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Add different profiles for settings

Mathias Dittrich shared this idea 9 years ago

It would be great if we could get something like profiles for settings.

At the moment we, just have the shortcuts in the sidebar to activate or disable some of the settings, like "Theme", "Auto Zoom", "Display on" ...

But I need different settings for different activities.

For example:

1. When I'm cycling, I'm want to disable the Auto Lock mode because the phone is on the bike. Furthermore I'm using track record in bike mode and auto display on, when reaching a POI. Guiding is active

2. When hiking, I don't want the auto lock mode, because the phone is in the trousers. Track record could be automatically in hiking mode,

3. when driving and navigate by car, display could be in the whole time.

What I'm trying to say :D It would be great to bundle settings to different profiles. So -just one klick to activate e.g."Cycling mode" and all my settings are like I want them.

Without going to th short cut in sidebar or in some cases (like Autlo lock) deeply into the settings menu.

Best greets

Best Answer

Good day guys,

during last months, new system of "Presets" shown to be quite useful and flexible for various situations. It does not allow full backup of all settings, only of predefined subset, but I believe options are useful for everyone.

For future updates of "Presets" feature, please vote or create tasks with tag "preset". More here:

Thank you for an idea and voting and enjoy Presets system.

Replies (14)


You can use backup manager for this purpose ;)

Simply save your settings and save them. Back them up later, when you need them. Works for me very nice for switching GPS with or without bluetooth receiver.


I use this as well to switch between "normal usage" and car navigation.

What is a bit annoying is the mandatory restart of Locus on calling restore settings.

Why is this necessary? The only thing I`m aware of if I change single settings is change of language.

But my different settings do not have different language setting. Would be nice if this can be avoided.


Good idea to use the backup manager for that...

It roughly does what I need, only the restart (as tommi62 said) is a little bit annoying...



could also include the proposed config.cfg dev_gui_main_rescale_value, sorry can't find the URL for this recent topic (help or forum)


Backup manager works, but it needs to restart, which is a hassle if I have track recording enabled. It also requires too many finger taps, which, together with the restart, is not better than the 5 taps it currently takes me. I was hoping for an automatic switch between profiles. This should be handy for anyone that uses navigation.


A backup/restore strategy maybe OK for power users, but hardly obvious/intuitive for "ordinary" users or convenient compared to the proposed automatic switch when you navigate/ cancel navigation. Probably obvious, but you will also loose your current settings unless rigorously backed up after each setting change before the next restore, resulting in frustrated users.


As a subset of all-the-setting-profiles, it makes sense to have at least different car - bike - foot navigation/guidance config profiles. It would include used routing provider and various logical and numerical settings. As one may need different navigation/guidance behaviour for car/bike/foot movement, and numerical triggers have optimal values dependent on the speed.

E.g. notification 100 m before turning point is OK for bike, but too late for car and too soon for the pedestrians. Similar some logical config flags may have different wanted values.


Great idea. And then you could create icons for quick opening Locus with different profiles.

E.g three icons/widgets: hiking, biking, car.

What's more, you could start Locus with different settings (profiles) from Tasker.

There are too many possible settings, so quick setting panel is ok but not sufficient, the only good solution are profiles of settings.


My suggestion is to embed the ability to overwrite the settings into the track record profile and/or themes.

My concern is the GPS auto-off function, when in cycle mode, I want it record every second (so no auto-off), but when I'm hiking mode once a minute or 2 is plenty so auto-off is great to save power. Also I find the settings overly complex and hard to navigate


@Nicholas King - while I support your idea, but you must realize this feature may make settings even more overly complex and harder to navigate.


I agree that it may make things harder to navigate, but at the moment the system is so fragmented, that I think the developer needs to take a step back and look how many different setting, themes, overlays, map items and layers there are (and I'm sure I've missed some ways of altering what I see on the screen). I'm sure that some of these could be consolidated, but that is a different matter.

The idea of changing all the setting at a time using a simple profile switch is I think the best option. If settings profiles were used it would be a simple step to make different home page icons available for the different profiles.


I fully support the idea.

Good cameras e.g. allow a number of settings profiles. Simply a set of specific values/choices, for ANY of the settings. Hence no confusion, straight principle.

The real complexity in Locus comes from the strict hierarchical approach to settings. There are cases where you can argue either way - should it be in Maps or in Display, etc. ?

Besides the profiles it would be great to allow a (brute force) full text search for any setting available, across settings name AND the settings short description. No need any more to mess with hierarchy (which can remain in place, of course. I do not want to trigger a silly religious war like we had between keyboard and mouse in the 90s. Now we have both, plus touch, plus voice ;-)


Good day people,

I believe that during every-day usage of Locus Map, almost everyone noticed that from time to time, change and check SAME settings. So I absolutely agree this feature has it's sense.

There are currently two possible options:

1) complete backup & restore of all settings ( doable, but very risky due to huge number of settings and possible loss of many of them during restore )

2) user defined selection of some of them and save & restored just this pack

Point 1 is doable, but it's on another story. Point 2 is doable but!...

Because of huge number of settings, where every works little bit different ( most of them are not simple yes/no ), I need to specify and prepare every preference we wants to save & restore, into special system which needs time (quite a lot).

So system 2). is in preparation, new preferences will be added slowly and carefully. I need anyway help, so here is nice poll where you may choose which settings you change! most often: . Feel free to add missing!

If anything won't be clear, feel free to ask. Small warning: tiny settings that are usually changed once per year or for some unique use-cases, won't be included. For this, we may later improve mentioned backup&restore system over backup file.

Next beta version will contain ALPHA testing version of this feature.


Aside of the poll result, the particular settings could be used in application-wide scope, or scenario-wide scope.

E.g. I have some personal config, that I do not normally change and want it constant across all case scenarios - therefore application-wide set.

OTOH, there are many parameters that I change "all-the time", when switching e.g. foot / bike / car scenarios - therefore scenario-wide sets - typically settings for navigation/guidance/notifications and recording - hot candidates for suggested backuping option 2).

These application and scenario sets should be able to be backed-up / restored independently.

For now I keep foot/bike/car whole backups and switch between them. E.g. I save current foot config and restore last bike config. This has a drawback of needed restart and of possible overwriting of to-be-application-wide parameters, if eventually changed after last backup.

OSMAnd has ( or at least had, as I do not use it much now ) explicit separation of global scope and scenario scope ( navigation mode ) parameters, so the messing with settings was addressed implicitly by natural way. Edit: But this is probably hardly way for LocusMap.


Very good day Menion! :) Good to hear it! Grat!

My proposition:

1. Creating profile user picks (checkboxes at each setting item) what settings should be included. Can select one, two, ten, twenty, even all (select all checkbox) settings.

2. User can copy/double profiles and modify (to create new one based on existing profile) + delete.

3. If point 1 is hard for light users, there can be a few predefined profiles provided by Locus.

Why this?

Settings included in profiles are like "local", the ones that varies at (most) profiles.

Settings the user doesn't include himself in profiles, are "global". Changing them I "change" globally all profiles.

The strength of the idea is huge flexibility, gives user unlimited possibilities.



PDA I had some navigation software, which it had marvelously invented. There were three buttons, under which it was possible to save all the settings. Long pressing deposited, briefly evoked. It was very easy and practical, three options were insufficient for all activities.

CZ: Na PDA jsem měl nějaký navigační software, který to měl úžasně vymyšleno. Byla tam tři tlačítka, pod která bylo možno uložit veškerá nastavení aplikace. Dlouhým stiskem se ukládalo, krátkým vyvolávalo. Bylo to velmi snadné a praktické, tři volby byly postačující pro všechny aktivity.


in Oruxmaps and Garmin it is the same


Good day guys,

during last months, new system of "Presets" shown to be quite useful and flexible for various situations. It does not allow full backup of all settings, only of predefined subset, but I believe options are useful for everyone.

For future updates of "Presets" feature, please vote or create tasks with tag "preset". More here:

Thank you for an idea and voting and enjoy Presets system.

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