Locus slows down and eventually crashes when going off route

Jon Reed shared this problem 13 months ago

When following a route I occasionally deviate from this. If I don't get back on the route quickly and Locus has to keep recalculating, or if I go too far away from the original route, Locus just gets the hump and crashes. This is usually preceded by the app getting slower and slower - the announcement is made about recalculating the route, but the more it has to do this without me following it, the slower and slower the screen takes to come on and eventually it just crashes.

If I go too far off a route then the same happens.

Samsung s21 Ultra 512gb

Locus 4.21.1

Android 14

Replies (18)


Hi Jon,

what router and routing profile do you use? Please, check it in settings > navigation > router.


Hi Michael,

I use Lorouter offline.


Thanks, could you please also send a GPX of a route that makes such problems recalculating? What routing profile do you use? What priority? Route or point/destination?


I used a mix of Touring and Economical - the router tends to get the traffic levels wrong in India and classes very very quiet roads as busy and avoids them for cycling. To get round this I use economical where necessary.

Route priority at 100m

This doesn't just happen in India though. I had it happen a few times last summer in the UK and I would only have used the cycling profile there.

The main issue with it is that you aren't aware it's crashed, so you can quite easily cycle on for a few Kms before thinking I better check the map and you find the app closed.

Hope this helps.


Hi Jon,

thanks for the sample route. Unfortunately, we are unable to replicate the issue and nobody else has reported a similar one. Could you please make a bugreport when the app crashes again? See how to do it: Thanks.


I have to say I noticed this as well. In my case, when navigating at premade track, where I had to take a different route from the track for some parts? This tended to make the app slow and/or crash.... When I notice it in time restarting the navigation seems to help. Using Lorouter offline, route priority, strict route following (I usually want to follow the premade track as closely as possible, but sometimes you need to deviate quite a bit, hence these settings).


Advisable: Unset strict route.


Yes, I did that now, as searching for some info with this problem I read it doesn't do what I thought it would do, will try without next time I ride. In my defense, the description in the app "Navigate along the route without shortcuts or optimization" does sound like it would do what I wanted it to do, eg stick to the predetermined path as much as possible :-)


What phone are you using letlesAai? I'm on a Samsung S21 Ultra and wondered if perhaps it was hardware related?


Using a Samsung Galaxy S22 with Android 14.


👍 Perhaps it's Samsung specific? I've got some shorter rides coming up in a week and will engineer a route so it crashes and submit that and see what Locus make of it all.


I also had it happen again today, but didn't notice until I was well off route. Locus doesn't always notify you correctly of turns in India, so if it thinks the road bends around to the right but it is in fact a t junction you can go sailing on and then when you check the app it's closed. Unfortunately it's 37C here at the moment and the last thing I want to do is wait 15 minutes creating a debug report before I can get back underway. I'll have to wait until it's cooler or a shorter ride before I do that.


And again today, fortunately as we diverted off the track to a cafe so I was able to send a bug report via email.


Hi Jon,

thanks for the bug report sent in a private ticket. Its analysis revealed that the operating system goes "out of memory" due to Locus Map and kills it - this can be prevented by activating only such routes/tracks and points that you actually need for the activity. When too much data is activated, the app loses performance. Otherwise, we couldn't find anything else that would cause the app to crash.


Michal, Locus team


Hi Michal,

Thanks for the reply and update. I've noticed how having many tracks visible slows Locus down for a while and I don't keep many visible anymore. I've also hidden my POI too to be safe.

I'll retest this with only the current track visible, how many tracks can Locus handle open? My tracks are usually under 85km and I'd have may be 4 open if I hadn't been tidying up and hiding them. Would that have caused the memory issue?

Is there any other area that memory could be lost through my settings?

Many thanks.



Perhaps I should add that I have well over 250 tracks not visible and a few thousand POI's not visible too. Would that number have any affect?


Hi Jon,

tracks or point in the database that are not displayed on the map screen do not affect the app's performance. A few other factors do, see more at


I've followed that link thank you. But locus crashed again today, when I went off route.

Would you be able to clarify a question about the memory please.

My Samsung has 16gb RAM.

Locus (according to the developer options Memory usage) has used a maximum of .91gb memory.

I'd closed all apps apart from locus and trackme (100mb RAM) and there were obviously some background stuff going on.

The free memory was 6.1gb. Even with Locus using 1gb there should have been 5gb left.

I don't understand how Locus is running out of memory when there's appears to be a huge amount of spare memory for it to work in? Does android cap an apps memory usage?



Test by turning off auto recalculation. Navigate and use map view to decide how to return to the traject. (Turn off strict navigation). Check if Locus gets slower when you leave the track and than return.


Ooo, that's a good idea.


I think Istarted out with it off, but I think I also had problems when doing that that when you return to the route, the navigation didn't resume at all - stayed at the question mark, and then also the total amount left etc didn't update, but will retest.

That said, with strict route off so far I haven't had the problem again.


I don't have strict route on and still have the issue.


That's helpful thank you. I've got 16gb of RAM, would other apps using the RAM affect it too? I do use layers a lot though so think this may be half the problem. Strava heat maps in India is extremely useful along with Google maps.


Hi Jon,

we are very sorry but after days of testing and analyzing, we can't find anything that could cause the crash and memory leakage. We've dealt with this kind of issue before (some 2 yrs ago) with another user but again, without any result. Fortunately for other users, this issue is so rare. Unfortunately for you, we can't find a solution. I can offer you a refund of your Premium subscription.


Hi Michal,

Thanks for the offer of a refund, but I'll still use Locus to do my routing as I have used it since you launched it and really like it, so I think accepting a refund would be dishonest of me! But thank you.

I had it crash again today whilst going off route - I had locus maps with the Strava heat maps overlay. The previous day I used Google maps as my base map with Heatmaps on top with no route recalculation and it didn't crash at all as I went off route. It's done this before I discovered overlays and other maps, so I would in the past have just been using locus maps and no overlays.

It seems to be to do with the recalculation rather than the maps. Go off route once and it is fine, continue off route and it keeps trying to recalulate and eventually dies.

Turn off route recalculation and it doesn't crash. Or at least hasn't done for me so far.

Thanks for trying to find it too!


Jon, I suggested not using automatic recalculation as I have long noted that this function is very "ramshackle".


That's my plan now.


Today I turned off recalculation, used Google maps as my main map with Strava heat maps as an overlay and went off route many many times. It would usually have crashed for each of these extended deviations, but happily carried on with no problems all day.

It's obviously the recalculation that's causing the issues..


If you turn off recalculation, does it correctly resume navigation once you're back on the track?

I'm also considering just using guidance for when I am just following a track, seems to also get a better batery life as I guess it is less cpu intensive : -)


Yes it resumed fine today.


Hi guys,

in the next app version, I believe this problem will be (finally) fixed. The issue was indeed caused by the incorrect setup of the recalculated route and had an effect on the available memory. The new version is planned after two weeks, or it may already be tested in the latest Beta version.


Excellent! Thank you!

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