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Different date (Locus vs. GC site)

skubko shared this problem 13 years ago

today, I found in one geocache different date of log than it is on GC site. I had imported the cache into Locus using addon "Geocaching4Locus".

Date on GC site:

Date in Locus:

Replies (28)



maybe this has something to do with different time zones?

30th November and 1st December are pretty close together. is served from the USA and you are located in Europe (at least I assume so). There are 6 to 9 hours time difference which makes a proximatly 33% chance to get the wrong date...

I am not a geocacher, but maybe there is an option from within the user accounts settings on for setting your personal time zone?

Cheers, berkley


Hi Berkley,

Thanks for your reply. I am not sure about this, but I think it should not be the case. It is not a "real-time" problem. The log is there already for a long time. When I look at the GC page, it shows something else that it shows when I download that cache via Locus add-on. I have to say that I did not test it with GPX file (export from GC, import into Locus). I can try if necessary...




I still think Berkley might be right. Let`s assume the cache was stored in Europe e.g. 5am on December, 1st. This results in 8pm-11pm on November, 30th US time.


This issue is reported not just here but also on forum and on one geocaching forum and finally also on email from Robert

When I upload the notes using your Live API and then display them by clicking on "Field Notes" at the top of my profile page, I get a list of 30 field notes but the time is displayed in PST (Groundspeak`s local time) which is seven hours behind me. For example I logged a cache at 18:05 UTC, your txt file shows it as 18:05 but it appears as 11:05 in the list.

However when I uploaded the .txt file it displays the time one hour ahead of us. The same find would show the time as 19:05.

I was investigation and seems to be a global problem on servers, for example this topic

So, what to do with it when uploading txt file display different (also by one hour incorrect) time compare to direct upload ... ehh, hard work


I think that this issue still exist and I`m really curious why this issue do not have more stars :)

Would you guys be interested in solving? I`ll need some help from other timezones then UTM. After what i read, I think that there is need to use different times in all cases, so when logging directly, uploading field notes directly or manually by file. Have anyone experiences with wrong times? Thanks


I have same problem, not shifted by day, but 2hrs

Ive uploaded gcFieldNotes manually

GCGCGC,2012-05-03T19:00Z,Found it,"my fieldnote"

in gc web was date&time set to 03 May 2012 21:00:00


i have selected GMT+1 ( Prague ) and Adjust for Daylight Savings Time


I cant see timezone settings in locus. When i set timezone to GMT and uncheck daylight saving times goes fine. Im not sure that GC expect times in GMT+0 and i think that fieldnotes should be "recomputed" to gmt+0


I am from Slovakia, so I also have GMT+1 set up in the GC settings. But what I reported here is not relevant to Field notes - there is the difference only in hours, probably depending on the timezones like it was said earlier (I would have to check it as this is not my originally reported issue).

My originally reported issue is the time difference between GC page and Geocache POI downloaded via Geocaching4Locus. This week I have noticed a much higher difference (3 days!) between those dates. Please check out the and take a look at the log of one cacher called - "lienka". There you can see the date 28/4/2012. When I use Geocaching4Locus to update the cache and I loook into the "Logs" tab, there the date for the same log entry is 1/5/2012. 3 days difference....


@skubko is your date and time received from network or set manually ? What contain gcFieldnotes.txt in locus folder ? Is there time ok ?

3 days is too much :)


I repeat myself - I am not concerned about Field notes, therefore checking that file is useless, but never mind... I checked it for you - My gcFieldNotes.txt had correct date and time - exactly the same date/time as I have chosen during the logging process (my local time). When I used GC Live to Upload that field note and I check it now on the GC page, there is 6 hours less (I had 13.58, GC page shows 7:58; the same day)... My date time set up in cell phone is also not relevant, but I tried both - network and set manually, of course no change...


guys, wait with next discussion. i`m glad you`re interested in fixing. There is really some mess on groundspeak site (they say it also) but I have already allowed to test logging on one friend cache so I`ll start with it next week and let you know about progress.

Anyway I think that it will "only" need to recompute time based on method you use for sending on web.


@Menion - thank you very much, looking forward to it.. if you need anything (e.g. for testing pursposes), let me know...


so first testing show that there are differences between way how you get field note to web

1. if you upload gcFieldNotes.txt file, then time from file is too as time in UTC+0!! and time is shifted by timezone value in your profile

example: I logged at 12:00 pm UTC+2 (summer time in Prague). In gcFieldNotes.txt I have time 12:00, by uploaded file make time 14:00 (I have in profile timezone +2)

2. if you post field note from locus to field note part in your GC profile, then your time is took as UTC+0! - 8 hours to pacific time PST + your timezone

example: my previous cache was marked as found at 6:00, because 12:00 - 8h + 2h to my timezone

so best seems to be

1. add to Field note dialog ability to set timezone. Then after storing field not locally, store it as time in UTC+0!. When you upload it, it will be converted to your timezone. When you`ll send field note from Locus directly (by GC API), then I should send this file as UTC+8, because they`ll reduce it by 8h (or 7h in DST) and then add your timezone in profile, correct? Hope so :)


Yes, for Field notes this sounds good. But what about my actually reported issue? It will not fix that, will it?... I use Geocaching4Locus to download cachces + to update existing caches. After this "Update cache" option, the dates are different than on GC page... and that is what bothers me :(


it`s really total mess on groundspeak side ...

so unreported but more serious issue with invalid times from field notes when logging should be fixed now

I`m just looking on issue you reported and see no problem in Locus. What about times on geocaching site. Is 30.11. correct date? It depend if on page is displayed time in UTC or our UTC+1. In Locus should be time correctly in your timezone, so if you`ve phone set to UTC+1 (+ summer time), it should be in this time


I do not know if 30.11 is the correct date, I do not know the owner of that log entry... but I have noticed this behavior in different logs where it is really confusing sometimes. Let me give you another example, where I do not believe it can be caused by UTC +- time shifting as the difference between those dates is huge:

Cache downloaded by Geocaching4Locus:

The same cache on the GC site:


Why not to contact author of G4L plugin ?


fine, I found that problem have to be in add-on. Author contacted ...


thank you very much...



Problem found. :) It doesn`t have nothing to do with Timezone as all of you think.

G4L get two date from Live Geocaching API. The first one is date when a cache is logged on Geocaching site and the second one is date when the cache is physically founded (or visited).

As you expect G4L use the first one. :) So I will fix it and sorry for that.


so two date/time issues will get fixed (field notes + G4L), great :).. thank you both...


guys, do you have any experience with times in last version? Times of logs, times of cache logged directly from Locus, by field notes on computer, by uploading field notes to web? (every way use different system i discovered but all should works correctly now). Thanks!


I have used the field notes and I uploaded them via Geocaching Live. The times were correct, thank you for that! However, I am still waiting for the fix of G4L by Arcao - date-time of logs....


perfect, thanks. So we`ll close this when all issue will be fixed .. just for sure


Arcao fixed the date-time issue with log entries, great, thank you both once again. This ticket can be closed now...


perfect, "issue" closed


This app still have the same problem, like is written above. Where in this f...g app I can set time zone? Because when Ground Speak make some changes on webpages, is it still problem with online upload of fieldnotes to with the set time. When I tried it with exported fieldnotes to txt file, and upload it directly to webpage, there wasn´t any problem. Date and time is correct!


Hi Radoslav,

seems you have the same problem already discussed here. The problem should be fixed in next verion of Locus.


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