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Bei Übertragung des Hauptverzeichnisses abgestürtz

Hermann Dammann shared this problem 22 months ago

Guten Tag

Beim Versuch, das Hauptverzeichnis auf meine SD-Karte zu verschieben ist LOCUS abgestürzt. Es erscheint die Fehlermeldung: Hoppla! / buX, code: 12521 beim Start von LOCUS , kurz vorher "Wiederherstellung der unvollendeten Übertragung des Hauptverzeichnisses" .

Was kann ich tun, damit LOCUS wieder läuft und alle meine gekauften Offlinekarten weiterhin zur Verfügung stehen?

Die Offlinekarten sind auf der SD-Karte abgelegt, das musste ich jeweils immer nach App-Updates wieder einrichten, hat aber sonst nie Probleme gegeben.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Antwort

Hermann Dammann

Replies (8)



please, send me screenshots form these screens:

"Menu > About the app/Helpdesk > About the app"

"Menu > Settings > Misc. > Default directories > Set custom sub-directories"

Thank you.

Zdenek, Locus team


Thank you for your quick Answer.

But I can't send any Screenshots from the Locus-App, because it is not possible

to start the App. The messages, I wrote from apear bevor the App ist started.

Maybe I have to new install, but I would of course like, that all my Offline-Maps

will be save after and I can use them again.

I use a SAMSUNG - Phone Galaxy S5 mini, rather old, with OS-Lollypop on it.

Thank you for Answer

Hermann Dammann

Kernstrasse 16 CH-8406 Winterthur +41(0)52 202 88 52 +41(0)79 321 07 27 


You can take a screenshot of any app.
This will then be saved in your gallery.


Yes, I could, if the App would start, but it does not.

Thanks for your Answer


Kernstrasse 16 CH-8406 Winterthur +41(0)52 202 88 52 +41(0)79 321 07 27 


You should back up your data first. Do you have a backup? If you do, you can still connect the phone to the PC and search for the folder with the Locus files in File Explorer.
Copy this folder.
Also see if there is a 2nd one in a different location.


Guten Tag again

I have copied all files of LOCUS out of S5Mini to a container on my computer (see attachements).

There are also two Screenshots out of the S5Mini during and after the start-atempt of Locus-App

on the phone.

So, I hope you can give me advice what to do next.

Thank you


Kernstrasse 16 CH-8406 Winterthur +41(0)52 202 88 52 +41(0)79 321 07 27 



if you have the Locus folder backed up on your PC, probably the best will be to reinstall the whole app now.

Uninstall Locus and delete all Locus files which remain on your phone.

Then install it from Google Play and use recommended settings (private folder in internal memory).

If everything will be installed properly, you can rewrite the newly created "locus" folder with the original one on your PC.

Please, let me know if it helps.

Zdenek, Locus team


Hello again

So far it ist fixed again. But (of course) there are several preferences are not as bevore.

But I will fix them. Also all waypoints have disapeared. Not so important.

Thank you aniway for your help, and I was very surprised that you answered so quickly. I did

not expect that.

Have a good time


Kernstrasse 16 CH-8406 Winterthur +41(0)52 202 88 52 +41(0)79 321 07 27 

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