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Can't get rid of a found-smiley icon on a cache

popescu shared this problem 10 years ago
Not a Problem

It happened to me a few times that I logged a wrong cache by mistake. When I then delete the log and update the cache in Locus, I can't get rid of the smiley. Locus still thinks I've found the cahce even after the update.

The same happens when I export a found cache and send it in a friend's phone via bluetooth. When they update the cache I've found - but in their phone being logged in under a different account - they are stuck with the smiley from me even though they didn't find it themselves.

Replies (11)


hello popescu,

sorry, but I'm unable to simulate this problem. When I tap on

log a cache > log (any method) > create found log = result is that icon change to yellow smiley. Then after

log a cache > tap on existing log > delete = icon change back to it's original icon.

Is same happen to you? If not, may you please write me exact steps, what you do?


No, I have a different problem:

1) log a cache as found at

2) update the cache in Locus -> yellow smiley in Locus

3) delete the found log AT

4) update the cache in Locus - yellow smiley in Locus still there and not disappearing though there's no found log now


1) log a cache in Locus as foud |OR| log a cache as found at and update it in Locus -> yellow smiley in Locus

2) export the cache with the yellow smiley and send it to a friend's phone via bluetooth

3) now my friend sees the cache with the yellow smiley even though he didn't find it or log it as found (in both Locus and


Hmm there's needed to delete "found log" also in Locus, not just on


if geocache is in locus mark as "found", it's also exported as "found", so you firstly have to remove "found log" in Locus itself before export as I wrote in previous step.


How do I remove "found it" log in Locus?

My point was the Locus should check with for up-to-date data and remove the found-it flag / smiley on its own if it finds out there's no "found it" log on


You should look on it in opposite way. There should be not yet any "Found log" on, but you should alredy have "Found log" in Locus (for example by import new pocket query where will be already found cache, but not yet logged online).

So it's important, to keep "found" state on both places same.

How to delete it - open a cache, tap top right menu > "Log a visit", and at bottom should be existing logs for this cache.


I'm afraid the existing logs are not there. There are just fieldnotes created after the new fieldnote addon was installed, but when I look at some older caches I have stored in my phone and marked as found, there's no found log to be deleted, at least not in the "log a visit" menu as you describe.


Oki, this is correct.

But tell me, why you should normally wants to remove "found" icon in this case? Usually if you made a mistake, you may delete you log immediately, which will remove this smiley.

Possible solution as I see it, is only create a new "Found log" in this case and then immediately delete it. But it's really a stupid in case, you need to do it for more caches. But as I wrote, I don't still see reason why to do in in common work with Locus.


The practical use would be when I had mistaken a cache for a different one and I accidentally logged it as found and then couldn't get rid of the smiley even after deleting the log at

Another case was when I shared a cache with a friend and she was stuck with the smiley as well.

I keep thinking of it as a bug since it doesn't reflect the

reality of the respective account even after updating the cache, so I reported it.

But I do admit these are not issues that a common user would face every now and then.


As I wrote here - . I think it's important to look at it also from opposite side.

What you want means, that when you during a week caching log 100 caches as found but only "offline"!! then when in hotel you update all caches, your "Found" smiley icon will be lost, because on all caches won't yet be found, but in Locus will. It make sense, isn't it?


Well, actually, I could say that Locus could / should check the status at while updating every cache and if you are uploading field notes and thus logging the caches, Locus could show the smiley faces based on the new status at

However, I do see now that the whole thing is not really an issue and I already feel bad for posting it as a problem in the first place, so I don't feel that confident in advocating it. As far as I'm concerned, I'm convinced :)


I beleive that when Locus update a cache by Geocaching4Locus add-on, it correctly update cache state to "found".

Anyway hope you have existing solution how to remove "found" smiley from a cache and thanks for understaning.

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