Search and select lomaps labeled trails and change their visual properties for focus

NL ms shared this idea 21 months ago
Gathering feedback

In the Lomaps, trails are labeled with name and color/sign indicator.

It would be nice to search for those trail labels, for example 'GR5', and for Locus Map to focus and select the lomaps trail line with that search term in the label. (if multiple are found, give the user the option to select what trail the user wants).

After selecting, it would be nice to either copy that trailline to a gpx trail for further adjustments, or to give the user the option to change the characteristics of the trail line, for example line thickness and color.

Use case:

I guess lomaps (and their regular updates) use the most updated version of a trail (in contrast to a random online gpx version which can be very different than the actual trail; the older the gpx is, the more outdated)

Having the option to select a trail in lomaps and focus on that one instead would make everything so much easier!

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