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HR Monitor + audio coach add-on
If Locus will support HR monitors (bluetooth / ant+) it would be nice to make some add-on for create workouts.Endomondo and other apps can only record and publish your result but it`s not possible prepare some, for example basic interval training. Garmind Edge/ Forunner series could do that but when I heave Locus and Xperia Activ and Ant+ sensors I would like leave my Garmin on the shlef and use phone:)
Hi guys,
I glad that I may close this most wanted task here on help desk. Hope you find a simple training manager useful!
There is of course space for some improvements. I'll try to collect a few more ideas with more votes and then improve it all at once ;). Feel free to publish and mainly VOTE! for ideas here on help desk and use tag "Training manager", to keep similar idea together.
Hi guys,
I glad that I may close this most wanted task here on help desk. Hope you find a simple training manager useful!
There is of course space for some improvements. I'll try to collect a few more ideas with more votes and then improve it all at once ;). Feel free to publish and mainly VOTE! for ideas here on help desk and use tag "Training manager", to keep similar idea together.
Guys, also please don`t forget to make locus supported speed and cadence sensors using ant+!
Guys, also please don`t forget to make locus supported speed and cadence sensors using ant+!
Yes, ant+ support will be great!
Yes, ant+ support will be great!
I`m voting for Ant+ too, its much more reliable than Bluetooth.
I`m voting for Ant+ too, its much more reliable than Bluetooth.
didn`t had this idea at morning around 9 votes? Interesting ...
Seems, I`ll have to do something with it soon :)
didn`t had this idea at morning around 9 votes? Interesting ...
Seems, I`ll have to do something with it soon :)
Oh yeap! :)
Please consider the following use case:
Everyday bike wokrout
1. I have installed ANT+ sensors on my bike, e.g. speed and cadence
2. I have HRM sensor and wear it
3. I pair them to an android phone
4. I launch the locus application
5. I chose a track or start record workout track
6. I open custom screen with the following widgets: current speed, overal speed, distance, cadence and HRM
7. I do my workout, using my android phone as a bike computer.
Oh yeap! :)
Please consider the following use case:
Everyday bike wokrout
1. I have installed ANT+ sensors on my bike, e.g. speed and cadence
2. I have HRM sensor and wear it
3. I pair them to an android phone
4. I launch the locus application
5. I chose a track or start record workout track
6. I open custom screen with the following widgets: current speed, overal speed, distance, cadence and HRM
7. I do my workout, using my android phone as a bike computer.
ANT+ support once more !
Bike lovers will all switch to this app then and forget about buying expensive toys.
Speed, cadence and HR sensors - it`s what everyone needs (this summer...)
ANT+ support once more !
Bike lovers will all switch to this app then and forget about buying expensive toys.
Speed, cadence and HR sensors - it`s what everyone needs (this summer...)
I would also support this, since I already have the sensors, but my phone does not support Ant+, and my understanding was that it is only the Sony Xperia phones that currently do.
I would also support this, since I already have the sensors, but my phone does not support Ant+, and my understanding was that it is only the Sony Xperia phones that currently do.
Please develop ANT+, it`s true not many phone have it, but many bikers are buying the xperia active , a great device with ant+ !
Please develop ANT+, it`s true not many phone have it, but many bikers are buying the xperia active , a great device with ant+ !
Iḿ also voting for ANT+ support.
Iḿ also voting for ANT+ support.
I have Neo V. Can BETA test!
I have Neo V. Can BETA test!
Is there any progress on ANT+? I would love this feature!
Is there any progress on ANT+? I would love this feature!
not yet. Even it`s most wanted feature, I wasn`t able to do it till version 2.7.0. Update of databases that was in 2.7.0 version, was partially also because of this. Current system is able to store some HRM data into database.
Before I`ll start work on it, there remain some main tasks to do. I need updated charts to also display these values (or chart isn`t required? If not, better for me) and also some "dashboard" so you may see it .. somewhere
not yet. Even it`s most wanted feature, I wasn`t able to do it till version 2.7.0. Update of databases that was in 2.7.0 version, was partially also because of this. Current system is able to store some HRM data into database.
Before I`ll start work on it, there remain some main tasks to do. I need updated charts to also display these values (or chart isn`t required? If not, better for me) and also some "dashboard" so you may see it .. somewhere
For me the most important thing would be just to be able to record HR along GPS to TCX or GPX file. Just that "basic" function would suffice for starters. Than with progress additional features would be nice.
But just to see Heart Rate support would defintely draw some attention from Endomondo/Runtastic etc users. Some folks just want raw data without too much bling,bling.
For me the most important thing would be just to be able to record HR along GPS to TCX or GPX file. Just that "basic" function would suffice for starters. Than with progress additional features would be nice.
But just to see Heart Rate support would defintely draw some attention from Endomondo/Runtastic etc users. Some folks just want raw data without too much bling,bling.
PS. Let me know if You need some gear to test on. Got SE neo v and nexus 7 with ant+ usb dongle supported by usb otg.
PS. Let me know if You need some gear to test on. Got SE neo v and nexus 7 with ant+ usb dongle supported by usb otg.
hmm thanks for offer. I anyway plan to buy some older working stuff. I need to have this at home in case of problems. May you (or others) suggest any cheap, frequently used BT device? (I don`t have SE, so Bluetooth is needed)
hmm thanks for offer. I anyway plan to buy some older working stuff. I need to have this at home in case of problems. May you (or others) suggest any cheap, frequently used BT device? (I don`t have SE, so Bluetooth is needed)
Do you mean BT heart rate strap?
Do you mean BT heart rate strap?
Just HR? What about speed/cadence (and eventually power sensor)? Locus would be the first and only android cartographic navigator with full ant+ support!
For the HR a chart would be great, but not really necessary, the important feature is recording HR (and cadence) into gpx or tcx.
Just HR? What about speed/cadence (and eventually power sensor)? Locus would be the first and only android cartographic navigator with full ant+ support!
For the HR a chart would be great, but not really necessary, the important feature is recording HR (and cadence) into gpx or tcx.
hmm I need small explanations please
Bluetooth HR, like this for example, record heard cadence and speed, right?
What is then difference to ANT+?
It`s only way how device communicated with your phone right? But information are quite similar (or same). Am I understanding correctly?
So my idea is just to purchase for example above device and add support for this. When it will work, I should borrow from someone phone + monitor with ANT+ support, and just add possibility to read also from this sensor, correct?
hmm I need small explanations please
Bluetooth HR, like this for example, record heard cadence and speed, right?
What is then difference to ANT+?
It`s only way how device communicated with your phone right? But information are quite similar (or same). Am I understanding correctly?
So my idea is just to purchase for example above device and add support for this. When it will work, I should borrow from someone phone + monitor with ANT+ support, and just add possibility to read also from this sensor, correct?
Well. To be honest with you. BT heart rate strap is a dinosaur tech today. And I mean standard 2.0 BT. It`s high energy consumption prevents from using it normally and signal is unstable to say the least. It`s just not reliable.
What I would suggest You to focus on is BT 4.0 (aka BT SMART, BLE, BT SMART READY) it`s a BT but with low energy consumption. It will be the competition for the ant+ in the nearest future. These two data formats stream mainly Heart rate and heart rate variability. I would not worry about the speed and cadence in zephyr because they are calculated from accelerometer. You can do it on any android device.
So to conclude.
ANT+ needs ant+ chip to communicate with android.
BT heart rate strap (old tech) needs simple bt chip to communicate.
BLE needs bt 4.0. That will be the best bet for you to focus on. (See iphone 4s and 5, they have and use it succesfully)
I mean there is a lot of info on the subject. If you want I can get you all the info by email. Too much spamming here i guess :)
Well. To be honest with you. BT heart rate strap is a dinosaur tech today. And I mean standard 2.0 BT. It`s high energy consumption prevents from using it normally and signal is unstable to say the least. It`s just not reliable.
What I would suggest You to focus on is BT 4.0 (aka BT SMART, BLE, BT SMART READY) it`s a BT but with low energy consumption. It will be the competition for the ant+ in the nearest future. These two data formats stream mainly Heart rate and heart rate variability. I would not worry about the speed and cadence in zephyr because they are calculated from accelerometer. You can do it on any android device.
So to conclude.
ANT+ needs ant+ chip to communicate with android.
BT heart rate strap (old tech) needs simple bt chip to communicate.
BLE needs bt 4.0. That will be the best bet for you to focus on. (See iphone 4s and 5, they have and use it succesfully)
I mean there is a lot of info on the subject. If you want I can get you all the info by email. Too much spamming here i guess :)
Hi, the belt transmit only the HR, (the speed and DISTANCE advertised, are provided by the phone`gps, so some kind of false advertising), but no cadence nor speed.
BT belts, like that one from zephyr and the one from polar (that works well, but only wit BT4 devices) transmits only HR, they are popular among runners.
On the other hand there are ANT+ devices, popular among bikers (garmin standard). ANT+ is a different wireless protocol, only few xperia phone have native ant+ support (xperia active is the more popular) but there are ant+ dongle available.
Among bikers are widespread HR ant+ belts, and also speed/cadence sensors (mainly from garmin), a s/c sensor is mounted on the bike, near the rear wheel and transmit data from the wheel (speed) and from the crank (cadence).
There are also power sensors (very expensive, >1000€) also mounted on the bike, as now I think only ipbike through ipsensorman support these on android, but it`s not a cartographic app, only gps recording.
Hi, the belt transmit only the HR, (the speed and DISTANCE advertised, are provided by the phone`gps, so some kind of false advertising), but no cadence nor speed.
BT belts, like that one from zephyr and the one from polar (that works well, but only wit BT4 devices) transmits only HR, they are popular among runners.
On the other hand there are ANT+ devices, popular among bikers (garmin standard). ANT+ is a different wireless protocol, only few xperia phone have native ant+ support (xperia active is the more popular) but there are ant+ dongle available.
Among bikers are widespread HR ant+ belts, and also speed/cadence sensors (mainly from garmin), a s/c sensor is mounted on the bike, near the rear wheel and transmit data from the wheel (speed) and from the crank (cadence).
There are also power sensors (very expensive, >1000€) also mounted on the bike, as now I think only ipbike through ipsensorman support these on android, but it`s not a cartographic app, only gps recording.
thank you both for very very valuable information. Currently I need to finish some other smaller tasks, so I expect that since next year, I`ll start work on it.
So expect that I`ll need some more info during a progress and also some testing ;). So thanks once more for now and I`ll let you know what things start to move ...
thank you both for very very valuable information. Currently I need to finish some other smaller tasks, so I expect that since next year, I`ll start work on it.
So expect that I`ll need some more info during a progress and also some testing ;). So thanks once more for now and I`ll let you know what things start to move ...
Take jsem dal hlas, mam doma hrudni pas, nozni senzor a zvazuji senzor rychlosti/kadence na kolo - tohle by se mi moc hodilo...
Take jsem dal hlas, mam doma hrudni pas, nozni senzor a zvazuji senzor rychlosti/kadence na kolo - tohle by se mi moc hodilo...
Good new year to all that voted to this, currently most wanted idea ...
I firstly though that it will not be so complicated, to add support for Ant+ sensor. Currently I`m able to start Locus and probably read data from various devices communicating over ANT protocol. It took me three days till I understand how ANT system works and created this really basic system. From my point of view, it`s worst and most complicated API I ever saw :).
Anyway, because it`s almost impossible to test something without devices, I already ordered cheapest HR monitor I found, so during next week, I`ll test it on real, on my device. Till then, I want
1. notify that this "idea" is in progress now
2. check if you will help me with some testing and ask you for patience, because I believe it will take some time till all will works correctly
3. meanwhile, who want, may test this ( test version. In menu > functions is "Ant manager" button that open simply screen. Only active button is the one at bottom, that enable ANT service. So try it together with you devices, if it will work (connect to them) and if you`ll see any values on screen.
This is major part ... to get correct values. Once this will be working, rest (recording data together with coordinates and export to files) is quite simply.
Good new year to all that voted to this, currently most wanted idea ...
I firstly though that it will not be so complicated, to add support for Ant+ sensor. Currently I`m able to start Locus and probably read data from various devices communicating over ANT protocol. It took me three days till I understand how ANT system works and created this really basic system. From my point of view, it`s worst and most complicated API I ever saw :).
Anyway, because it`s almost impossible to test something without devices, I already ordered cheapest HR monitor I found, so during next week, I`ll test it on real, on my device. Till then, I want
1. notify that this "idea" is in progress now
2. check if you will help me with some testing and ask you for patience, because I believe it will take some time till all will works correctly
3. meanwhile, who want, may test this ( test version. In menu > functions is "Ant manager" button that open simply screen. Only active button is the one at bottom, that enable ANT service. So try it together with you devices, if it will work (connect to them) and if you`ll see any values on screen.
This is major part ... to get correct values. Once this will be working, rest (recording data together with coordinates and export to files) is quite simply.
Hi, it doesn`t work: when I try to enable ant+, it asks to download from the market "ant radio service" but I already got it, tried unistalling and reinstalling the radio service but nothing.
Btw, ant+ on my device works well with other apps.
Hi, it doesn`t work: when I try to enable ant+, it asks to download from the market "ant radio service" but I already got it, tried unistalling and reinstalling the radio service but nothing.
Btw, ant+ on my device works well with other apps.
HR works on xperia active
HR works on xperia active
ps. My phone is xperia arc s with android 4.0
ps. My phone is xperia arc s with android 4.0
Heart Rate working on xperia neo v, gb 2.3.4.
Heart Rate working on xperia neo v, gb 2.3.4.
XPERIA 8 might require system update
XPERIA 8 might require system update
sorry I have 2 phones, I tried with the new one (and it didn`t work), but by mistake I wrote the name of the old one. now I edited the post
sorry I have 2 phones, I tried with the new one (and it didn`t work), but by mistake I wrote the name of the old one. now I edited the post
I dug out my old xperia x8 with android 2.3 and ant+ of this beta works.
I dug out my old xperia x8 with android 2.3 and ant+ of this beta works.
Is ant+ working wirh other apps on you arc s? if now i will send you neccasry files so you can put them to your rom. Root needed
Is ant+ working wirh other apps on you arc s? if now i will send you neccasry files so you can put them to your rom. Root needed
Yes, usually it works, but I just tried and no ant+ app was working, fixed with a reboot, and this beta works too.
Yes, usually it works, but I just tried and no ant+ app was working, fixed with a reboot, and this beta works too.
Wahoo HR + Xperia Active working good.
Wahoo HR + Xperia Active working good.
so fo my big surprise, for all of you it works? :). I have just yesterday received Ant+ HRM from Holux and seems also to work. Perfect ...
So this should be the worst part. Now I need some help about basic usage. Is useful some info screen like there is now, so you can see if sensors are enabled and it`s values (just for checking if all is fine, not for usage)?
And then, how to work with it. Some new settings under "track recording" settings like
- "Automatically enable ANT+" (yes/no)
- Configure ANT+ (by click display this configuration screen)
And final task. You said that you mainly need export to GPX/KML. Have someone some sample file for me so I may see a way, how data are written?
I expect using of
- HRM sensor (so one BMP value)
- cadence, speed or combined sensor (cadence value, speed value values)
- stride speed/distance sensor (speed, distance values)
right? Is speed useful for you? Expect yes, because should be precise then GPS speed. Any other sensor are usable in common life?
Sorry for quite a lot of question. As you noticed, I have experience in this field so I`ll gladly receive some advices about common usage
so fo my big surprise, for all of you it works? :). I have just yesterday received Ant+ HRM from Holux and seems also to work. Perfect ...
So this should be the worst part. Now I need some help about basic usage. Is useful some info screen like there is now, so you can see if sensors are enabled and it`s values (just for checking if all is fine, not for usage)?
And then, how to work with it. Some new settings under "track recording" settings like
- "Automatically enable ANT+" (yes/no)
- Configure ANT+ (by click display this configuration screen)
And final task. You said that you mainly need export to GPX/KML. Have someone some sample file for me so I may see a way, how data are written?
I expect using of
- HRM sensor (so one BMP value)
- cadence, speed or combined sensor (cadence value, speed value values)
- stride speed/distance sensor (speed, distance values)
right? Is speed useful for you? Expect yes, because should be precise then GPS speed. Any other sensor are usable in common life?
Sorry for quite a lot of question. As you noticed, I have experience in this field so I`ll gladly receive some advices about common usage
yes, a screen with all the values is important, is also really important a configuration screen where one can chose which sensor enable and directly imput the sensor ID (if ant+ is first started near other cyclists it could pick up their sensors)
Yes, exporting to gpx is really important, I don`t know if there is a gpx extension which supports all the main sensors (hr, speed, cadence, power), but for sure exists a tcx extension for all that.
About speed sensor: it`s definitely more precise than gps speed, but as far as I know every analysis program ignores the speed field in the gpx and calculate it`s own value from the gps points, but for the tcx there`s a distance field where you can put the current distance (in meters) calculated with the speedsensor (because the speed sensor is primarily a distance sensor, you just need to record the n° of wheel rotations to know the exact distance for every gps point), this field is then used in sporttracks.
For tcx, the schema is here:
Here`s a open source tcx writer:
Here`s a sample of the trackpoint:
yes, a screen with all the values is important, is also really important a configuration screen where one can chose which sensor enable and directly imput the sensor ID (if ant+ is first started near other cyclists it could pick up their sensors)
Yes, exporting to gpx is really important, I don`t know if there is a gpx extension which supports all the main sensors (hr, speed, cadence, power), but for sure exists a tcx extension for all that.
About speed sensor: it`s definitely more precise than gps speed, but as far as I know every analysis program ignores the speed field in the gpx and calculate it`s own value from the gps points, but for the tcx there`s a distance field where you can put the current distance (in meters) calculated with the speedsensor (because the speed sensor is primarily a distance sensor, you just need to record the n° of wheel rotations to know the exact distance for every gps point), this field is then used in sporttracks.
For tcx, the schema is here:
Here`s a open source tcx writer:
Here`s a sample of the trackpoint:
1. For me the best would be some screens like in Germin Edge 800. Definitely Locus should show HR, avg HR total time, HR avg lap time
2. It`s important to set HR zones with some kind of sound alert
s. Futre story could be make some task-training-list: for example
a. Run with HR 120 0r "be in Zone 1" for 5 min
b. Run with HR 130-145 "be in Zone 2" for 20 min
c: Run with HR 145-155 or "be in Zone 3" for 5 min
d: repeat 4x
3. Recorded files should be full compatible with
1. For me the best would be some screens like in Germin Edge 800. Definitely Locus should show HR, avg HR total time, HR avg lap time
2. It`s important to set HR zones with some kind of sound alert
s. Futre story could be make some task-training-list: for example
a. Run with HR 120 0r "be in Zone 1" for 5 min
b. Run with HR 130-145 "be in Zone 2" for 20 min
c: Run with HR 145-155 or "be in Zone 3" for 5 min
d: repeat 4x
3. Recorded files should be full compatible with
Theoretically in Garmin when GPS reception is poor (or speed is low) speed is calculated from speed sensor.
BTW: what`s about calibration /auto (supported by GPS) of wheel size?
Theoretically in Garmin when GPS reception is poor (or speed is low) speed is calculated from speed sensor.
BTW: what`s about calibration /auto (supported by GPS) of wheel size?
I read something about that, but then I believe the speed value isn`t written into the tcx directly, but as a distance measurement.
Of course if the speed sensor is present, I think locus should show the speed calculated from the sensor and not from the gps, but for the logging I believe there`s no speed support neither in the gpx nor in the tcx files.
As for the auto calibration of the wheel size I don`t care, how many meters on a straight line are necessary to have a precise measure? Isn`t simpler to measure the wheel size with a ruler?
I read something about that, but then I believe the speed value isn`t written into the tcx directly, but as a distance measurement.
Of course if the speed sensor is present, I think locus should show the speed calculated from the sensor and not from the gps, but for the logging I believe there`s no speed support neither in the gpx nor in the tcx files.
As for the auto calibration of the wheel size I don`t care, how many meters on a straight line are necessary to have a precise measure? Isn`t simpler to measure the wheel size with a ruler?
First of all I would like to express my great excitement that this project is actually airborne! Fantastic!
There is so many features that can be implemented that maybe we can sort them in some order?
I have experience with many devices and softwares that I used in the past.
Sporttracks, Endomondo, Runtastic,Run,Gps trainer. plus many more.
Most of the garmins.
Lets start with a simple recording of heart rate data along track in to one single file (GPX or TCX, both`ll do!). Then some nice exporting.
I personally use SportTracks 3.1 because it is the best. I don`t like to share my routes online so offline app is a must for me.
Menion, please start simple!
First of all I would like to express my great excitement that this project is actually airborne! Fantastic!
There is so many features that can be implemented that maybe we can sort them in some order?
I have experience with many devices and softwares that I used in the past.
Sporttracks, Endomondo, Runtastic,Run,Gps trainer. plus many more.
Most of the garmins.
Lets start with a simple recording of heart rate data along track in to one single file (GPX or TCX, both`ll do!). Then some nice exporting.
I personally use SportTracks 3.1 because it is the best. I don`t like to share my routes online so offline app is a must for me.
Menion, please start simple!
BTW I can sense that this can be the best PROFESSIONAL sport app in the world!
BTW I can sense that this can be the best PROFESSIONAL sport app in the world!
thank you all for valuable information. I will start really simply as maciej wrote. Pajaku I understand that some trainer may be useful, but currently it`s not planned. It`s still map app more then something like SportTracker ...
anyway , because I`m currently working on changing of databases and I don`t want to do it twice, may you then suggest which values generally store?
I`m extending database to also cover
- heart rate
- cadence
- speed
- power
These values I may get from sensors and this should work in Locus. As I see in list of available sensors , this may be all useful now, right?
thank you all for valuable information. I will start really simply as maciej wrote. Pajaku I understand that some trainer may be useful, but currently it`s not planned. It`s still map app more then something like SportTracker ...
anyway , because I`m currently working on changing of databases and I don`t want to do it twice, may you then suggest which values generally store?
I`m extending database to also cover
- heart rate
- cadence
- speed
- power
These values I may get from sensors and this should work in Locus. As I see in list of available sensors , this may be all useful now, right?
HR, spped, cadence, power it`s OK.
But would be posible to add simpy HR Zone (foe example 120-140) and some kind of triger for alarm?
Locus is map App and Garmin dev. are map tool too:) But if you will add those futures to Locus it would be Garmin killer.
HR, spped, cadence, power it`s OK.
But would be posible to add simpy HR Zone (foe example 120-140) and some kind of triger for alarm?
Locus is map App and Garmin dev. are map tool too:) But if you will add those futures to Locus it would be Garmin killer.
:) pajaku you`ll have to be patient. In first step I want 100% working solution for recording ANT values and exporting to GPX files ...
then we`ll discuss extending, which will be of course possible
:) pajaku you`ll have to be patient. In first step I want 100% working solution for recording ANT values and exporting to GPX files ...
then we`ll discuss extending, which will be of course possible
It`s clear! Small steps first. But as I know market any apps doesn`t offer this kind of functionality i.e. mapping + training with recording. Mapping part is perfect so...
It`s clear! Small steps first. But as I know market any apps doesn`t offer this kind of functionality i.e. mapping + training with recording. Mapping part is perfect so...
I know I write too much, but I would like to present almost whole idea, how it should works if I designed it. I hope at least something will be inspirational. :-)
Pairing screen should have possibility to add more sensors of same type, as for example for bikers is common to have several bikes.
Possibility to create profiles (put paired sensors into groups)
For example:
1. HR+ speed + cadence + GPS (road bike profile)
2. same HR + second speed and second cadence + GPS (MTB bike profile)
3. HR only (without GPS) for (indoor running profile)
For each group should be also possible create independent screen:
For exaple:
For road bike profile is important for me HR, cadence, speed and time.
For MTB profile is for me important only recording of all sensors for longest possible time and sometimes to see maps
For indoor runing is for me important to know when HR out of limits (audio information - one long beep bellow range - two short beeps above range) screen is not important
For the sensors should be possible to setup specific properties:
Speed sensor - checkbox, if time or recording should keep running when speed = 0 or not
Cadence sensor - checkbox, if average cadence should include also 0 cadence or not (explanation: on the bike it is common (especially downhill), that biker is not pedalling for many short periods. These periods then lower the average cadence, but for many bikers is interesting to have only average of pedalling time.
Top and low limit for each type of sensor. Information about beeing out of limits could be possible also audio.
In far future maybe could be possible to implement the dependency of brightnest of the track line to different sensors values. For example I set track brightnest = HR sensor and the parts of track will be bright or dark in dependency of my HR. If I set track brightnest = Cadence same for cadence. This is interesting only for review of track, not for recording time.
I know I write too much, but I would like to present almost whole idea, how it should works if I designed it. I hope at least something will be inspirational. :-)
Pairing screen should have possibility to add more sensors of same type, as for example for bikers is common to have several bikes.
Possibility to create profiles (put paired sensors into groups)
For example:
1. HR+ speed + cadence + GPS (road bike profile)
2. same HR + second speed and second cadence + GPS (MTB bike profile)
3. HR only (without GPS) for (indoor running profile)
For each group should be also possible create independent screen:
For exaple:
For road bike profile is important for me HR, cadence, speed and time.
For MTB profile is for me important only recording of all sensors for longest possible time and sometimes to see maps
For indoor runing is for me important to know when HR out of limits (audio information - one long beep bellow range - two short beeps above range) screen is not important
For the sensors should be possible to setup specific properties:
Speed sensor - checkbox, if time or recording should keep running when speed = 0 or not
Cadence sensor - checkbox, if average cadence should include also 0 cadence or not (explanation: on the bike it is common (especially downhill), that biker is not pedalling for many short periods. These periods then lower the average cadence, but for many bikers is interesting to have only average of pedalling time.
Top and low limit for each type of sensor. Information about beeing out of limits could be possible also audio.
In far future maybe could be possible to implement the dependency of brightnest of the track line to different sensors values. For example I set track brightnest = HR sensor and the parts of track will be bright or dark in dependency of my HR. If I set track brightnest = Cadence same for cadence. This is interesting only for review of track, not for recording time.
Some news ... I was on small run-trip around building. Result - recorded track with HRM values and exported and successfully imported into SportTracks ;)
test version:
- complete new (hope nice) screen for ANT manager
- created system for reconnecting, so Locus should periodically try to connect to your device(s) if connection is interrupted
- ability to define "device number" for every sensor
- when you enable ANT sensor, then values are recorded! into database during a track record, so you`re able to export them later
- export into GPX will contain Heart rate values and Cadence (if recorded of course)
missing (my tasks on next days):
- support for ANT values in dashboard system
- some settings for ANT manager, like "Start automatically when you start Track record", ... anything else?
enjoy it and give me some feedback, it`s very very useful ;)
Some news ... I was on small run-trip around building. Result - recorded track with HRM values and exported and successfully imported into SportTracks ;)
test version:
- complete new (hope nice) screen for ANT manager
- created system for reconnecting, so Locus should periodically try to connect to your device(s) if connection is interrupted
- ability to define "device number" for every sensor
- when you enable ANT sensor, then values are recorded! into database during a track record, so you`re able to export them later
- export into GPX will contain Heart rate values and Cadence (if recorded of course)
missing (my tasks on next days):
- support for ANT values in dashboard system
- some settings for ANT manager, like "Start automatically when you start Track record", ... anything else?
enjoy it and give me some feedback, it`s very very useful ;)
You are my god!
You are my god!
Maybe I missed something on the way, but with being quite envious about people with ANT devices ;-) my question is, do you also do or do plan to support BLUETOOTH heart rate monitors like the Zyphyr HxM, including its features like speed and step counting?
Maybe I missed something on the way, but with being quite envious about people with ANT devices ;-) my question is, do you also do or do plan to support BLUETOOTH heart rate monitors like the Zyphyr HxM, including its features like speed and step counting?
plan on this is. Anyway currently it`s not work in progress. After some studying, I decided to firstly support ANT system and if it will work, then bluetooth also. So sorry if you have only BT HRM, you`ll have to wait some time for this ...
plan on this is. Anyway currently it`s not work in progress. After some studying, I decided to firstly support ANT system and if it will work, then bluetooth also. So sorry if you have only BT HRM, you`ll have to wait some time for this ...
My understanding is that it is less a problem to have "only BT HRM" but more that most popular smartphones do not support ANT.
Correct me if I`m wrong. I would be happy to buy an ANT sensor and connect it to my SGS3 if possible.
My understanding is that it is less a problem to have "only BT HRM" but more that most popular smartphones do not support ANT.
Correct me if I`m wrong. I would be happy to buy an ANT sensor and connect it to my SGS3 if possible.
You can connect SGS3 to an+ HR monitor using otg-usb garmin ant+ dongle
You can connect SGS3 to an+ HR monitor using otg-usb garmin ant+ dongle
Hi Guys,
those with cadence or speed sensor for bicycle have from me one black point, because no one told me that in Locus have to be settings for circumference :)
Ah nevermind, for those who have these sensors, please try it if you`ll have opportunity. Here is test version that have possiblity to set circumference for these two sensors.
Currently you should see speed value only in ANT manager screen. I have to, till next version, include speed from sensor to GPX export instead of speed from GPS (if exists of course).
Hi Guys,
those with cadence or speed sensor for bicycle have from me one black point, because no one told me that in Locus have to be settings for circumference :)
Ah nevermind, for those who have these sensors, please try it if you`ll have opportunity. Here is test version that have possiblity to set circumference for these two sensors.
Currently you should see speed value only in ANT manager screen. I have to, till next version, include speed from sensor to GPX export instead of speed from GPS (if exists of course).
ah sorry, Gynta noticed me that I uploaded here regular Free version that do not have ANT+ support. Here is correct one
ah sorry, Gynta noticed me that I uploaded here regular Free version that do not have ANT+ support. Here is correct one
Hi, I have just tested this version and it cannot find the sensor. Does not work even when I set sensor number manually. Previous version 2.8.5 (which was just today uploaded on the google play) works fine.
I have Sony Xperia arc S, Android 2.3.4, sensor Garmin Gsc10 (cadence and speed).
Hi, I have just tested this version and it cannot find the sensor. Does not work even when I set sensor number manually. Previous version 2.8.5 (which was just today uploaded on the google play) works fine.
I have Sony Xperia arc S, Android 2.3.4, sensor Garmin Gsc10 (cadence and speed).
One more thing! It would be fine to write what unit is used for circumference. Now it is really hard to guess if it is meter or cm or mm. Most common unit is milimeters, as you do not have to use coma or dot.
One more thing! It would be fine to write what unit is used for circumference. Now it is really hard to guess if it is meter or cm or mm. Most common unit is milimeters, as you do not have to use coma or dot.
Hi guys,
I`m having problems with compute of speed sensor data. because I don`t own this sensor, I`ll need some help
1. here is test version
2. before you start and use it, edit please Locus/config.cfg file. In the end, set
3. then start Locus and try to use speed sensor for a while. In log should be then recorded, what values you get from sensor so I`ll be able to check, where is problem
4. logs then may be found in Locus/logs directory
Hi guys,
I`m having problems with compute of speed sensor data. because I don`t own this sensor, I`ll need some help
1. here is test version
2. before you start and use it, edit please Locus/config.cfg file. In the end, set
3. then start Locus and try to use speed sensor for a while. In log should be then recorded, what values you get from sensor so I`ll be able to check, where is problem
4. logs then may be found in Locus/logs directory
I would be really pleased if you can add ANT+ support especially for GEO (tracking and locating)
That will make the Locus app capable to read CHIRP for GC - it`s the only thing I`m missing on my geocaching tours. There is NO Android app capable to read CHIRP :(
I would be really pleased if you can add ANT+ support especially for GEO (tracking and locating)
That will make the Locus app capable to read CHIRP for GC - it`s the only thing I`m missing on my geocaching tours. There is NO Android app capable to read CHIRP :(
Hi I did some logs, where I can upload them?
Btw. I noted one small bug. After I changed the circumference, I lost connection to the sensor. On/off didn not help also. I had to press stop and then start button in and manager (restart ANT) and only then sensor was able to connect again.
Hi I did some logs, where I can upload them?
Btw. I noted one small bug. After I changed the circumference, I lost connection to the sensor. On/off didn not help also. I had to press stop and then start button in and manager (restart ANT) and only then sensor was able to connect again.
best to send on, thank you! I`ll also check reported problem
best to send on, thank you! I`ll also check reported problem
Hi to everyone,
Maybe I missed it, but was the question answered if you are planning to add this feature also for Bluetooth heart rate sensors?
I have one from Polar and would like to help with the testing.
Hi to everyone,
Maybe I missed it, but was the question answered if you are planning to add this feature also for Bluetooth heart rate sensors?
I have one from Polar and would like to help with the testing.
Sabine wrote: "...Maybe I missed it,..."
Yes you miss :)
see the comment (19.01.2013 15:58) to post
Sabine wrote: "...Maybe I missed it,..."
Yes you miss :)
see the comment (19.01.2013 15:58) to post
I am planning on buying Zephyr HxM too. So it would be really handy to implement the support for bt heart rate monitors :3 good point! +1
I am planning on buying Zephyr HxM too. So it would be really handy to implement the support for bt heart rate monitors :3 good point! +1
guys don`t worry. BT support will come. I firstly want to finish still little bit problematic ANT+ support, then comes bluetooth ...
some time estimate: hmm, I have to order one BT HRM for my self, because it`s impossible to develop, test and solve some problems without this device (btw. which one you suggest, which one is most used, Polar LS-14?), so it will take 2-3 weeks I expect ...
guys don`t worry. BT support will come. I firstly want to finish still little bit problematic ANT+ support, then comes bluetooth ...
some time estimate: hmm, I have to order one BT HRM for my self, because it`s impossible to develop, test and solve some problems without this device (btw. which one you suggest, which one is most used, Polar LS-14?), so it will take 2-3 weeks I expect ...
I personally own a Zephyr HxM BT heartrate Belt. Using it currently with runGPS. What is quite Nice about it, is the Fact that it also has a "movement" Sensor built in, wich obviously gives step cadence and "Speed" or "distance". In rungps it also Supports showing its Batterie Level, wich is very helpful.
I personally own a Zephyr HxM BT heartrate Belt. Using it currently with runGPS. What is quite Nice about it, is the Fact that it also has a "movement" Sensor built in, wich obviously gives step cadence and "Speed" or "distance". In rungps it also Supports showing its Batterie Level, wich is very helpful.
I was just about to post the same. That Zephyr HxM has the tracking of cadence, unlike Polar. But I think they are not compatible with each other, so Menion, you would need to get both to get them both working, I guess. :) cause there were apps on GPlay that supported only one of those two hr monitors until they added the support for the other one :)
I was just about to post the same. That Zephyr HxM has the tracking of cadence, unlike Polar. But I think they are not compatible with each other, so Menion, you would need to get both to get them both working, I guess. :) cause there were apps on GPlay that supported only one of those two hr monitors until they added the support for the other one :)
Hi guys,
I`m sure you`ll be nicely suprised
version for test is here:
Heart rate monitor, Cadence, Speed, Cadence & Speed sensors are fully tested and should works correctly. As bonus added
- chart support for these values!
- ability to enable auto-start together with track record
feedback is welcome. And thanks for tip on Zephyr, I`ll check it
Hi guys,
I`m sure you`ll be nicely suprised
version for test is here:
Heart rate monitor, Cadence, Speed, Cadence & Speed sensors are fully tested and should works correctly. As bonus added
- chart support for these values!
- ability to enable auto-start together with track record
feedback is welcome. And thanks for tip on Zephyr, I`ll check it
Hi, I tested with speed/cadence and HR, it`s working fine, the exported gpx is correctly imported in sporttracks, but with no "distance" information (but I don`t know if gpx format supports this field).
The graphs are good, maybe the yellow color for the HR is difficult to see, the others color are good.
I think, however, that I have found a bug: both from the graphs and from the exported gpx, there`s a whole minute (57 seconds) without data:
2013-01-31T12:25:41Z jumps to 2013-01-31T12:26:38Z
of course this could be normal from a loss of connection, but this case is different because from the map I can see that there isn`t a "hole" in the data, I mean that, since I was traveling at 10km/h I would have expected a few hounded meters without points in the track. (btw, the option "don`t record if speed =0 wasn`t selected)
The only reason I can think of, is that you are using the phone time for the gps (and ant+) data, and not the gps time, and the phone in that moment synchronized it`s time with the network, thus adding 57 seconds to the clock and causing this error in the data.
thank you for your support.
Hi, I tested with speed/cadence and HR, it`s working fine, the exported gpx is correctly imported in sporttracks, but with no "distance" information (but I don`t know if gpx format supports this field).
The graphs are good, maybe the yellow color for the HR is difficult to see, the others color are good.
I think, however, that I have found a bug: both from the graphs and from the exported gpx, there`s a whole minute (57 seconds) without data:
2013-01-31T12:25:41Z jumps to 2013-01-31T12:26:38Z
of course this could be normal from a loss of connection, but this case is different because from the map I can see that there isn`t a "hole" in the data, I mean that, since I was traveling at 10km/h I would have expected a few hounded meters without points in the track. (btw, the option "don`t record if speed =0 wasn`t selected)
The only reason I can think of, is that you are using the phone time for the gps (and ant+) data, and not the gps time, and the phone in that moment synchronized it`s time with the network, thus adding 57 seconds to the clock and causing this error in the data.
thank you for your support.
thank you for testing! You`re correctly discovered that I use device time in case of track record. As I look into quite old part of code, I have there comment "rather set device time, due to some errors in GPS time" :). But what errors and why they happen, don`t know.
Someone already ask me to use GPS time some times ago, so another reason to correctly store GPS time and we`ll see how it will work
thank you for testing! You`re correctly discovered that I use device time in case of track record. As I look into quite old part of code, I have there comment "rather set device time, due to some errors in GPS time" :). But what errors and why they happen, don`t know.
Someone already ask me to use GPS time some times ago, so another reason to correctly store GPS time and we`ll see how it will work
Hi, one technical reason I can think of, is that gps time and UTC time are not exactly the same: UTC time has leap seconds and GPS doesn`t. This means that GPS is currently 19seconds ahead of UTC time.
Hi, one technical reason I can think of, is that gps time and UTC time are not exactly the same: UTC time has leap seconds and GPS doesn`t. This means that GPS is currently 19seconds ahead of UTC time.
Is it possibel to see in Locus FIELD- ,,SLOPE`` ( Incline``) ???
It is very useful when cycling in the mountains.
I don`t see this possibility hier
What i mean see
Is it possibel to see in Locus FIELD- ,,SLOPE`` ( Incline``) ???
It is very useful when cycling in the mountains.
I don`t see this possibility hier
What i mean see
is the only way to purchase Zephyr HxM by amazon in USA ? I`m not able to find any store in Czech Republic or at least in Germany. Anyone any tips? Thanks
And Pawel, I`ll think about it, but should be useful, agree
is the only way to purchase Zephyr HxM by amazon in USA ? I`m not able to find any store in Czech Republic or at least in Germany. Anyone any tips? Thanks
And Pawel, I`ll think about it, but should be useful, agree
There`s also endomondo site that sells it, but for a lot more money ( located in ?Denmark? with free shipping in EU, costs about 2200kč) I am going to order it from Amazon myself. (sorry for sending it again, my mobile phone wasn`t able to reply directly to your message)
There`s also endomondo site that sells it, but for a lot more money ( located in ?Denmark? with free shipping in EU, costs about 2200kč) I am going to order it from Amazon myself. (sorry for sending it again, my mobile phone wasn`t able to reply directly to your message)
Hello Mavi, thank you for info. It`s probably best way as I found it, so ordered. Expect up to five days delivery, so if there will not be a huge problem, till 2 weeks, we should have testing version ;)
Hello Mavi, thank you for info. It`s probably best way as I found it, so ordered. Expect up to five days delivery, so if there will not be a huge problem, till 2 weeks, we should have testing version ;)
Hello Menion,
thank you for your great effort! Seems to me everyone is happy with ANT+ support.
But how about Bluetooth Smart (Bluetooth 4.0 BLE)? It is becoming more popular than ANT+ since this technology is not proprietary like ANT+! And the BLE sensor devices cost less than ANT+ analogues. Also, almost all new android devices support Bluetooth 4 nowadays (unlike ANT+).
Please have a look at the GATT (BLE) specification for Android devices:
Would you consider to implement BLE support for Locus app?
Hello Menion,
thank you for your great effort! Seems to me everyone is happy with ANT+ support.
But how about Bluetooth Smart (Bluetooth 4.0 BLE)? It is becoming more popular than ANT+ since this technology is not proprietary like ANT+! And the BLE sensor devices cost less than ANT+ analogues. Also, almost all new android devices support Bluetooth 4 nowadays (unlike ANT+).
Please have a look at the GATT (BLE) specification for Android devices:
Would you consider to implement BLE support for Locus app?
Hello Vladimir,
when whole system will works correctly, like storing data, display in charts, export and maybe some others, then why not add support for wider selection of devices. So I`ll gladly add this. Anyway for all these tasks I usually need all these various devices because every works in different way.
So current next step, is support for Zephyr device. After ANT+ and Zephyr will work, we should discuss next steps. Probably Polar and then finally BT4.
Hello Vladimir,
when whole system will works correctly, like storing data, display in charts, export and maybe some others, then why not add support for wider selection of devices. So I`ll gladly add this. Anyway for all these tasks I usually need all these various devices because every works in different way.
So current next step, is support for Zephyr device. After ANT+ and Zephyr will work, we should discuss next steps. Probably Polar and then finally BT4.
Nice to hear!
I`ve just ordered these devices on Wahoo online shop:
I do really want to help you with implementation of BT4. I am willing to pay you again :) Have you considered to make these features as a plug-in which you could sell separately? I`m sure that everyone who are interested in this type of devices would buy it! There is no any analogues on the market at the moment!
By the way, I tried to install Locus on the Motorolla Motoactv watches:
Althought the screen is very small, your app works very well! Congrats! You`ve managed to create amazingly very flexible user interface so that I do not have any troubles to navigate on the app!
But for some reason, ANT+ feature is not working on this watches. Locus says that "ANT+ is not supported on this device", but it is actually supported.
Nice to hear!
I`ve just ordered these devices on Wahoo online shop:
I do really want to help you with implementation of BT4. I am willing to pay you again :) Have you considered to make these features as a plug-in which you could sell separately? I`m sure that everyone who are interested in this type of devices would buy it! There is no any analogues on the market at the moment!
By the way, I tried to install Locus on the Motorolla Motoactv watches:
Althought the screen is very small, your app works very well! Congrats! You`ve managed to create amazingly very flexible user interface so that I do not have any troubles to navigate on the app!
But for some reason, ANT+ feature is not working on this watches. Locus says that "ANT+ is not supported on this device", but it is actually supported.
About the Polar H7 Bluetooth Smart Heart Rate Sensor:
In many customer reviews I`ve read that there are major problems with Android.
->"Currently Polar H6 and Polar H7 are not compatible with Android and Windows phones".
Is anyone here, who use a other HR BT device together with an Anroid?
I propose to create a list: mobile (OS version) - HR device - yes/no
Who has details?
About the Polar H7 Bluetooth Smart Heart Rate Sensor:
In many customer reviews I`ve read that there are major problems with Android.
->"Currently Polar H6 and Polar H7 are not compatible with Android and Windows phones".
Is anyone here, who use a other HR BT device together with an Anroid?
I propose to create a list: mobile (OS version) - HR device - yes/no
Who has details?
Some Polar and Zephyr testers??
They`re really needed ;)
Version is ready!!
Some Polar and Zephyr testers??
They`re really needed ;)
Version is ready!!
You`re GOD!
Look forward to hearing from you about Wahoo BT4 support!
You`re GOD!
Look forward to hearing from you about Wahoo BT4 support!
Is there a GARMIN CHIRP support at ANT+ for CHIRP-Caches (tagged with wireless beacon-Icon as attribute)
Is there a GARMIN CHIRP support at ANT+ for CHIRP-Caches (tagged with wireless beacon-Icon as attribute)
Hi LeoLox
idea for this is already on GS here
Hi LeoLox
idea for this is already on GS here
Thanks. I`m looking forward for that feature. Great job, you do!
Thanks. I`m looking forward for that feature. Great job, you do!
Works. I took a quick look at it. What would need to be added is battery and step counter in dashboard, both are already shown in device screen.
Works. I took a quick look at it. What would need to be added is battery and step counter in dashboard, both are already shown in device screen.
Don`t forget:
About Polar WearLink+ Transmitter with Bluetooth (Bluetooth 2, not 4) HRM battery and other issues:
Polar offical statement:
If the kernel version is or 3.0.8 please note that we have identified an incompatibility issue. These kernel versions and the WearLink+ Transmitter with Bluetooth are not a match. The problem has been reported to Android development
If the kernel version is other than or 3.0.8., please replace the battery. As Android phones do not automatically close connection to transmitter, remember to manually close the connection. You can do this by first taking transmitter off your chest and then switching the bluetooth off on your mobile phone for 30 seconds. This needs to be done after each training session. This way the transmitter is inactivated and you are much more likely to achieve the promised 150 hours of use from the battery."
Many Android version for example ICS 4.0.4 run on these kernels.
2.) I was using a Polar F55 HRM for about 6-7 years, 2 weeks ago the connection between the watch and strap broke.
I called the official hungarian Polar service, they told me, that possibly the strap has the failure, they can sell a new one.
Then I got the idea to buy not only the strap, but the Bluetooth HRM, and i was told, non officially, that there are several issues with this strap, and before deciding, I should get information from the internet.
So I did it.
Many complaints and an official Polar statement, that explains these problems.
So if somebody want to test the Polar transmitter, he/she should be aware of these "pre-conditionsÍ".
2.) I`m happy, that ANT+ HRM support is being implemented. But for me this is only a first step, because the number of Android phones with ANT+ capabilities is very-very limited (maybe only some Sony devices?), and - actually it seems that - Bluetooth 2 phones has more than 90-95% share on this market, Bluetooth 4 is only emerging - but very important in the middle time future, because ANT+ will never grow up from his very limited device number.
Actually I dont know which device to buy, for example I would be very tented with the HxM if it would be able to give (virtual?) cadence information. On the other hand when touring on bike on a several days trip, it`s impossible to use and - at the same time - recharge this device with a USB charger using a dynamo hub operated USB bike charger (for example AXA Luxx 70 plus).
And I have 3.0.8 kernel based Android device (Alcatel OT-995), so, maybe, the Polar Bluetooth HRM will never work on this device.
I`m waiting also for the successfull Bluetooth 2 implemetation in Locus, and I want to see if both HRMs are perfectly working.- or not.
Don`t forget:
About Polar WearLink+ Transmitter with Bluetooth (Bluetooth 2, not 4) HRM battery and other issues:
Polar offical statement:
If the kernel version is or 3.0.8 please note that we have identified an incompatibility issue. These kernel versions and the WearLink+ Transmitter with Bluetooth are not a match. The problem has been reported to Android development
If the kernel version is other than or 3.0.8., please replace the battery. As Android phones do not automatically close connection to transmitter, remember to manually close the connection. You can do this by first taking transmitter off your chest and then switching the bluetooth off on your mobile phone for 30 seconds. This needs to be done after each training session. This way the transmitter is inactivated and you are much more likely to achieve the promised 150 hours of use from the battery."
Many Android version for example ICS 4.0.4 run on these kernels.
2.) I was using a Polar F55 HRM for about 6-7 years, 2 weeks ago the connection between the watch and strap broke.
I called the official hungarian Polar service, they told me, that possibly the strap has the failure, they can sell a new one.
Then I got the idea to buy not only the strap, but the Bluetooth HRM, and i was told, non officially, that there are several issues with this strap, and before deciding, I should get information from the internet.
So I did it.
Many complaints and an official Polar statement, that explains these problems.
So if somebody want to test the Polar transmitter, he/she should be aware of these "pre-conditionsÍ".
2.) I`m happy, that ANT+ HRM support is being implemented. But for me this is only a first step, because the number of Android phones with ANT+ capabilities is very-very limited (maybe only some Sony devices?), and - actually it seems that - Bluetooth 2 phones has more than 90-95% share on this market, Bluetooth 4 is only emerging - but very important in the middle time future, because ANT+ will never grow up from his very limited device number.
Actually I dont know which device to buy, for example I would be very tented with the HxM if it would be able to give (virtual?) cadence information. On the other hand when touring on bike on a several days trip, it`s impossible to use and - at the same time - recharge this device with a USB charger using a dynamo hub operated USB bike charger (for example AXA Luxx 70 plus).
And I have 3.0.8 kernel based Android device (Alcatel OT-995), so, maybe, the Polar Bluetooth HRM will never work on this device.
I`m waiting also for the successfull Bluetooth 2 implemetation in Locus, and I want to see if both HRMs are perfectly working.- or not.
Hello blaseus,
thank you for your feedback. New version is just going out, so you may test it. Also I`ll try to keep what you wrote in mind and forward users that will report such troubles, to your post. Hope there will be no such users :)
Hello blaseus,
thank you for your feedback. New version is just going out, so you may test it. Also I`ll try to keep what you wrote in mind and forward users that will report such troubles, to your post. Hope there will be no such users :)
Just couple of notes, suggestions etc.:
1. Thanks for the great app and its ANT+ support.
2. Would it be possible to keep ANT+ sensors on after entering in Airplane mode?
3. For those looking forward to BT4 LE support in Locus, it seems impossible in this moment as there is currently no API in Android itself - read this:
4. I mean no ad for competion but those who look to use their phone mainly for bike there is a good app: IpBike
Not so good looking as Locus but has very good support of ANT+, can compute and display all info a cyclist could wish to see, also has support of online/offline maps + tracks.
I personally use both: IpBike when on bike and having predefined route. Locus when I run or hike and not sure about the path.
Just couple of notes, suggestions etc.:
1. Thanks for the great app and its ANT+ support.
2. Would it be possible to keep ANT+ sensors on after entering in Airplane mode?
3. For those looking forward to BT4 LE support in Locus, it seems impossible in this moment as there is currently no API in Android itself - read this:
4. I mean no ad for competion but those who look to use their phone mainly for bike there is a good app: IpBike
Not so good looking as Locus but has very good support of ANT+, can compute and display all info a cyclist could wish to see, also has support of online/offline maps + tracks.
I personally use both: IpBike when on bike and having predefined route. Locus when I run or hike and not sure about the path.
About point 2
I used ANT + (HEART RATE MONITOR from holux) in airplane mode in Locus without any problems.
About point 2
I used ANT + (HEART RATE MONITOR from holux) in airplane mode in Locus without any problems.
about point 2, I use this:
just add "ant" without the quotation mark in the list of the radio in the app (if not already present), and uncheck it.
about point 2, I use this:
just add "ant" without the quotation mark in the list of the radio in the app (if not already present), and uncheck it.
Hi, todays "ant radio 3.4" update broke the locus ant+ plugin on my xperia x8 with android 2.3.7.
When I press "start" in locus ant manager, nothing happens, if I keep pressing start, eventually on the bottom status bar it says "connected" but nothing happens and after few seconds it`s back to "disabled".
FYI, the ant demo, ipbike and oruxmaps are working fine. For the meantime I`ll try to revert back to the old ant radio version, also to check if that`s really the problem (if I find the apk somewhere...)
Hi, todays "ant radio 3.4" update broke the locus ant+ plugin on my xperia x8 with android 2.3.7.
When I press "start" in locus ant manager, nothing happens, if I keep pressing start, eventually on the bottom status bar it says "connected" but nothing happens and after few seconds it`s back to "disabled".
FYI, the ant demo, ipbike and oruxmaps are working fine. For the meantime I`ll try to revert back to the old ant radio version, also to check if that`s really the problem (if I find the apk somewhere...)
I can confirm, with ant radio service 3.0, locus ant manager works fine.
I can confirm, with ant radio service 3.0, locus ant manager works fine.
Thanks, that did the trick.
Thanks, that did the trick.
for the bravest of brave :) testing version - read carefully
I hope that it will works for old and new ant radio. I had unfortunately forget to backup old one so I`m not able to test both now
for the bravest of brave :) testing version - read carefully
I hope that it will works for old and new ant radio. I had unfortunately forget to backup old one so I`m not able to test both now
Hi, it works with both old and new ant radio, thanks
Hi, it works with both old and new ant radio, thanks
Bad news, Ant+ doesn`t actually work with new radio: at first it works, but after a few seconds ant manager get stuck showing the same data, turning off and on ant+ solves the issue, but after a few seconds it get stuck again. with old radio works fine.
Bad news, Ant+ doesn`t actually work with new radio: at first it works, but after a few seconds ant manager get stuck showing the same data, turning off and on ant+ solves the issue, but after a few seconds it get stuck again. with old radio works fine.
so second round for a brave users ;)
so second round for a brave users ;)
Hi, I tested the new apk, ant+ works fine with new and also old radio!
Hi, I tested the new apk, ant+ works fine with new and also old radio!
good news, thank you ... finally it works. I`ll test it also during a week outside. If there will be no huge problem, new version will be public during next week
good news, thank you ... finally it works. I`ll test it also during a week outside. If there will be no huge problem, new version will be public during next week
Hello all,
but awesome was when the Data was possible to Export in a gpx Track with cadence and Heartbeat Data in to Bikexpierience, a offline Training Manager.
Then you can analyze all the Data.
Here a Link:
Its possible to export in a format that was import in bikexpierience or in a another Software?
Best Regards
Hello all,
but awesome was when the Data was possible to Export in a gpx Track with cadence and Heartbeat Data in to Bikexpierience, a offline Training Manager.
Then you can analyze all the Data.
Here a Link:
Its possible to export in a format that was import in bikexpierience or in a another Software?
Best Regards
Hi to all,
I`m bringing mainly bad, but also a good news :)
Since new version 2.12.1 (just uploading to web), Locus lost ability to work with older Ant Radio Service. Version below 4.0 completely broke current Locus solution, so ANT+ support start to be unusable
New version 2.12.1 has now integrated new version of Ant Radio library. For this is needed new Ant Radio Service from Google Play.
Anyway, bad news is, that this new system do not support bike sensors. Here is current state - in section "Implemented Profiles" is visible that only HR and SPD sensors are currently supported. In next release should be also Bike sensors, but I tried to write them email, when new version will be available, but still no response.
So, I`m really sorry that this happen. I work on a solution, but unfortunately now it`s not just on me. So please if you need to record ANT values, use temporarily another software. As soon as new version will be available, I`ll immediately work on it.
And last ... in new version 2.12.1 should be already working solution for HR monitor. Unfortunately on my older Xperia X8, their library not work so I cannot test it. If anyone will have any experience, let me know. Thanks and sorry once more!
Hi to all,
I`m bringing mainly bad, but also a good news :)
Since new version 2.12.1 (just uploading to web), Locus lost ability to work with older Ant Radio Service. Version below 4.0 completely broke current Locus solution, so ANT+ support start to be unusable
New version 2.12.1 has now integrated new version of Ant Radio library. For this is needed new Ant Radio Service from Google Play.
Anyway, bad news is, that this new system do not support bike sensors. Here is current state - in section "Implemented Profiles" is visible that only HR and SPD sensors are currently supported. In next release should be also Bike sensors, but I tried to write them email, when new version will be available, but still no response.
So, I`m really sorry that this happen. I work on a solution, but unfortunately now it`s not just on me. So please if you need to record ANT values, use temporarily another software. As soon as new version will be available, I`ll immediately work on it.
And last ... in new version 2.12.1 should be already working solution for HR monitor. Unfortunately on my older Xperia X8, their library not work so I cannot test it. If anyone will have any experience, let me know. Thanks and sorry once more!
Newest version of Locus, newest ANT+ Service, ANT+ Plugins installed.
ANT+ Sensor (HRM) was found in Setup Menu, it shows heart rate, no value is shown in Dashboard. No automatic connect after start of recording, although it is activated in the setup.
So you have to implement a new interface and you do not have a device to test it, sorry thats ridiculous...
Newest version of Locus, newest ANT+ Service, ANT+ Plugins installed.
ANT+ Sensor (HRM) was found in Setup Menu, it shows heart rate, no value is shown in Dashboard. No automatic connect after start of recording, although it is activated in the setup.
So you have to implement a new interface and you do not have a device to test it, sorry thats ridiculous...
I think "ridiculous" is not best word
I have USB ANT+ stick so I test it with this. Seems you were correct and in 2.12.1 was small issue. In 2.12.2 (I had to release new version also due to some small other issue), HR should works correctly.
Only know issue for me is that Locus do not connect immediately to ANT device over USB. Seems to be a problem in library, not in Locus.
I think "ridiculous" is not best word
I have USB ANT+ stick so I test it with this. Seems you were correct and in 2.12.1 was small issue. In 2.12.2 (I had to release new version also due to some small other issue), HR should works correctly.
Only know issue for me is that Locus do not connect immediately to ANT device over USB. Seems to be a problem in library, not in Locus.
Maybe for that reason ip Bike use additional I sensor manager. Generally spd and cadence work in this program with latest Ant radio service.
Maybe for that reason ip Bike use additional I sensor manager. Generally spd and cadence work in this program with latest Ant radio service.
Could you check speed and cadence in latest Locus but with ip sensor man running? I use latest Ant radio with older Locus and now with ip Bike and spd/cad worked/works without problems.
Could you check speed and cadence in latest Locus but with ip sensor man running? I use latest Ant radio with older Locus and now with ip Bike and spd/cad worked/works without problems.
ant radio service updated automatically to ver 4.0, but no problems with hr, spd+cad sensors in Locus 2.11
ant radio service updated automatically to ver 4.0, but no problems with hr, spd+cad sensors in Locus 2.11
anyone interested in testing new implementation?
it`s needed ANT Lib 4.1
anyone interested in testing new implementation?
it`s needed ANT Lib 4.1
does it support bike sensors now ?
does it support bike sensors now ?
supported are HRM, bike speed & cadence, thermometer and stride based speed & distance
supported are HRM, bike speed & cadence, thermometer and stride based speed & distance
HR works. Speed&cad: access to sensor failed. Check prerequisites and try again
HR works. Speed&cad: access to sensor failed. Check prerequisites and try again
@prolegs: My speed&cadence works fine. I remember that I was receiving this error message, when I was using task killer and I did not realize, that is killing ant+ service. So I suppose that you should check, if ant radio service 4.1 is running.
@prolegs: My speed&cadence works fine. I remember that I was receiving this error message, when I was using task killer and I did not realize, that is killing ant+ service. So I suppose that you should check, if ant radio service 4.1 is running.
hr works at the same time, so the ant service 4.1, ant+ plugins launched. and the Thermometer, Stride Base Speed & Dist sensors can be switched on - searching process running, except bike sensors
hr works at the same time, so the ant service 4.1, ant+ plugins launched. and the Thermometer, Stride Base Speed & Dist sensors can be switched on - searching process running, except bike sensors
current version of ANT+plugins (10 may 2013) doesn`t support bike sensors
Plugins for these ANT+ profiles are included:
-Heart Rate
-Stride Speed and Distance (footpod)
-Weight Scale
-Audio, Video and Generic Controls
current version of ANT+plugins (10 may 2013) doesn`t support bike sensors
Plugins for these ANT+ profiles are included:
-Heart Rate
-Stride Speed and Distance (footpod)
-Weight Scale
-Audio, Video and Generic Controls
hmm this seems to be a problem
I though (incorrectly), that when developers released new ANT+ library, they also released new version of ANT+ Plugins!! And seems not :/
I`ve for testing new version directly from developers so I do not checked what is available on Google Play.
I`m sorry for confusing. So it`s needed to wait till new ANT+ Plugins version appear on Google Play, sorry
hmm this seems to be a problem
I though (incorrectly), that when developers released new ANT+ library, they also released new version of ANT+ Plugins!! And seems not :/
I`ve for testing new version directly from developers so I do not checked what is available on Google Play.
I`m sorry for confusing. So it`s needed to wait till new ANT+ Plugins version appear on Google Play, sorry
Hello yojo afe
I have the same problem as prolegs.
Xperia neo with GSC10.
I deactivated the task killer, no change. still the error.
And the ANT+ service is running. Ant symbol is shown and Heart rate works also.
When switching the on button at S&C sensor it does not even "hold" on ON and switches back to OFF and the error occurs.
Suprisingly during testing of all that ant+ heart rate sensor stops working with rungps, whereas hrm is working with locus. strange.....
Hello yojo afe
I have the same problem as prolegs.
Xperia neo with GSC10.
I deactivated the task killer, no change. still the error.
And the ANT+ service is running. Ant symbol is shown and Heart rate works also.
When switching the on button at S&C sensor it does not even "hold" on ON and switches back to OFF and the error occurs.
Suprisingly during testing of all that ant+ heart rate sensor stops working with rungps, whereas hrm is working with locus. strange.....
guys, sorry ... read please my comment here below , problem is that we have to wait on official update of "ANT+ Plugins" library. Current version of this app do not contain support for bike sensors
guys, sorry ... read please my comment here below , problem is that we have to wait on official update of "ANT+ Plugins" library. Current version of this app do not contain support for bike sensors
I`m glad to announce, that ANT+ sensor in Locus should be again fully working.
During next days, will be published fixed version. Till now, if anyone wants test, here is testing version
It`s also needed latest ANT Service app and ANT+ Plugins app from Google Play
If there will be any problems or confusion, let me know, I`ll gladly help
I`m glad to announce, that ANT+ sensor in Locus should be again fully working.
During next days, will be published fixed version. Till now, if anyone wants test, here is testing version
It`s also needed latest ANT Service app and ANT+ Plugins app from Google Play
If there will be any problems or confusion, let me know, I`ll gladly help
it works, almost) but now i have to select the sensor id in ant+plugins window, set the name of this sensor and save. With HR no problems. But with Spd&Cad : database error, device not saved. It shows the value, but each time i enable the sensor, ant+plugins asks to select the sensor id, set the name and so on...., cause it wasn`t saved
it works, almost) but now i have to select the sensor id in ant+plugins window, set the name of this sensor and save. With HR no problems. But with Spd&Cad : database error, device not saved. It shows the value, but each time i enable the sensor, ant+plugins asks to select the sensor id, set the name and so on...., cause it wasn`t saved
Exactly what ,, prolegs`` wrote + I see no cadence and Speed from wheel in Dashboard, always 0.
Exactly what ,, prolegs`` wrote + I see no cadence and Speed from wheel in Dashboard, always 0.
Yes, the same here, no saving of devices in ANT+ Plugins, nothing in Dashboard.
Yes, the same here, no saving of devices in ANT+ Plugins, nothing in Dashboard.
Whats about Bluetooth Smart, since android got an official api for it now? I would love to use the Polar H6 with Locus. Runtastic already has it implemented for android 4.3 devices.
Whats about Bluetooth Smart, since android got an official api for it now? I would love to use the Polar H6 with Locus. Runtastic already has it implemented for android 4.3 devices.
Maybe for those for you, interesting in Locus & sport application, this topic about new statistics for a single track may be interesting -
Maybe for those for you, interesting in Locus & sport application, this topic about new statistics for a single track may be interesting -
I have a new xperia z3 compact phone with ant+ support. Finally I succeed to connect my heart rate monitor with locus pro. When I start my track, I am connected with HR monitor and I can see my HR clicing at ant+ manager. When I finish I can see all parameters in track summary, but I cannot see HR values. Where can I find it?
I have a new xperia z3 compact phone with ant+ support. Finally I succeed to connect my heart rate monitor with locus pro. When I start my track, I am connected with HR monitor and I can see my HR clicing at ant+ manager. When I finish I can see all parameters in track summary, but I cannot see HR values. Where can I find it?
I have a new xperia z3 compact phone with ant+ support. Finally I succeed to connect my heart rate monitor with locus pro. When I start my track, I am connected with HR monitor and I can see my HR clicing at ant+ manager. When I finish I can see all parameters in track summary, but I cannot see HR values. Where can I find it?
I have a new xperia z3 compact phone with ant+ support. Finally I succeed to connect my heart rate monitor with locus pro. When I start my track, I am connected with HR monitor and I can see my HR clicing at ant+ manager. When I finish I can see all parameters in track summary, but I cannot see HR values. Where can I find it?
Hi there,
I really like and support the idea of extended training support. I would really appreciate some functionality like runtastic /polar flow offers:
1. track training (generally possible, but the heart rate/cadence/pace/speed information should be shown for every point - at least optional to be configured in menu)
2. additional training features like calculation of calories & fat burning depending on physical parameters (weight, ...)
3. analysis features like time/percentage per training zone, heart rate vs. speed/cadence/pace/change of altitude
Even though Locus already is a powerfull app, this would even be a logic enhancement (could also be realised as an add on) and make it much more interesting as a one for all tool for the outdoor community. Probably a lot of users or interested people would highly appreciate to be independent of cloud services and data transfers of personal training data to companies. Do we really want anyone to know details of our actual health/training status, our training activity etc.? I don't want!
Looking forward to your replies.
Best regards,
K. Wu
Hi there,
I really like and support the idea of extended training support. I would really appreciate some functionality like runtastic /polar flow offers:
1. track training (generally possible, but the heart rate/cadence/pace/speed information should be shown for every point - at least optional to be configured in menu)
2. additional training features like calculation of calories & fat burning depending on physical parameters (weight, ...)
3. analysis features like time/percentage per training zone, heart rate vs. speed/cadence/pace/change of altitude
Even though Locus already is a powerfull app, this would even be a logic enhancement (could also be realised as an add on) and make it much more interesting as a one for all tool for the outdoor community. Probably a lot of users or interested people would highly appreciate to be independent of cloud services and data transfers of personal training data to companies. Do we really want anyone to know details of our actual health/training status, our training activity etc.? I don't want!
Looking forward to your replies.
Best regards,
K. Wu
Good day people,
I was thinking a lot, how to satisfy your needs around this idea and what should make sense to implement into Locus.
I believe that you all will confirm, that main focus of Locus should remain hike/bike. As a bonus we are working on support for geocaching, voice navigation and some sport features. But! all these bonus features should really be mainly a bonus. So for all of them will probably exists better, more feature-rich applications. This is true mainly for navigation (TomTom, Navigon, ...) and also for a sport (various sport trackers).
So even if many of you has a lot of interesting ideas that are more or less inspired directly by sport trackers, I want to make in Locus just a "light version" of some training manager useful for basic needs. Not more, sorry.
And because this is currently most wanted idea, I decided to do something with it. Major problem I see is missing automatic connection to various hardware devices over ANT+ or BT. Second issue I see, is completely missing notification during sport activities, right?
So I'm glad, that in latest BETA version , both these features are implemented. Both are connected directly to track recording profile, so it should be really easy to use it - just tap to start track record and all other tasks will happen as you define in settings.
Let me know how you like it, how it works for you and if there is something really important that is missing. And please, only important ideas that should be useful for almost everyone. Thanks for understanding and wish you nice weekend.
Good day people,
I was thinking a lot, how to satisfy your needs around this idea and what should make sense to implement into Locus.
I believe that you all will confirm, that main focus of Locus should remain hike/bike. As a bonus we are working on support for geocaching, voice navigation and some sport features. But! all these bonus features should really be mainly a bonus. So for all of them will probably exists better, more feature-rich applications. This is true mainly for navigation (TomTom, Navigon, ...) and also for a sport (various sport trackers).
So even if many of you has a lot of interesting ideas that are more or less inspired directly by sport trackers, I want to make in Locus just a "light version" of some training manager useful for basic needs. Not more, sorry.
And because this is currently most wanted idea, I decided to do something with it. Major problem I see is missing automatic connection to various hardware devices over ANT+ or BT. Second issue I see, is completely missing notification during sport activities, right?
So I'm glad, that in latest BETA version , both these features are implemented. Both are connected directly to track recording profile, so it should be really easy to use it - just tap to start track record and all other tasks will happen as you define in settings.
Let me know how you like it, how it works for you and if there is something really important that is missing. And please, only important ideas that should be useful for almost everyone. Thanks for understanding and wish you nice weekend.
I just installed the beta for test. It seems really nice. Ive been using an other program for quite some time, but getting tiered of all extra costs.
I would be nice with some calorie calculation based of type of activity and physical parameters. Maybe just own profiles, calories/minute depending of type of activity and speed and some multiplier for uphill and downhill.
Also the weather for the moment and place during the track would be nice, primary the wind.
I just installed the beta for test. It seems really nice. Ive been using an other program for quite some time, but getting tiered of all extra costs.
I would be nice with some calorie calculation based of type of activity and physical parameters. Maybe just own profiles, calories/minute depending of type of activity and speed and some multiplier for uphill and downhill.
Also the weather for the moment and place during the track would be nice, primary the wind.
Hi guys,
I glad that I may close this most wanted task here on help desk. Hope you find a simple training manager useful!
There is of course space for some improvements. I'll try to collect a few more ideas with more votes and then improve it all at once ;). Feel free to publish and mainly VOTE! for ideas here on help desk and use tag "Training manager", to keep similar idea together.
Hi guys,
I glad that I may close this most wanted task here on help desk. Hope you find a simple training manager useful!
There is of course space for some improvements. I'll try to collect a few more ideas with more votes and then improve it all at once ;). Feel free to publish and mainly VOTE! for ideas here on help desk and use tag "Training manager", to keep similar idea together.
Will be great if heart rate monitor will have user defined zones for notification sound or/and vibration.
I have "Xiaomi Mi Band" this tracker can get notification from apps and vibrate or blink leds. Very usefull
Will be great if heart rate monitor will have user defined zones for notification sound or/and vibration.
I have "Xiaomi Mi Band" this tracker can get notification from apps and vibrate or blink leds. Very usefull
Please Alexander and others, create a separate "topics" for a ideas around sensors and training manager in Locus.
I decided to mark this topic as completed and start work on improvements of current system. Anyway I would like to see separate ideas with a lot of votes, that say me "yes, we use it and wants more".
Thanks for understanding!
Please Alexander and others, create a separate "topics" for a ideas around sensors and training manager in Locus.
I decided to mark this topic as completed and start work on improvements of current system. Anyway I would like to see separate ideas with a lot of votes, that say me "yes, we use it and wants more".
Thanks for understanding!
Replies have been locked on this page!