Display of the driving time

olliz shared this idea 6 months ago
In Progress

Currently hh:mm:ss is displayed for the driving time - so 6 digits....

That's basically pointless! A 4-digit display is enough. Up to 59 minutes and 59 seconds, a display of minutes and seconds is OK, but after an hour, please only show hours and minutes!

Replies (18)


I completely agree


Hello olliz,

Please post here a screenshot, so I may check it, thanks. As I see, the time format for the top toolbar is set to "dynamic", so "if hours is 0", it should not be visible at all.



Hi,v You can only see minutes and seconds here... But if I'm out for a longer time, hh:mm:ss is displayed.

It's about the display in the dashboard:


Ah, understand, thanks.

The problem with your request: is it clear to you, what the values "12:13", "2:12:13" and "2:12" mean? Is it easy to see a difference?

Not for me, sorry. Because of this, the times format was united across the whole app a few versions ago. The result is hh:mm:ss format, which should be used everywhere and "hours" are usually optional. With this approach, you may always be sure what you see.

Another solution is using something similar to "12m 13s" or "2h 12m", but this is usually longer and requires more time to read it correctly. So these are my thoughts behind this solution. Am I wrong?


In principle, yes. I also understand that a uniform time format is used. But when it comes to displaying the time driven, it is more than suboptimal! Nobody wants to know the details when you It took 2 hours and 30 minutes to get there....that's 6 digits too many.


If no other option is available, please always use hh:mm with a leading 00. So 00:01 to 00:59 and then 01:00... But please no seconds. The current time is also displayed without seconds... So why not the time travelled? If I want to know how fast I am going, I have the pace...


Addendum: It would be best if you could configure the format of the display of "rec_time" (or rec_time_move) yourself!
So specify hh:mm:ss or hh:mm. Then everyone can create their desired display.

In general, there are some data fields where a self-configurable display would be desirable. For example, I don't really think it's necessary to see two decimal places for the speed. One decimal place or no decimal place at all - who cares if I'm driving at x.3 kmh?! It may be that this is different when displaying miles - so you can configure it yourself.


Bei der aktuellen Geschwindigkeit ist das nicht nötig. Bei der Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit aber schon.

Sekunden sind für die Fahrzeit absolut nicht nötig.

but it doesn't bother me either. It's just a matter of getting used to it.


These are different displays. Therefore, a configuration of the company according to personal wishes would be good. I am very bothered by the display of the seconds, because the field needs to be wider is it necessary or the display is cropped ...


Thanks for the feedback. I was looking at three other navigation apps and all display the remaining time in a format similar to hh:mm, so without seconds. In the end, I'm ok with it so I should set for all navigation times across the app this format. Is anyone against it?


No objection from me. Thank you for your effort

By the way: the support here is great! Other developers could learn a lot from it.


OK for me.


It is not entirely clear to me which time display is involved.

Recorded track time: please continue to display seconds here! Important for short distances (up to 1 h) and for training purposes.

Time to target (remaining time): seconds are certainly irrelevant here.


It means the time driven. The display of seconds is irrelevant if it is over an hour! Every bike computer hides this after 60 minutes. This is of interest for very short lap times.I understand that it can be interesting. But then please only mm:ss and from 60 minutes onwards only hh:mm


Please, it's about the display in the dashboard! As far as I'm concerned, the analysis can also show tenths of a second....

Maybe a lap time is better suited for this....


As I said, from 1 hour ok. Below that, please also display seconds. If this is guaranteed, I agree.


There is a track time in motion and a total track time. Changing the display to hh:mm would be sufficient for a total... As a compromise ... Otherwise I am also for under 60 minutes mm:ss then hh:mm


Ok. When changing from 59:59 (mm:ss) to one hour, display 01:00 (hh:mm).

Nobody will be confused.


Hmm, I'm not perfectly happy with it (first screen). From my point of view, "1:07" is not clear! The second option is also not ideal (too wide). What about the third with just "1:07 h"? Or any other better alternative?



If h or m is displayed as a designation, which I can also hide if desired, I like the 3rd option - 1:07 h - best.Maybe you can also display m or h in the symbol?


In the route planner of course I don`t need seconds.

I agree with olliz, third option is fine:

< 1 hour 0:59 m
> 1 hour: 1:00 h

In dashbord/track recording I insist to display also seconds if track time is < 1 hour. I would actually like to see them all the time (as is the case at the moment). I have various usecases with short time recording where I need to see seconds.

Perhaps it could be adjustable whether you want the times to be displayed with or without seconds. As olliz has already suggested above. Then everyone would be happy.


I agree the track time field displays like a stopwatch and should always show seconds. HH:MM:SS. Ok to omit leading zeros in HH. Most (or even all?) other apps I've seen have this. If this is too long for some then perhaps they need a different field entirely - not a stopwatch.

Other duration fields: myself I favour the format 12h 34m (agree seconds aren't needed) This is used in many other apps too. e.g. Outdoor active, AlpineQuest, OS Maps. If space saving is the priority then 12h34m is OK (no space). Alpinequest condenses it even more to 12h34 . Putting the h after the minutes would be unusual.
In contrast Garmin tends to use HH:MM:SS for all duration fields , leading zeros omitted. eg 1:02:34 .

Whatever is decided IMO it's important that displayed values should be clearly understandable, without needing any thought, and (most importantly) unambiguous.

BTW there is a standard for the representation of durations: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 Durations and Time Intervals sections. Its full form is far too complicated but the above formats (12h 34m etc) follow the underlying principles.


A new field is certainly not necessary. Simply configure the display format for fields where time or km are displayed, and all wishes will be satisfied. If you want hh:mm:ss, you can set it up like this, if you only want mm:ss or hh:mm, you can do that too. If you only want one decimal place for km, you can set it up like this, just like someone who wants two decimal places or none at all.

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