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Added Waypoints not able to delete and can't change their sequence

Davidos shared this question 2 years ago


I like the "new" feature to add a new waypoint while navigation. But two points I'm still missing:

a. I cant delete the added waypoint during the navigation

b. How can I modifiy the squence of the added waypoints?

Remark: I'm not talking about the route planner.

Thanks for your support.


Replies (3)


Hi David,

ad a) this issue will be dealt with, thanks for reporting it. Please wait for some of the future versions.

ad b) the sequence of via points added to the "Navigate to" can be changed BEFORE the navigation starts. It is not possible when the navigation is running and we don't plan to change it.



great to hear that point a) will be implemented. Thanks

For point b): that you have to define the sequence in the route planner in advance and you can’t change it during navigation is fine for me. But I’m talking about the case a). Case a) means that you started a navigation from your point A where you are to destination U. During this navigation you can add waypoints. So if I add waypoint 1 it’s easy. But then I want to make an additional stop – waypoint 2. But I want to go to waypoint 2 before I reach waypoint 1. And for that I have to modify the sequence.

It would be great if that would be possible because only with that the feature to add waypoints to a navigation makes 100%.

Thanks in advance.



Hi David, thanks for the further clarification of your request. We'll think about it.

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