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Záloha fotek k bodu / Backup photos to the point

Roman Frenk shared this problem 15 months ago

Dobrý den, rád bych se zeptal, zálohují se při záloze i media? Nenašel jsem volbu zaškrtnutí. Pokud přidám foto k založenému bodu, musím se k fotce složitě dostávat přes speciální programy, protože se ukládá na místo, kam není normálně přístup. Když potřebuji s fotkou pracovat, musím pořídit ještě jednu mimo LM. A nebo nejdříve vyfotit mimo LM a pak se vrátit do LM a vložit k bodu z galerie, což není úplně uživatelsky přívětivé, zvlášť v terénu. A pokud tohle je cesta, potom ztrácí důvod mít u bodu možnost vyfotit => stejně se nezálohuje (mohu o to přijít) a nelze se k tomu jednoduše dostat. Nebo existuje jiné řešení? Třeba ukládat fotky k waypointům z jiné dostupné složky? Děkuji za odpověď.

Does the backup also back up the media? I didn't find the tick option. If I add a photo to a set point, I have to access the photo in a difficult way through special programs, because it is stored in a place that cannot normally be accessed. When I need to work with a photo, I can take another one outside of LM. Or first take a picture outside the LM and then return to the LM and insert to the point from the gallery, which is not entirely user-friendly, especially in the field. And if this is the way, then there is no reason to have the possibility to take a photo at the point => it is not backed up anyway (I can lose it) and it is not easy to get to it. Or is there another solution? Maybe save photos to waypoints from another available folder? Thank you for answer.

Replies (3)



unfortunately, the attached images are not backed up. The images are stored within the app's main directory which is beginning with Android 11+, almost inaccessible. We realize this problem and work hard on its solution.


And also would be super If WE could import Points of interest with Pictures from Locus classic into new Locus. 🙏


Hi, this is possible with the "unload/upload" function, see



if you are interested, there is an option to set the main Locus directory to /Android/Media/ folder (accessible by the system gallery and other photo apps) in the latest Beta.

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