Update option for offline map

tkansgar shared this idea 4 years ago
Gathering feedback


I often use the download menu entry of online maps to update my (tile) offline maps. My Idea is to have an update entry in the menu for my offline maps. I go to offline maps, tap on the three points on the right side of one map entry and see an entry "Update". If choosen, I get a field to enter a number of days, which the tiles should be older than, and then I tap on "Download" to update all too old tiles. This would extremely shorten the procedure to specify all the download criteria, which currently are necassary to update the offline maps. I think, this feature wouldn't cost much work and program space, because most of the internally necessary functions should exist already.

I currently use the free version of Locus Map. If this feature is available in the Pro version already, I would think about to buy it.



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