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Lost all my data after upgrading to ics (SGS2)

rvheddeg shared this problem 12 years ago


I just upgraded my Samsung Galaxy S2 to ICS and when I started Locus Pro I noticed that all my data is gone? I hope it`s still somewhere on my phone, but don`t know how to get it back.

I took a backup with Samsung Kies right before the update if that`s going to help.

Could you help me to get my data back?

At least the waypoints and tracks.

Thanks in advance,


Locus Pro 2.2.1

Replies (6)



this is really weird. Only idea what I have is that thanks to update, path to SD card where you had stored locus has changed. Try to search your card or internal storage if there is not locus stored twice. One old copy with all data and one new copy with almost empty directories


Sorry for late reply, but I have searched my phone and didn`t find any trace of waypoints and tracks. It`s very sad that this is the only app where I have lost data by going to ICS, because I love this app and your support.

I`m over it now, live goes on and all that,




I`m very sorry for this. We already discussed it over email right? I was also discuss same issue few weaks ago on Locus forum. And I still have no idea how this can happen. In Locus is no feature "delete whole card!"

anyway please:

1. check also this method from Starman . Maybe there is any hidden Locus directory somewhere

2. ah here it is. Post from pmoravec - , read also this please



1) I didn`t remember an email discussion on this topic with you? Are you sure it was with me?

2) When I click on the forum links you are posting here, the only thing I see is "You are not authorised to read this forum."

Thanks for the help,



this was the post from Starman:

....searching for multiple Locus directories, ASTRO File Manager works well.

Open Astro

Astro only searches dowmward, so use the UP arrow to navigate up the folder structure as high as you can go.

You should then see your sdcard listed, along with external sd cards, as ASTRO will recognize them.

Click the search button to open search page as shown on attachment.

In "Name Contains" field enter "Locus" with upper case L.

Click the button to show advanced search options.

Check "Include directory names".

Check "search sub directories".

Uncheck "Case Insensitive" to make the search case sensitive.

Click the magnifying Glass icon to start search...

Files: file.jpg

ah damn, have to be more careful. Both post was from private section :)

and no, I`m not sure, I just guess. So it was second person with same problem. Anyway as gynta wrote, try Astro or similar program to find if any duplicite directory exist. Second not visible post contain this text from pmoravec

"You could try to check the SD card for file system errors and if you did not copy any files to it yet, you could also use utilities such as PhotoRec to search for the missing files. The FAT filesystem and SD cards (where whole say 256kB block is deleted and written) can cause some errors. So maybe the directory got corrupted/its contents disappeared, etc. During the years I have lost data on SD card twice on Symbian (root directory got corrupted, FAT was damaged) and I have also lost some files on Android device due to directory corruption. So it could have been this..."

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