How to choose POI´s - offline dB POI

balloni55 shared this idea 10 years ago
Gathering feedback

at the moment it is not recognizable which POI´s are automatic loaded by which theme.

So my proposal:

- no POI from dB is loaded automatic by theme

- checkboxes for each POI-cathegory and subcathegory, multi selection possible!

- POI-profil (similar Track-profil), user can built his favorit compilation to display POI´s

e.g. Hike profil: huts, drinking water, viewpoints.......

City profil: parking places, fuel stations, restaurants.....

Replies (7)


Menion asked us to vote for one of 3 balloni55 topics. I tend to like this one the most. I like it the most because it gives the user the most flexibility of which POIs they are interested to display on the map. This is similar to display of POIs in Garmin Basecamp. For example while I am cycle touring I may only want to see accommodation/camping POIs. Or when I am thirsty I may only want to see all public water POIs. In this 2nd example it may be better than the POI search (beta) list because I can actually see all the locations of POIs on the map - very nice. I had already created tickets for water, and toilets, both now fixed thanks, but balloni55's topic here provides a more powerful method of controlling the display of these POIs.


I also very much support this. Themes are a great thing when it comes to how the map looks - but having the theme decide what POIs to show is rather counterproductive. The POI search feature helped a lot in finding POIs, but when your map is already too full with POIs (especially in cities), there's not much you can do.

One small addition:

I would leave a checkbox "POIs as defined by theme" - the theme creators usually put a lot of thought into this, and the user should have the option to trust the theme creator...


See also this discussion because, of course, the zoom level needs to be taken into account. But again, different users will always argue at which zoom level they want to have which POIs displayed - endless arguments and compromises. For same reason that some people want to enable only a subset of POI, does this also mean that user should have some control of the zoom level?


Unfortunately this one got silent. With some attention coming to POI DB system hopefully soon, I hope there will be more votes coming ...


I used to use Sygic, which has this feature. We definitely need this for Locus. Cities are too crowded with POIs, which slows down map drawing and clutters up the screen. Users don't need to see every single category if they don't want.


I also think that it should be possible to have the POIs displayed in the layer behind place names, as they often overlap town names.


I don't want to see all the LoPoi. Sometimes I only want to see water spots. Sometimes just a restaurant. Some categories I never want to see. The whole thing should be possible for online and offline. And preferably also in presets.


might be interesting if Lopoi and the user point/track database was combined....

and having some overlap, ie seeing all the published water spots and your own poi that feature otehrones all viewable with the same click. and being able to publish routes that otehr people could view, ie all routes that are suitable for walking, cycling, that pass by a pub etc by categories....

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