First of all, keep track of the TB inventory in offline mode as well. Keep it in sync every time Locus goes online, like loading PQs, upload logs etc.
While logging a cache ask what happened to the TBs in your inventory, store the last action as default (handy for tracking TBs). Store the TB actions in offline logs as well. Log TBs when performing the bulk log (will not work with uploading field notes just like pictures, I know).
Optional ideas:
If it runs out of sync (for example someone grabbed a TB from you) ask to agree to the change, finish the old logs first or stop the process and ask to fix this online using the groundspeak site and offer a "sync my TBs" option to continue.
Optional (extra tab in the logging dialog) ask what happened to the TB that are listed in a cache. Ask for the code to discover or take them, write a note on the TB page if the TB is missing.
Oživení témy - Go Up
Oživení témy - Go Up
Hi guys,
what exactly is a problem with current system? As I see, in top toolbar is visible option to set "Dopped off" or "Visited" to all loaded trackables. So it is only two taps to mark all trackables as visited.
With this system, I'm trying to prevent possible problems when "Visited" should be set as default option, but you won't have trackables with you.
Hi guys,
what exactly is a problem with current system? As I see, in top toolbar is visible option to set "Dopped off" or "Visited" to all loaded trackables. So it is only two taps to mark all trackables as visited.
With this system, I'm trying to prevent possible problems when "Visited" should be set as default option, but you won't have trackables with you.
Žiadny problém s tým ak nemáme TB veď sa to týka iba tých ktoré si Locus načíta s aktuálneho inventára. Čiže len tie ktoré má. Nejedná sa o nejaké trvalé nastavenie konkrétneho čísla TB.
Nie sú vo len dva kliky ;-)
Narolovať na kartu TB, načítať, vybrať akciu, označiť všetky ako navštívený, vrátiť sa na inú kartu k pokračovaniu zápisu alebo odoslať log.
Tejto otravy sa chcem mať možnosť zbaviť.
Chcem mať možnosť niekde raz označiť v nastavení "automaticky zapísať TB" a tým pádom systém vždy pri voľbe online zalogovať urobí celú túto činnosť automaticky.
Kartu predmetov TB by som navštívil iba vtedy ak raz za čas niektorý predmet nechávam v keš tak v tom prípade zájdem daný predmet zmeniť na vložiť - drop off. Ak nič nenechávam tak túto kartu ani nepozerám a neriešim a systém to urobí automaticky.
Je to fakt otrava to robiť dookola za každým to isté. Hlavné pri viacerých keš na trase ak hneď posielam log. A ešte horšie ak si celý deň nechám na doma a potom posielam tak túto činnosť za každým dookola.....
Ideál by bol a úplná fantázia sen a total luxus za ktorý by som bol ochotný aj zaplatiť naviac by bolo tlačidlo "Odoslať zalogovať všetko" a nechať mobil položený nech si to postupne všetko urobí a ísť do sprchy alebo sa venovať inej zmysluplnej činnosti.
Áno existuje taká možnosť cez field notes ktorá je ale NEPOUŽITEĽNÁ práve preto že to nezapisuje TB! Takže použiteľná len pre toho kto nemá vlastné, mená žiadne cudzie a proste TB ho nezaujíma. Takých je nás fakt málo.
Takže keď urobiš možnosť automaticky zapísať TB pri online odosielani logu tak budeš už len jeden malý krok od toho ÚŽASNÉHO ZÁZRAČNÉHO tlačidlá odoslať všetko jedným klikom ;-)
Raz sa nám tento sen určité splní!
Žiadny problém s tým ak nemáme TB veď sa to týka iba tých ktoré si Locus načíta s aktuálneho inventára. Čiže len tie ktoré má. Nejedná sa o nejaké trvalé nastavenie konkrétneho čísla TB.
Nie sú vo len dva kliky ;-)
Narolovať na kartu TB, načítať, vybrať akciu, označiť všetky ako navštívený, vrátiť sa na inú kartu k pokračovaniu zápisu alebo odoslať log.
Tejto otravy sa chcem mať možnosť zbaviť.
Chcem mať možnosť niekde raz označiť v nastavení "automaticky zapísať TB" a tým pádom systém vždy pri voľbe online zalogovať urobí celú túto činnosť automaticky.
Kartu predmetov TB by som navštívil iba vtedy ak raz za čas niektorý predmet nechávam v keš tak v tom prípade zájdem daný predmet zmeniť na vložiť - drop off. Ak nič nenechávam tak túto kartu ani nepozerám a neriešim a systém to urobí automaticky.
Je to fakt otrava to robiť dookola za každým to isté. Hlavné pri viacerých keš na trase ak hneď posielam log. A ešte horšie ak si celý deň nechám na doma a potom posielam tak túto činnosť za každým dookola.....
Ideál by bol a úplná fantázia sen a total luxus za ktorý by som bol ochotný aj zaplatiť naviac by bolo tlačidlo "Odoslať zalogovať všetko" a nechať mobil položený nech si to postupne všetko urobí a ísť do sprchy alebo sa venovať inej zmysluplnej činnosti.
Áno existuje taká možnosť cez field notes ktorá je ale NEPOUŽITEĽNÁ práve preto že to nezapisuje TB! Takže použiteľná len pre toho kto nemá vlastné, mená žiadne cudzie a proste TB ho nezaujíma. Takých je nás fakt málo.
Takže keď urobiš možnosť automaticky zapísať TB pri online odosielani logu tak budeš už len jeden malý krok od toho ÚŽASNÉHO ZÁZRAČNÉHO tlačidlá odoslať všetko jedným klikom ;-)
Raz sa nám tento sen určité splní!
I would like to have the possibility to default certain TBs to "visited" especially for offline logging. This is a standard use case for tracking coins or car travel bugs.
I would like to have the possibility to default certain TBs to "visited" especially for offline logging. This is a standard use case for tracking coins or car travel bugs.
I would like this feature too ... because one of my TBs visit every cache.
Maybe the default value could be changed in an inventory?
I would like this feature too ... because one of my TBs visit every cache.
Maybe the default value could be changed in an inventory?
I agree with konsumschaf, this is a most welcome feature both for online and offline logging.
I agree with konsumschaf, this is a most welcome feature both for online and offline logging.
Two years has passed and there is still no good offline TB handling. Is Field Notes add on source code available in git or somewhere? I work as a software developer and could perhaps implement offline TB handling in the field notes add on.
Two years has passed and there is still no good offline TB handling. Is Field Notes add on source code available in git or somewhere? I work as a software developer and could perhaps implement offline TB handling in the field notes add on.
Hi guys,
I do not like promises that I cannot fulfil. That's why I rather not write "I promise" here on helpdesk. Anyway, I gave myself promise that this year I want to invest more time into Geocaching.
So first bigger update is here. New Beta version is just generating and will be available today.
News to test:
Because there may be a huge number of non-standart situations, it definitely needs a lot of testing in the field. Please report me any unexpected situations that may happen, thanks.
Hi guys,
I do not like promises that I cannot fulfil. That's why I rather not write "I promise" here on helpdesk. Anyway, I gave myself promise that this year I want to invest more time into Geocaching.
So first bigger update is here. New Beta version is just generating and will be available today.
News to test:
Because there may be a huge number of non-standart situations, it definitely needs a lot of testing in the field. Please report me any unexpected situations that may happen, thanks.
New card for logs is nice.
But ... there is more.
Offline storage of TB can become complicated.
1. TB list is stored offline - badly
2. Reload manually? Well ... OK, think about it at change.
3. What action does it take to send TB that is not in the GC-site inventory? Abort process? Ignore error?
4. If I get another TB during the trip? Edit the subsequent logs again.
5. The same on leaving.
This is the first theoretically at first glance.
These 5 issues solve my proposed solution to the link above.
Of course, great thanks for this function! Finally ...
I think the feature will still need repairs and improvements.
All this activity for each record individually is totally useless and still anticipates problems.
This whole activity is enough to do it only once!
At the moment of online connection and sending a batch of all caches.
Saving time and no problems.
I will add...
I think this "TB-section" for a single cache log can remain for each log posting. It's comfortable and fast. I recommend automatic updating if the connection is. Or remember autoreload (add a check box).
For bulk upload via FN manager, apply my suggested variation. (Ignore the "TB-section" setting for each log)
New card for logs is nice.
But ... there is more.
Offline storage of TB can become complicated.
1. TB list is stored offline - badly
2. Reload manually? Well ... OK, think about it at change.
3. What action does it take to send TB that is not in the GC-site inventory? Abort process? Ignore error?
4. If I get another TB during the trip? Edit the subsequent logs again.
5. The same on leaving.
This is the first theoretically at first glance.
These 5 issues solve my proposed solution to the link above.
Of course, great thanks for this function! Finally ...
I think the feature will still need repairs and improvements.
All this activity for each record individually is totally useless and still anticipates problems.
This whole activity is enough to do it only once!
At the moment of online connection and sending a batch of all caches.
Saving time and no problems.
I will add...
I think this "TB-section" for a single cache log can remain for each log posting. It's comfortable and fast. I recommend automatic updating if the connection is. Or remember autoreload (add a check box).
For bulk upload via FN manager, apply my suggested variation. (Ignore the "TB-section" setting for each log)
Basically, offline TB is unnecessary.
Maybe for you but not for me.
A good example how offline TB handling can work is the offline logging Dialog of GSAK, including TBs. OK, it is "semi-offline" because GSAK uses the api for each cache to determine the current "TB-State".
If Locus could handle this in a similar way I can stop importing the fieldnotes from Locus to GSAK and the do the offline logging stuff in GSAK. Locus would be enough .... but until than GSAK is there as a very good workaround for me.
But Condor is right when he says that there have to be some error handling. I. e. the TB is no longer in the cache when i want to log it, I noted a wrong tb-number, that not exist, ....
Basically, offline TB is unnecessary.
Maybe for you but not for me.
A good example how offline TB handling can work is the offline logging Dialog of GSAK, including TBs. OK, it is "semi-offline" because GSAK uses the api for each cache to determine the current "TB-State".
If Locus could handle this in a similar way I can stop importing the fieldnotes from Locus to GSAK and the do the offline logging stuff in GSAK. Locus would be enough .... but until than GSAK is there as a very good workaround for me.
But Condor is right when he says that there have to be some error handling. I. e. the TB is no longer in the cache when i want to log it, I noted a wrong tb-number, that not exist, ....
Condor, it looks like you did not tried latest version :).
You do not have to do it 100x for 100 caches. You do it only once and then it's done automatically for all other caches you will log!
*** New Beta version *** just finishing.
System of Trackables rewrote a lot also since last Beta version. I'll try to describe major points:
Really a lot of changes on background (as I see around 50 hours of work) so it definitely needs a field testing!
Condor, it looks like you did not tried latest version :).
You do not have to do it 100x for 100 caches. You do it only once and then it's done automatically for all other caches you will log!
*** New Beta version *** just finishing.
System of Trackables rewrote a lot also since last Beta version. I'll try to describe major points:
Really a lot of changes on background (as I see around 50 hours of work) so it definitely needs a field testing!
I want to remind you of the long-standing cache-log time and TB-log time synchronization problem (including bad day - morning to 7-8 AM)
I assume that in the new system (BETA) this problem will be more pronounced.
I want to remind you of the long-standing cache-log time and TB-log time synchronization problem (including bad day - morning to 7-8 AM)
I assume that in the new system (BETA) this problem will be more pronounced.
I have been testing offline tb handling on the latest 3.31.0 RC version.
1. Always log offline in settings is turned on
2. I log a visit an cache A
3. I press LOAD on trackables in the log editor, select visit for a TB and finally confirm
4. I realise I have logged wrong cache and open the details for cache A and select Delete for the existing (local) fieldnote.
5. I confirm it is deleted in logs manager. It states "nothing here yet.
6. I log a visit for cache B
7. I press the LOAD button for trackables
And at this point a log is sent to groundspeak logging a visit of the TB on cache A
I have been testing offline tb handling on the latest 3.31.0 RC version.
1. Always log offline in settings is turned on
2. I log a visit an cache A
3. I press LOAD on trackables in the log editor, select visit for a TB and finally confirm
4. I realise I have logged wrong cache and open the details for cache A and select Delete for the existing (local) fieldnote.
5. I confirm it is deleted in logs manager. It states "nothing here yet.
6. I log a visit for cache B
7. I press the LOAD button for trackables
And at this point a log is sent to groundspeak logging a visit of the TB on cache A
Expected Problems...
Expected Problems...
Jana, I use Google translate on what ypu wrote and it works well
Jana, I use Google translate on what ypu wrote and it works well
This weekend verified work in the log cache and default setting TB at visited is a great contribution to faster cache log!
Well done! Thanks ☺
This weekend verified work in the log cache and default setting TB at visited is a great contribution to faster cache log!
Well done! Thanks ☺
Indeed, the new interface for logging is much more pleasant to use. I let the people concerned by the discussion on the complex TB log offline, to complete the reflection and possibly improve the functioning.
However, one could add a very simple functionality in offline mode. It would be nice to be able to keep in the TB offline menu the Tracking Number to use and the action to record when online later. The log manager could indicate which log has a TB entry to edit before sending the log. In this intermediate solution there is no synchronization with the API. Simply a memorization of the Tracking Number and the action to be able to carry out the operations later as it is the case for a registration when we are online. Naturally, this solution does not allow a complex TB management like replacing a TB picked up offline in another cache without having previously registered the previous TB log online but my solution would solve the vast majority of situations encountered. It's an idea, you can do whatever you want with it.
Indeed, the new interface for logging is much more pleasant to use. I let the people concerned by the discussion on the complex TB log offline, to complete the reflection and possibly improve the functioning.
However, one could add a very simple functionality in offline mode. It would be nice to be able to keep in the TB offline menu the Tracking Number to use and the action to record when online later. The log manager could indicate which log has a TB entry to edit before sending the log. In this intermediate solution there is no synchronization with the API. Simply a memorization of the Tracking Number and the action to be able to carry out the operations later as it is the case for a registration when we are online. Naturally, this solution does not allow a complex TB management like replacing a TB picked up offline in another cache without having previously registered the previous TB log online but my solution would solve the vast majority of situations encountered. It's an idea, you can do whatever you want with it.
I have the last couple of days tried the app Looking4cache" for iphone. And this app have some features I wish Locus could pick up.
1. There is no difference in logging online or offline. All features is similar. In the create log section you can mark TB as visited individually and they are store offline until you decide to send them in. The difference regarding Locus is that you don't have to decide beforehand if you want to log offline or online. In Locus you have to select different menues and then write your log. In Looking4cache, you select "Create Log" and if you find out that you want to continue writing later, you can select "store offline" and press save. You don't have to make the desicion before you start writing, but can do so after you have started. The "Store offline" checkbox is persistent so it is remembered on the next log you write.
2. All TB's in your possession can be individually marked as visited, no action or dropped. Looking4cache does not remember the last action, but you can in settings set what action should be default for each of the travel bugs. The advantage with this approach is that you know what state the travel bug is in when creating a new log. In Locus Map you have to browse the list of travel bugs and make sure everything is as wanted because you have probably changed something on the previous log.
3. When sending in offline logs, Looking4cache clearly show what the status is. It has three visible counters and if any errors are happening it is shown. And it has a section where you can resend everything that failed.
I have the last couple of days tried the app Looking4cache" for iphone. And this app have some features I wish Locus could pick up.
1. There is no difference in logging online or offline. All features is similar. In the create log section you can mark TB as visited individually and they are store offline until you decide to send them in. The difference regarding Locus is that you don't have to decide beforehand if you want to log offline or online. In Locus you have to select different menues and then write your log. In Looking4cache, you select "Create Log" and if you find out that you want to continue writing later, you can select "store offline" and press save. You don't have to make the desicion before you start writing, but can do so after you have started. The "Store offline" checkbox is persistent so it is remembered on the next log you write.
2. All TB's in your possession can be individually marked as visited, no action or dropped. Looking4cache does not remember the last action, but you can in settings set what action should be default for each of the travel bugs. The advantage with this approach is that you know what state the travel bug is in when creating a new log. In Locus Map you have to browse the list of travel bugs and make sure everything is as wanted because you have probably changed something on the previous log.
3. When sending in offline logs, Looking4cache clearly show what the status is. It has three visible counters and if any errors are happening it is shown. And it has a section where you can resend everything that failed.
Is there any progress at all here?
And no comments on how other apps are doing this as explained in my previous post?
Is there any progress at all here?
And no comments on how other apps are doing this as explained in my previous post?
Replies have been locked on this page!