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Weather: Current time 3.5 hrs ahead and Sunrise/Sunset times are wrong

EagleScout1968 shared this problem 12 years ago

Locus Pro / Weather Feature - I live in the Boston MA area. When I view the weather for my currently location the current time displayed is 3.5 hours ahead. It is now 9:25am. The time next to Today says 12:55pm. The sunrise time is 7:15 vs 6:20 and sunset is 16:22 vs 7:16. (6:20 and 7:16 are from app) Is there a setting? Can you explain these values? Thank you .. Richard

Replies (18)


Here in Bavaria Locus Weather report says sunrise/sunset 8:05/16:29 which matches to January, 1st exactly.

Seems the date isn`t correctly considered. Is this is an issue of Locus?


... and time is UTC, not UTC+1h+DST


Hi, thanks for reporting. Time displayed as "current" is from service I use for weather data (seems like to be values in UTC+0). Sunrise and sunset are values that I compute by myself. Both are incorrect, thanks, I`m going to fix it ...


At least it should be written that it`s UTC+0 but even better would be local time for the location of the weather report


I know it`s not directly related to this topic but as you`re anyway working on the weather forecast.

Could you remove the rain icon if 0.0mm precipitation is expected?

This confuses me every time I use this nice function (it`s vital for some outdoor activity - you may guess what it is).

Similar for the wind icon.


hmm wind and rain is highlighted by red if deserve attention. Anyway you mean removing almost complete line in hour forecast in case no rain or wind will be more then 0? Or just in main top current forecast?

Just look on it from sight - not to be confusing. So by usually is more confusing when sometimes is something missing then if this value is zero. When is missing it should mean that there is any problem, when is 0 it`s clear ...


fine, so times should be fixed now

I changed phone to timezone UTM -5 and location set to Boston,


phone: 1:47

top text "Today (01:17)" (maybe more readable format here?)

sunrise: 5:17

sunset: 18:16

seems OK. Check by other service as well. Only problem is that your current time zone is UTM-4 due to daylight time right? So times will be shifted by one hour


You are right as well. But the rain symbol is always catching my eyes and it implies there is rain.What if you make rain symbol look disabled (some shade of grey or whatever you would use for this purpose). This would meet needs even better than no symbol.


I was also thinking about some greyed symbol in this case ... fine


Menion .. Thank you for looking into this issue for us. I`m not sure how to handle the time zones and day light saving issue.

I don`t know how easy it is, but I would be happy to beta test the fix.

Rain and Wind icons -- graying them out or maybe another icon with the circle / slash over them? Would you still include 0.0 mm and 0.0 mi/h with direction icon? Not sure what I think related to the numbers??

Units -- I am pretty sure that I have my settings set to inches, feet, degrees F, miles/hr, etc. The units on rain fall is mm rather than inches.

Thank you .. Richard


Hi Richard,

sorry I wrote it ... not much simple. Problem with time zone is on my side during testing. No worry. If you`re interested in this feature, I can send you testing version on email. Otherwise I think at Sunday or Monday will be new release on market


Hello Menion,

Not a problem ... I`ll wait for the update and let you know.


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I have release 2.2.1. The sun rise and set values look just fine.


Up: 6:06am

Dn: 19:23

Weather Channel

Up: 6:08am

Dn: 7:24pm

That is wonderful. Knowing if I can squeeze in one more cache before it starts getting dark is very helpful.

The time next to Today is a half hour off. It is early by a half hour.

9:34 vs 10:04

9:35 vs 10:05

9:36 vs 10:06

Thank you very much,



Hi Richard,

perfect it finally works! Thanks for report

about time next to today. This is time when weather report was generated (probably). This time comes from weather service and is always half an hour off. I assume, that they generate weather conditions every minute but publish it also after 30 minutes. Probably ...


Thank you ... I thought about that being the possibility about that time being the `as of time`. I see that in the Weather Channel App and the Weather Underground App. They label the `as of time` like Updated or Last Updated on .

The Apps that I`m familar with don`t work exactly like Locus Weather. Having the forecast always 1/2 hour behind, seemed a little too consistant -- based on my experience with other apps. For example, if I start the Weather Channel App multiple times (start app, view time, shutdown app and then repeat) the update time might be something like 9:06, 9:06, 9:06 and then 9:45. The actual time might be 9:40, 9:41, 9:43 and 9:45. The Weather Underground App works similar to the above when the app is started, shutdown and restarted. The Weather Underground App also has a refresh button and the refresh button can get the update time to be within a minute or so or even exactly the same as the actual time.

I`m used to seeing the Last Update time being behind the actual time. It makes sense to me that forcasts are not necessarily instantaneous. There is lots of data that goes into making forecasts. But seeing the forecast 3.5 hours in advance was a little confusing???

Thank you ... Have a great weekend


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