Feature wish: find maps at postion

MichaelZ shared this idea 10 years ago
Gathering feedback

Dear Locus People,

it would be nice to have a feature in Locus/Locus Pro that I miss (really much): find maps at position (cursor/way point).

I have a set of charts (BSB/KAP) of an area with different scales. The adjacent maps in a scale are overlapped. I succeeded to convert each chart in a mbtile using GDAL and TileMill. Since the maps have a white boundary I could not combine them in one mbtile.

It would be much much easier handling these multiple mbtiles if I could request a list of all mbtiles at the cursor/way point and select which one to display. If it would be possible to have one list including both groups User Maps and Vector would be even nicer.

Many Greetings


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