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Geocaching - show FAV points of each geocache

romantic29 shared this idea 12 years ago

Geocaching - show no. of favorites for each geocache - can use Geoget tag "favorites" or can be downloaded with listing using geocaching add-on. (I can modify Geoget GPX export script (and share it), if you make a support for it and if you say me where you want to have info about FAV in GPX)

Replies (19)


Would be nice to have percentage of fav-points. Absolute number hs little value.


Yes, but it is more problematic to implement it... I agree, it would be nice...


Cache witch more than x percentage of fav points will be show with star in map.


Martina`s idea is good. Configure setting for absolute number or precentage of FAVs and replace the map icon accordingly.


also consider parsing gcvote! :-)


Is this data included in the GPX-file? If not, maybe a similar approach like the Offlinizer could help? Maybe fetch offline-pics and FAVs in one go?


This data is _not_ included in the GPX file. So some online connection would be necessary.


Right, the Offlinizer uses the Live API to fetch stuff which is not in the GPX.


I also think there should be some kind of geocache-rating displayed in locus.

The percentage of favs out of founds would be best, but any other - total of favs or gc-vote would be helpful at all.


There`s now new idea on getsatisfaction about gc-vote support, give it a +1 if you want to see it in Locus :3


GC-Vote has it`s own idea on getsatisfaction now, so give it a +1 if you want to see it in Locus :3



so, this on first sight simple idea come as next task on my work-list

as I`m checking it, favorites are still not available by GPX files. They also cannot be fetched separately from GC server as are images. For getting number of "favorites", I need to download whole cache.

So in this case are only few possibilities as I think about it

1. additional info in GPX file, that will be exported from GSAK or other programs as wrote romantic in first post.

2. downloading caches from GC com site

3. using add-ons

ad 1. - is any program using this already? I`m asking before it`s better to use tag that some program already use, then create any new

ad 2. this is what I don`t want to do in Locus. Currently there are better ways then recreate a wheel again. G4L add-on works quite well I think and Arcao is doing great job

ad 3. Big changes in databases in previous version was done because I was limited in extending Locus API and many features. Thanks to this update, I was able to add support for trackables and I also created new version of API with support for favorites. So when authors of add-ons implement this new API, they`ll also able to define number of favorites that will be visible in Locus

so for now, I see work only on point 1 (point 3 is done on my side now) and also on GUI in Locus. Comments are welcome.

Also in next version will be ability to "add favorite" point during a logging a cache. Is this enough or any more "favorites" features is required?


Is there a chance with gc-offlinizer to get the favorite points? Would be great to do direct in Locus without GSAK and without GC4Locus. I think most users import their pocketquery. An update of that should reveal the favorite points. I think GSAK does it GC-Api?


as I`m checking GC Live API, there is no feature just like "GetFavoritesForCaches" ...

favorite points are included in request for a whole cache. And Locus currently do not use this function because it`s already included and used by GC4L.

Offlinizer is really used only for images. GC Live API have special function for obtaining images attached to cache and this is what I use


I would not mind using GSAK for this. But I do not know of any program that supports this already.


In GC4L favourite points are already included? But I can`t find them.


because there were no update of this add-on as I know, then probably not


Hi all,

this topic is quite old and I`ll now mark it as implemented.

As I wrote above, there is few possibilities, how to get information about "favorites" directly into Locus. Currently is anyway working only using information over add-ons. Last version of G4L (Geocaching4Locus) has this already implemented, so caches downloaded by this add-on will have this information included.

GPX files (also PocketQueries) unfortunately do not support FavoritePoints and also Locus offlinizer do not support this (more info above). So currently only way is to use add-on G4L. If you`ll have any other option or possibility (like some special tag in GPX from other program), write me and I`ll gladly improve it in Locus

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