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Same button, different meanings

Lex Wedemeijer shared this question 10 years ago

For navigation, there is a button that looks like two arrows pointing diagonally upward into a small circle. But this button invokes different functions, which ones seems to depend on its screen position. Sometimes it activates search. Sometimes it lets you toggle screen options. Rarely does it pop up with the functions I am looking for (navigation for return route). I need these functions in the right-hand pop-up. How to achieve that?

Replies (6)


Hello Lex,

are you looking for a button 'Guide On reverse' visible on screenshot below?


If so, then this bottom menu may be achieved by tap on any track on a map.


Hello Menion,

Yes this is exactly what I am looking for BUT there are issues!!

(1) "Tap on Track on Map" => TOO DIFFICULT while on the move! See my earlier issue "Tapping on route". So I would like this button on the optional right-hand pane .... but

(2) this button is overloaded with other functions. When added to the right-hand pane, it will NOT show the functions of your image (Navigate, Guide on, Reverse) but others instead! Please can I get a button in the right-hand pane with these 3 desired function??


Hmm and how it may be done? Because what you see in top part of bottom panel, is context menu for currently tapped track. In case you'll have more tracks on screen at once (more then common situation), there is firstly need to select with which track you want to work.

So I see no simple possibility how to place this button to right panel. And shortcut you may add into right panel has small clear description in list of buttons - "Quick way to start guide on a single point by your choice". So it's a little bit different function.


Menion wrote:

Hmm and how it may be done? Because what you see in top part of bottom panel, is context menu for currently tapped track. In case you'll have more tracks on screen at once (more then common situation), there is firstly need to select with which track you want to work.

So I see no simple possibility how to place this button to right panel. And shortcut you may add into right panel has small clear description in list of buttons - "Quick way to start guide on a single point by your choice". So it's a little bit different function.

Hello Menion,

I understand your point when there is more than 1 track on screen (never with us: we go to one place, not to different places at once :-)). So perhaps Reverse all tracks ?

Description "Quick way to start guide on a single point by your choice" is not clear to me: is it "Quick way to start guide. On a single point by your choice". Or is it "Quick way to start 'GUIDE-ON' a single point by your choice". Moreover, this function duplicates the ordinary Navigation button?

<B.T.W. I use other language in my Locus version - translation is a cause of less clear descriptions>


Hello Lex,

sorry for a three months delay, I completely forget to answer.

Not sure now, if all is clear or not. Some changes were made since 3.5.0 version in selecting of tracks and points, so maybe these changes satisfy your needs? Hope so :).


Thank you Menion for reply. I will check latest version of Locus Free in next two weeks.

There is still the issue about tapping the route to invoke option menu. Last time I tried, the option menu did not appear the first 99 times I tried tapping.... frustrated....

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