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Geocaches - Nearest caches - download only those not in DB already

Marty McFly shared this idea 9 years ago


I have several hundreds geocaches saved in my Locus in "Points" section, sorted in various folders. Now when I go to Geocaching4Locus addon and do "Nearest caches", I want to download only caches that aren't already in my "Points" section (because I already have those).

Is it somehow possible to download only geocaches which are not stored already?

Example - I go to my home location and select "download 40 caches" in Nearest caches. It downloads only caches which I haven't found.

1)GOOD - it does not download FOUND caches

2)GOOD - it downloads caches not stored in my Locus database

3)BAD - but it also downloads caches already stored in my Locus DB

Now, I have 20km radius around my city cached in my database, so if I select higher number than 40, it gets impossible to remember which cache is stored already (waiting to be found or mystery solved) and which is not.

If it's not possible in current state, then I propose these solutions

A)If you select 200 caches in "Nearest caches", it will download them, but will import only those that are not in your DB already.

B) -II- it will download them, import them, but you will be able to go to "Points", folder where you imported them and filter them for those already in DB - thus allowing you to quickly know which you have and which not, allowing you to delete them.

C)It will download only geocaches which are not stored in your DB yet

I like the last solution the most, as it sometimes gives me errors when trying to download higher number of caches at once.

A jinak díky za skvělý program, který mi pomohl začít aktivně žít. Dávám topic Share an idea, klidně to změňte.

Replies (8)




Good day Marty,

I'm personally not sure, why you need such feature. Caches you already found are marked with smiley, caches you already computed (mystery, multi, ...) are marked with red start that indicate computed (changed) coordinates. So you may see, which points are not computed or found.

When you download some caches and import in Locus starts, that in case, Locus find in folder where you import caches, same cache, it should display a dialog with "overwrite/skip" options. So you may during import skip already existing caches. But I still not understand why to do this. Locus should be able to correctly merge changed data in old cache with fresh new data received from add-on.

And last point - download of only "not downloaded" points is simply not possible from technical point of view, sorry.


Thanks for reply. Starting from the last point - if it's not possible, then I understand.

But why I wanted this, perhaps it's not so easy to explain, but I will try to do it better - I have kind of stable wi-fi - stable for most things I do. But when doing Geocaching in Locus, there are often errors. For example, I go to center of Prague and select 500 caches to download. It starts to download them and when at 10%, it gives me "connection error". Or at 25%, 40%, 33% - any number. The process is slow and it is very delicate it would seem. Perhaps it's not fault on your (or Geocaching addon programmer's) side, but on GroundSpeak's. But that's how it is.

The same thing when I have geocaches stored in database. I select for example 400 of them (nearest to my position) and select "update". It takes 5-10 minutes and often stops in the middle with "error" window.

But getting back to the "nearest caches" feature - consider this. I am from Prague and I have 3000 caches in my database, it would be a circle with radius of 10km with center on upper side of Vaclavské náměstí.

I already have this database few months and now I want to add more caches through this way - but only new caches, because the older ones I already have in the database. So I center the screen on upper side of VN, apply some filters (traditional caches only, difficulty from 1-1.5), estimating that it will add about 350-450 caches (500 is the limit at one time).

I need to add all those circa 400 caches, then selecting "skip those in DB already" to add those about 20 new caches.

It wouldn't be so bad, if the adding process wasn't so faulty - sometimes I have to do this up to ten times, to add anything.

Though as you said, there are technical reasons so it has to take those few new caches with a lot of old caches and then when importing skip them. From aforementioned slow and faulty addition process, it takes many tries, so much effort to do that.


Marty, understand but:

- your use-case is really really specific

- me and probably also Arcao (developer of G4L add-on) are not aware of any troubles with downloading of more caches like you describe, so problem should be most on your internet connection, some proxy etc.

- I also do not understand why to download just new caches. I think that same importance is to update older, not yet found, to check latest news in listing, logs, etc.

So sorry, but I'm still not convinced that such idea deserve some changes in Locus. To be true, I'm not even sure, what changes should be done.


It's OK, I have found some workarounds, such as manually importing new caches by their GC code, or just updating my 400 cache long database in two steps - first 200 points, then last 200 points. I don't encounter internet connection problems anywhere else than here and on pages, so I still think it's something on their side, not yours or Arcao's.

And if it's of any use, I like your application more and more. I am someone who uses free stuff as much as possible, but I had to buy the Locus Pro to support your developing. It's just a small drop in a sea of expenses I suppose, but take this as an compliment of work well done.


Good day Marty,

fine you found an working solution and thanks for nice words. Enjoy Locus!


Small note: Upcoming G4L version 2.1 supports feature to continue with the partially downloaded caches to Locus Map when error occurs (e.g. network error) during downloading.

At the moment this version is still in a beta channel if you want to try it (see here for instructions: I will try to release to normal channel ASAP.


Díky Martine (viděli jsme se před pár lety na twitter srazu v Plzni).

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