je problém opraven nebo ne, ale předpokládám že je.

Vy zde popisujete několik problémů ale bez možnosti problém opakovaně nasimulovat, to prostě neopravím.

Bohužel. A mě se žádný problém nasimulovat nedaří.

Každý senzor v ANT+ manažeru má dvě tlačítka. Jedno je v horní toobaru (v menu), které ale dělá jedinou věc a to "je panel na obrazovce zobrazen nebo není?". Nic víc. Jestli je zapnutý nebo ne, toto vůbec neovlivňuje.

Druhé tlačítko je pak "zapnutý/vypnutý". Tedy jediné tlačítko které ovlivňuje zda Locus bude žádat po ANT knihovně připojení k určitému typu zařízení. Tak a teď všechny senzory si zobrazím, zapnu jen HRM senzor a zkouším. A kromě první bulbiny kdy se ANT knihovna snaží připojit, pak už nikdy žádné vyskakovací okno nevidím. Vždy jen v okamžiku kdy senzor není dostupný a ANT knihovna tedy neví k čemu se připojit. Netuším ale co bych s tím měl na straně Locusu dělat. Funguje to prostě jen tak, že z Locusu se volá ANT knihovna se žádostí o připojení k určitému zařízení a je na ANT knihovně aby to zařídila.

Pokud mi k tomu dáte nějaké informace, prosím co nejstručnější, aby z toho vyplynulo jasně co opravit, zkusím se na to podívat. Vím že jste asi většinu z toho už napsal ale přiznám se že je to na mě tolik textu, že vůbec netuším co si z toho odnést. Díky


Takze som sa k tomu dostal az teraz. Trosku sa miname, kazdy piseme do ineho ticketu - v tom druhom som zosumarizoval vsetky problemy co som nasiel.

Ideme spravit ticket na kazdy samostatny bug alebo to budem cislovat v ramci tohto ticketu ktory bude taky jumbo ticket?

Doplnil som do Pawlovho ticketu kroky ako to zopakovat - malo by to byt trivialne zopakovat. Ten jeho problem by som bral ako ten hlavny ktory vadi najviac.

Tu nejdem opakovat to co som pisal tam, tu len doplnim zvysne veci.

1) Uz chapem tie 2 tlacitka. Z hladiska user friendly UI je to bug - ked clovek skryje tlacitko - malo by sa automaticky vypnut. Skryte zapnute tlacidla su ako naslapne miny.

2) Problem je ked senzor nie je dostupny v case pripojenia. Nemam nastudovanu Ant kniznicu - ale jediny pouzitelny rezim je tichy - teda aby Ant kniznica nezobrazovala nic (ani popup na sekundu v pripade uspesneho pripojenia) - len vratila chybu Locusu. Popupy by sa mozno dali akceptovat len ked je clovek priamo v Ant manageri. Akonahle z neho vyjde, uz popupy sposobuju problem.

Mozem potvrdit ze problem je len v case pokusu o prvy connect. Akonahle je senzor zapnuty pri connecte a neskor sa vypne, tak nie je problem. Popupy nie su.

Ak sa podari zreplikovat/opravit Pawlov bug, preverim aj ostatne najdene problemy.

3) Maly navrh na vylepsenie: Senzory v profiloch su strasne hlboko v menu. Mozno by bolo prakticke pridat do Ant Managera jeden checkbox "Update sensors settings in profile".

Ked to clovek zaskrtne a zmeni konfiguraciu senzorov, tak sa aktualna konfiguracia ulozi aj do profilu.


Zdravím Petře,

projíždím starší nedořešené tickety a narazil jsem na tento. Přiznám se že dlouhé povídání o více bodech moc nemusím. Většinou se v tom ztratím a nevím co je a co není potřeba udělat, případně i již uděláno.

Nicméně problém byl s obpojením ANT+ zařízení, což by snad mělo být již na vaší straně vyřešeno, je to tak? Pokud budete mít konkrétní návrhy případně chyby k ANT+, zkuste je prosím nahlásit jako samostatné tickety. Více dílčích věcí (ideálně přidávat je jednu po druhé, vždy když se předchozí vyřeší, dle priority) je lepší než jeden velký ticket. Díky za pochopení.

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