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Frozen position during recording

Peter Grisa shared this problem 8 years ago

Hello Guys,

I have one issue when you are recording your track that your position will get stuck in one point and it's not updated anymore. Position is just frozen on place where I was before and from this time track is not logged however everything seems to be ok (time is counting etc..) I have to stop recording, restart my Locus Pro and run it again. I have seen this issue discussed on our bike forum but I haven't seen any solution for it. There are also other people facing to this issue.

I am using last LocusPro version available on Google Play Store but that won't be an issue of last version only. This happened to me a few months ago as well.

Any ideas?

Replies (9)


>I have seen this issue discussed on our bike forum.

what language? :) can we read it too?


Hmm I'm also interested in this discussion, thanks gynta.

I remember I heard about this issue maybe few years before, but I have no idea, if there is any solution. Does it happen more often? If so, I suggest to test any other application, not just Locus. If this will happen as well, you may send your device to service ...

I'm anyway more then sure, that if such issue will be in Locus, there will be already a full help desk of topic "It do not record!! " :). Good luck

PS: Isn't there any update for your device, new version of Android? I believe it should help if this is not a hardware problem


At least Menion should be able to read this. Pages 55, 56. I remember there was more from the past, I'll try to find it in the morning.

That most probably won't be an hardware issue as we have diferent cell phones and the same issues. Is there any chance to get some log file from my phone tahat could tell more?


I would like to also mention that this happened to me last year on different cell phone (Samsung Galaxy Nexus), this year on Google Nexus 5, android version and Locus version were always the official latest one (both are google phones).

And how often does it happen? Very rare - for last 12 months 3-4 times, I had about 100 trips so 3-4% of all my trips till now. First I thought that I just lost GPS signal from unknown reason. But when it happened 3rd of 4th time (that was this year) I saw that many satellites were connected to my device without any problem just Locus was not updating that position and counting points during track recording. I think that because of this happens so rare and the problem is with position that is stuck people might thought that they just lost GPS signal.

The worst is that I cannot simulate this issue, happens accidentally. For me on the most important and longest trips I had otherwise I could live with that.

PS: I did not find those issues on forum from the past as I mentioned above - sometimes off topic posts are deleted


Hello Peter,

I was reading discussion on SK forum and seems you are not alone with this problem (interesting news for me), but there is also no useful information that may helps here.

I may suggest enable "Locus as a service" in misc settings . Maybe your device is low on free memory and Android decide to terminate running recording service. This should help a little.

Anyway what may help most is to immediately you notice this issue, create a log by this method . Log has some limits in length and some devices are very very talkative. So it may happen that information why Locus stopped recording will be already lost due to huge amount of newest logs (Samsung mainly), but hope there will be some info.

I see no other way how to helps here, sorry.


Thank you Menion. I don't think that is an issue of low memory as I have 2GB and almost always there is 800-900MB free. But I have enabled that option to run Locus as service.

I will try to get that log when it happens again - I hope it will help.

You guys did really great job here on this application.

I appreciate it.


You are of course welcome. I'm sorry for such stupid troubles you have and hope we will find some working solution for this, because I believe that app that you cannot trust, has less then half value. Enjoy your next trips!


I observed such a Problem twice this weekend. Actually, when i stopped recording, there was a gap/jump in the track recording. What was in common (and different from all the other recordings I did in the past weeks): I started recording via the widget (and not in the App). And apart from that I did not use locus:

* today I did not even open it during the almost 8 hours of recording - and about the last hour was missing.

* yesterday there were about 20 Mins in the middle missing - but I think I opened Locus once at the time the recording resumed (not sure though).

I also played with 'Locus as a service' in settings - but it seems the Sevice only gets started when I start locus itself, not when I just use the widget. So it might be widget-related, but I'll keep an eye on it.


Good day Ulrich,

"Locus as a service" has zero effect in cases, some service runs in Locus, like for example track recording.

Anyway suggest to check all possible battery optimizations in your device ( more about it: ). This seems to be now most common problem, why recording is interrupted and has unwanted gaps.


thx, i'll check that



Excluding Locus form 'Battery optimization' as it is called on my device did not help. I started track recording via the widget. In the beginning the Mobile woke once in a while (notifications, a call, etc.) But after my last stop there was no more activity except for Locus recording the track. After about 55-60 Minutes in that state, the recording of new track points stopped. When I got home and ended the Recording Locus still pretended to be recording - but the last ~20 Minutes of Trackpoints were missing.

So I rechecked the Tracks of the weekend. There it also looks like the recording of additional Trackpoins ends 60 Minutes after the last other activity of the Mobile. When I do something on the Phone - not related to Locus at all - Track recording resumes.

It never happens when I use Locus as a navigation device as well (since the Mobile stays awake or awakes enough not to be sleeping for 60-Minutes+).

Any other Idea how I can prevent this? (I am Running Android 6.0.1 on a Moto G3)


I've noticed this even when using Locus almost constantly, eg, turning on the phone every few minutes to check distance to a cache.

Now I've taken the advice Menion linked above (turn off battery optimization for Locus Pro and -Beta), and will see if that helps.

But... it may be a hardware issue on my Nexus 5 phone. Occasionally the GPS gets "sticky" (position doesn't update), and I notice it's suddenly struggling to see satellites. Turning GPS off and on within Locus often fixes that, but I imagine that wouldn't be good for track recording...


The issue I have sounds a lot like the one described here:

But as I am not into Android Programming, I have no Idea wether there is a solution to that or not.


Hello Ulrich, Viajero,

I have just yesterday found a method, how app may check if "Battery optimization" is enable and offer option to disable it. So this will be in next Locus version. Not sure if it helps here, as you wrote that you already disabled it.

Firstly, this problem really is not a problem in Locus itself. It cannot be solved by any change in code etc. So secondly, I may only suggest to search in settings of your device and check it all possible optimization techniques are disabled for Locus.

What about "GPS auto-off" feature in Locus > settings > GPS & Location? Are you using it? Suggest to disable it as it may have effect here.


No, not using that.

But I found that there is a 'LocationService' that is also optimized. Maybe disabling that helps (i'll check). Disabling Battery Optimization for Locus itself did not help...

I know that it is not a Locus specific Problem. What I could imagine: Is there away to keep the device a little more awake during recording - i.e. prevent it from entering dooze alltogether?


Locus already use all possible techniques I was able to find, to keep it alive during track recording. This "doze" mode is quite new and I'm not aware of any "hacks" that may help here. We will see if your optimizations of "Locations service" helps.


It seems after one longer test ride, that excluding Location services form optimization did help. The 3 hours ride was recorded without interruption. I'll continue to test



After some tests it seems to be sufficient to exclude location service from battery optimization. Excluding locus does not seem to be necessary.


Very useful information Ulrich, thank You very much. Michal add this info to our manual. Michal please? Thanks



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