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Locus vector map download, more details

gazoox shared this idea 12 years ago

Hi. I just discovered the locus vector maps downloads on have not much details.

* What about offeren same maps with different details on ? For example Germany_LowDetails and Germany_HighDetail and so on...

..or starting a public vote on map-details-configuration to fit to most locus user?

* There is no hint for the map downloads directly from mapsforge:

The maps have more details at all zoom levels. Some people could prefere vector maps with more details (mostly on phones with higher resolution).

* I think it would be interesting for some people to find a note that it is possible to re-create the vector maps by yourself with osmosis,mapsforge-mapwriter and the OSM raw data.

Replies (8)


Vector maps with increased detail have distinct possibilities. In my case, as a US resident, I have purchased credits in Locus Shop, and have downloaded vector maps of all fifty States of the US plus the District of Columbia. These 51 files, when unzipped, total 2.2GB. For backup, I then transferred the collection to a zip drive, my laptop, and my desktop. Since I don`t travel much, on my phone, I then deleted all but the State I live in, and the 4 bordering States. But I have the others available for quick transfer.

If more detail could be achieved, I would gladly purchase more detailed maps for the State I reside in, plus perhaps the four bordering States, depending on the penalty in additional file size.

One thing I miss are dedicated city maps. In the days of paper maps, everyone had a map of their State. And if they lived in or near a large metropolitan area, they also had a more detailed city map. Another example, say a businessman based in Los Angeles, California were to fly to Chicago, Illinois for several days of business, do some sightseeing while there, but never leave the city. If he had the choice, would he rather download the present vector map of the entire State of Illinois at 41MB (55MB unzipped), or download a more detailed map of just the City of Chicago at say half the file size? Even at say half the file size, he would probably be willing to pay just as much for the city map as for the state map.

There are 50 major metropolitan areas in the US, ranging from New York City to Salt Lake City, Utah. Probably every Locus user that resides in or near these cities is a potential purchaser. A traveling business man, marketer or salesman might purchase the entire collection.

I don`t know if this would be technically feasible, but it would be awesome if these proposed city vector maps could be rendered with decreasing detail as you get farther from the city center. For example, the core city and suburbs, plus a buffer, would have the maximum detail possible. Then an area outside that, a circular annulus out to maybe another 20 km would have much less detail, and then another area, out perhaps another 20km, would be just roadmap, comprised only of major roads and highways into the city.

Apps like Locus are hampered by the Android/Google business model. People pay 200 USD for their phone, yet expect apps to be either free, or 99 cents. So a premiere app like Locus, at 6 USD, is considered expensive. A solution is to sell ancillaries, like addons and maps, similar to the printer manufacturers, who sell their printers at cost, and make their profit by selling ink cartridges. I have willingly spent twice as much money on vector map download credits in Locus Shop as I spent on the Locus Pro app.



are you sure that there are different details. Can you give me an example?

Regards jusc


My downloads from Saxony from have the full details like on

But at different zoom levels different things are shown. Maybe you mean this?!



>I just discovered the locus vector maps... have not much details.

Can you post screenshots plz. To compare.


After using locus full version since ~8 month i`d like to say its the best mapping tool in the market. I use locus every time at foreign location even parallel in car with my nagivation system. 6USD was very cheap in comparison I used it "productively". I don`t like google navigation.

If the the OSM vector maps for (payable) download would offer more details in each zoom levels I would rathre buy them instead of creating it by myself which required serveral days to complete on a desktop pc.


This is exactly what I mean!

Bigger resolution -> More space for information: more text is possible, more pois (the icons are always at constat size)


Vector maps are vector maps and not raster maps based on tiles at different zoom levels...

Just as a hint... :D


I`m closing this quite old topic as "not planned". We do not plan to offer vector maps for same area with different details. All this should be covered by various themes, which I hope, already is

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