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Track abfahren: Navigieren zum Startpunkt, wenn der Zielpunkt näher liegti

Michael67 shared this problem 5 years ago

Ich möchte einen selbst erstellten Track abfahren. Die Route ist ein offener Kreis. Der Zielpunkt liegt näher an meinem gegenwärtigen Standpunkt (außerhalb des Tracks) als der Startpunkt. Wenn ich die Tour abfahren möchte, dann führt mich das Programm immer direkt unter Umgehung des Tracks zum Zielpunkt. Unterwegs, wenn ich die Route verlasse, erfolgt die Neuberechnung ebenfalls zum Zielpunkt, obwohl ich Streckenpriorität ausgewählt habe. Liegt der Zielpunkt dagegen weiter als der Startpunkt, entfernt dann klappt die Navigation. Wie es mit der Neuberechnung zurück auf den Track bei Wegabweichung aussieht, muß ich noch prüfen.

Replies (2)


I tried to navigate a track created by my own ( My location was several hundred meters away from the starting and the end point. The navigation send me to the end point, ignoring the track. The end point was a little closer to my location than the starting point. If it is upside down it works. With OSMAnd I tried the same track and that happend again. The difference is, it provides an option, that says "to go through the whole track" and it worked. Is there an option in LM, too?


Hi Michael,

go to Locus settings > Navigation > Route re-calculation > select "no auto recalculation" or "route priority" (more about navigation along an imported route:


Thank-you for your efforts. The description says, what I experienced. It is impossible to route a track, if the start is farther away from your location than the end point. Whatever option I select, the program will guide me to the end point. In the English description it is clearly said:


Auto recalculation - route prioritySelected routing service recalculates your way back to the nearest place on your original route. This option is recommended for navigation along a route:

Indeed, the nearest point is the end point.


Auto recalculation - point prioritySelected routing service creates a new route leading to the nearest via point or to the finish of the route. This option is recommended for point-to-point navigation:

Again, the nearest point is the end point

By the way: what is the meaning of the second option on the screenshot?


Hi Michael,

the meaning of the second option is that navigation starts on the particular place on the route. So check it, it could work as you need. But you have to tap on the place on the route on your screen, not start navigation from the route detail window. Does it work?


Hi Michal, about the meaning of the second radio button I am agreed to you. To cut a long story short: it is useless. The option is only visible, if you tap on a trackpoint. If I automatic recalculation is off, a broken airline to the end point is displayed. If automatic recalculation is on, the tool navigates to the end point. It is surely a bug.


Good day Michael,

Michal informed me about this problem, so let's try to solve it. I'm trying to simulate your steps and I think I have found one issue.

Please, open app settings > navigation > advanced settings >Frequency of command and set it to "none". Most probably, your track does not have navigation commands. Locus Map, in this case, generates own commands based on track shape, but in this case, selected trackpoint that should be used as the start point is ignored. If this will work, your track won't have any sound notifications (because of missing commands), but it will at least show us, if it works and if it really starts from the start of the track.

I was also today working on the improved system for "Route priority" recalculation (as described here), so it should help on this problem as well, in case you will have enabled recalculation with mentioned "Route priority".


Hello Menion, nothing changed. Sorry. You cannot reconstruct the issue? Uups. In order to help you, I created a small movie with tools like help of screen recording and mirroring Locus Map app to my PC.



Good day Michael,

thanks for very nice video!

Time 0:44: not perfectly sure here, but from the start point (green), track ride to the north right? And then after some circle, it returns back to end (red circle) directly from the right.

Time 3:31: you started navigation, but your real location is somewhere far away from start/end points.

From what you wrote before, I thought you are close to start/end points and app navigate to (correctly) directly to the end. But, when you start navigation like this in Locus Map, it searches for the nearest point on the track to your current GPS location and starts navigation from this point. So I believe, what happens to you on the video, is expected behavior.

From what you wrote before, you want to go since the start of the track to the end of the track without skipping. Let's please try one more thing:


  • navigation > re-calculation: disable
  • navigation > advanced settings > frequency of commands: none (won't be needed in next update, it is an issue in the current version)
  • navigation > advanced settings > Strict route following! (this prevent the app to skip some parts of track)

Start navigation by the method you wrote before here:

Because you start somewhere in the middle and navigation usually serve a single purpose: guide you toward your destination, it is needed to enable this "Strict route following".

Btw. sorry for little problems here. You helped us to find a problem in the currect system. I believe that in next version, it will be a lot better. Or if you are interested, I'll today after few hours publish new Beta version so you may give it a try.


The program again navigates directly to the end point. The difference, I can see the rest of the track as a thin line. I tried another variant: selecting a point on the track line and choosing the option "navigate the track", which did not work either. I got an airline. After switching on 'recalculation route-based', the program navigated me to the end point again.

Yes, you were right, believing, that initially I spoke of a different track, than the track I used in the video. The track in the video is recorded with L. M. while the other track was made with another program.

How should the program know, where the user intends to go? In any case the target point is the red end point. The program prefers the shortest distance. Why should it navigate the user to the start point and let him travel through the whole route?

Why don't you let the user decide? Before I tested L. M. I used for five years a navigation device from Tahuna. Starting a track it offers four options: 1. going to the start and navigating to the end, 2. going to the end an navigating to the start, 3. reaching the nearest trackpoint and navigating to the end and finally reaching the nearest trackpoint and navigating to the start.

As you have a separate option for backwards, there are only two options that remain.

I read the thread for which you stored the link. Calculation to the nearest track point I regard as very difficult. The navigation device frequently failed, too. May I make a suggestion: you should only consider the crossing points. First calculate the number of crossing beginning at the point, where the user left the track. And better, develop an iteration algorithm including interpolation (e. g. halving the distance), which includes the end point. If the user left the track for a long time, he could already be close to the end, I am a software developer, too.


Hello Michael,

you wrote four options that offered Tahuma application. But 3. and 4. is exactly what Locus Map do now, but it is something you do not want as I understand. The app should now pick nearest trackpoint and then start navigation since this point to the end of the route.

Anyway, I've improved already mentioned parameter "Navigate from selected point". Till you reach this point, app should consider (in the next version) selected trackpoint as "sticky" so it should firstly navigate you to this point. By pressing "nearest" from the navigation menu, this point may be skipped.

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