Pictures not saved shared this problem 2 years ago

Hi guys, want to report an issue on saving images, linked to a waypoint: when taking new pics it quickly looses the link to the new pic:

Locus Classic 3.61.0, OnePlus 6T

I have taken a zillion pics to waypoints in recent years using Locus classic. And now recently I find out that some of my pics are gone, oops. I look at the WP and no more pics, or few are gone.

So I want to update an existing waypoint, while on survey for OSM, by adding pics taken on the spot. Yesterday I got to a location and took 3 pics: select the WP, edit it, '+', add a pic and take the picture. It is shown in the listing of the WP. I leave the WP and select it again: pic is gone! In one occasion, I had to repeat 3 times before Locus persisted the pic. Shaky behaviour that, to my opinion as heavy user, was introduced recently.

I went in to my phone and checked on that 3 attempts: the pics are actually present in the Locus dir, files/Locus/data/media/photo. So somehow the DB update is dropped meanwhile.

I now am forced to repeatedly recheck while using Locus in the field: clumsy. Tnx for attending!

Replies (3)


To add: I am suspecting this issue occurs when 'editing' an existing WP (rename the WP, different dir and add pics), and not so much when creating a new WP and adding a few pics at the same time.

So to repeat, what exactly do I do: I am an OSM Mapper, and use Locus for that purpose: I have enormous amount of WP's, stored in different directories and some represent 'action points': I want to visit the location and update the WP there: I 'edit' the WP: I move it to another dir, sometime update the WP name, and sometimes add a few pics of that spot. And that adding of a pic, via Locus, recently started failing on me sometimes. Just checked that locus 'photo 'dir and I see some 3000 pics made in past years. Did not have this problem before. Tnx!


Typo in original post (I cannot edit any more): phone is a OnePlus 8T (and not an old 6T). It runs Android 11.


Pls allow me to ask when the fix is released: I am using Locus Pro as daily driver, but using the app is now having risk of loosing data: yesterday I lost several important pics, while not checking. Tnx.

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