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Some questions about track recording

Peter shared this question 10 years ago

Currently Locus (free) displays TWO previously recorded tracks from me (from two different days).

Much to my surprise Locus displays them BOTH on ONE map. I would have expect that only one (=the last) is displayed.

How can remove one of them (but keep the other)?

How can I tell Locus to display AUTOMATICALLY always only one (=the last) track?

As far as I remember I was asked by Locus when I stop recording to save the current track.

But I denied at this time.

How exactly can I save NOW (a couple of days later) one of the tracks (e.g. the second track) into a file?


Replies (2)


Take a look :

all your tracks are stored in data/trackfolder

#5 all checked tracks are displayed, so uncheck one of your tracks and only the checked is displayed.

Alternative you can open one of them in mapscreen click "button screwdriver/Hide"

"allways automaticly only the last" is not possible. If you open locus all POI´s and tracks are displayed similar the last session.


As balloni wrote.

I just add one small info.

You're probably familiar with various sport trackers, where major part of app are tracks. When you tap on single track, it's then visible on map, but by 'back', you always return to list of tracks.

In Locus, major screen is map and you choose what you display on it by methods as wrote balloni. So you can display almost unlimited number of tracks.

Anyway some autoloading as you wanted do not exists.

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