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Locus Map Pro unable to start

Neil Warnock shared this problem 3 years ago

I have used Locus Map Pro for a long time but suddenly it is not able to start. The error message is

T: Unable to open /storage/emulated/0/Locus/data/srtm/WW15MGH.DAC file as input. p$l, code:0

It just exits after this error is OK'd so I am unable to get into it to change any settings.

There seem to be several copies of this file in Locus/data/srtm with (2) to (17) after the name, seems to create one every time I try to start it.

Version is 3.56.7 if that helps.

Any idea how I can recover it? Thanks.

Replies (19)


did you try to just delete all those beasts with a file manager?


No, not yet. Is that the best option? And should I delete the original one as well?


As SRTM data can be re-established, deleting this whole group should be best start.

No guarantees for success in the first step - it is a trial and error march ...

I would also restart the device before restarting Locus. Windows has been notorious for such advise, in Android I saw success in rare cases.


I tried deleting everything in the srtm folder but same error occurs. It re-creates the WW15MGH.DAC file and another copy WW15MGH(2).DAC when it starts up.

Also tried rebooting the phone but same thing.

Seems strange that it appears to be saying it is reading that file incorrectly but it also can create it!


Seems latest LMP - are you on Android 11?

And did it only happen after updating to this latest version?


Hi Michael,

Yes it is Android 11. I hadn't used Locus for a few days and when it first started up it said it had been updated and listed the changes. Also the phone had been restarted before I started up Locus since the last time it was used.

Hope this might be useful. Thanks for your help.


Is your Locus folder on the int SD or ext SD? Because this is what changed with the API 30 enforcement by Google ...

Also: do you have a complex Locus install? Non recoverable expensive extra maps, ...? Or would it be feasible to delete and re-install Locus ?


It is all on internal memory; no separate SD card.

It shouldn't be too hard to reinstall and I did back it all up not too long ago. I have quite a few Lomaps and other maps as well as a load of saved points and routes but I can copy all the maps off to a PC to restore them afterwards.

I guess that might be the best way to go. I presume I can just install it then download from Google Play and install again then copy back my points, routes and maps to where they were? Any gotchas I might find?

Thanks for your help.


Do not miss to make a new FULL backup, which includes the tracks and points as well - and copy to PC, just to be safe.

Then you can use this backup zip file to restore via Locus backup manager.

You can also just delete the data of the app (Android feature).

A de-install may also ask you if you want to keep data for later.

Yet, the more you keep, the higher the risk that the error situation is preserved.

Kind of trade-off ...


Yes, of course my backup will have to be done 'manually' with a file manager because I can't get into Locus to use its backup facility.

I'll back up everything and restore it one thing at a time. A task for tomorrow I think!




I have managed to get it working. Did a backup but then all I had to do was clear all the data and restart Locus. It then informed me about the need to move all the data due to changes for Android 11 and went through the process of moving everything. It all still seems to be intact. Good explanation of the reason behind it in the message.

The only thing which hasn't quite worked is that my settings such as buttons and panels have not been restored. Not a big problem but is there a settings file with that information which can be edited to restore them?

Many thanks.


Mainly great news, Neil - glad to read that.

Do you happen to have a - maybe older - zip file with a settings back up. So you would not start from zero manually.

If you copy that to the intSD backup folder, Locus should be able to import it. I saw that working even between different Locus version.

Good luck and cheers



Hi Michael,

I did import an old settings backup and it seemed to restore it ok.

But now I notice that when I start Locus there is a message "Problem with custom directory for data/strm" but it does start up ok. If I go to Settings - Miscellaneous - Set Custom Sub-directories it shows srtm and mapsVector to be invalid (see screenshot) and won't allow me to change them. It does seem to work however - including vector maps and altitudes.


Hi Zdenek,

It will not allow me to set these directories. Screenshot attached.

Original installation had everything in /Locus but I didn't use any custom folders for srtm or mapsVector. It was moved when I restarted Locus after doing clear all data. I did make a backup folder in srtm when I was trying to solve the original WW15MGH.DAC problem at the top of this thread but it was deleted later. All the srtm data is now in the srtm folder. I don't see any other copies anywhere.


Hi Zdenek,

It seems to work ok but the message "problem with custom directory for data/strm" still appears at startup. This may have happened when I restored a backup which was saved from the old Android file structure. That folder does not exist now. I have never used an SD card - the phone has 128GB so no need. But I did have an SD on my old phone. I have not tried to restore any other backups.

It's not a big problem now though - just a little bit annoying!


Thank you Zdenek and your colleagues at Locus. That was a quick solution and I look forward to the next version.



That looks WEIRD, tbh. And I think there is a programming glitch producing such paths for display.

You say that altitude works fine ? Do you know where SRTM is in reality? And where are the vector maps?


srtm is in Android/data/ which seems good. mapsVector similar ...files/Locus/mapsVector


OK, this is why things do work correctly.

And the only limitation is that you cannot change the location for those 2 categories.

As long as you are not running into space limitations on intSD, that's nothing but annoyance. Not nice, but no harm.


Yes, that's what I thought.

I was hoping there was a nice editable config file with the custom folder entries in it which could be deleted to stop the error message but couldn't find anything. I can live with it now.

I'm wondering if it was caused by the restore from the older zip backup?


That could be, but only Menion could check that.

He is very busy, though, to get a better response to the Google API 30 mess.


Yeah, no problem. Thanks for your help and information, Michael.

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