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Point alert - Points folder

Peter Schmitt shared this problem 17 months ago


when using Point-Alert I can only activate/deactivate POI-folders. Unfortunately it is not possible to activate/deactivate points inside the folder directly from Point-Alert-Dialogue. This seems to be a bug. I expect clicking on the folders name to open the folder and show POI inside that folder.

Kind regards from Germany

Peter S.

Replies (2)


Hi Peter,

Locus Map has always alerted of whole folders, not individual points. If you want to alert of individual points, create a special alert folder and move the points into it.


Hello Michal,

I am aware, that point alert is "folder based". You will be "informed" about all active points inside the specified (marked) folder when in range. Thats okay!

At present I can only mark which folder should be monitored. But if the points inside these folder are inactive I will get no notification. So I have to leave the menue and switch over to Points-Manager in order to activate the points.

I would like to have the opportunity to activate these points from inside the Points-Alert menue. It should be possible to "jump" inside the folder directly from the place where I can mark/unmark the POI-Folders

I Hope, that my question is more clear now.

kind regards

Peter S.


Hi Peter,

your idea makes sense, thanks for it. You can expect it done in the next app version.


Okidoki, thank you so much. Locus saves my live everyday :-)

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