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Two problems with geocaches aka points

Kipcior shared this problem 9 years ago

Hi, I have two problems in management of points which I mainly use for geocaches.

1. First problem exists as long as I can remember. It's about a number of checked (seen) caches within the folder. When I go to the points' folders list for each folder I can see two numbers: no of checked to be seen/number of all points/caches in folder. From unknow reasons this number can become incorrect after I make an import without cleaning of seen caches list. In other words for instance if I have 200 caches checked to be seen and without unchecking (cleaning the number to 0) I import the new file into the same folder, mnost likely the number of checked caches becomes incorrect. At this moment when I uncheck all the caches within the folder, on the folder's list I see 982 checked number which is incorrect of course. How can I make it 0 again so that it reflectes the real number of caches checked - without losing any information looged offline such as found/notes/etc. And is there anything I should remember during import which prevents from the problem again.

2. Second problem occured recently (max 6 months I'd say or even less). I see that the geocaching filtering is not working properly anymore. It is about archived and disabled caches. In the filtering of list I mark both statuses as not to be listed (No entry sign column). But when I apply the filter and go back to the list all disablked/archived caches are still there. It worked perfectly before the change - couple of months ago, so the problem became visible recently and for the first time since I started using Locus for geocaching (few years). The same problem goes for caches from GC and OC.

Replies (14)


Good day Kipcior,

thank you for your report. I'm sure we will do something with it. Firstly, are you using latest, 3.15.0+ version of Locus?

1. in this case, I'll need really exact steps what you do. I'm trying it now with own data:

- open folder with points, display all of them, result 518/518

- close "Data manager", from menu > import and selecting file with 1000 points

- I select testing folder, do not check "display after import" and press import

- after import I open "Data manager" again and folder values are now 518/1518

What should I do differently to get same problem as you?

2. again testing and seems to be working. I know there were some problems, but they should be fixed since 3.14.0 version if I remember correctly (maybe from 3.15.0, not 100% sure).


Hi, sorry I'm coming back so late. Answering your questions

1. Well, generally you're doing most likely the same. Might be that the problem was existing in the past and does not at the moment. Anyway right now I have one folder for which even when I turn off all the points, the number show more than 900 points visible. This 900 is like a base in it meaning that if I select 1 points it will show 901 instead of 1. The question than is how can I make it 0 when all the points are deselected?

2. I have the latest version right now (3.15.0) and sadly it does not work. As I said I have marked archived and disabled caches not to be visible but they're visible on the list with this filter applied. Let me show it on screens attached. Two of them are showing filters and the third one the result


As for the first problem please als find the sccreens:

1. Folder geocaching on the list shows 962/10933 whereas no point is selected within.

2. Then you see the list of points with no selection and with selected one point (increases number to 963 - should be 1.



really no need to sorry! Thanks for extra information.

I already rarely (once per year) noticed some incorrect values in this point/track counter to be true. Unfortunately I was not yet able to find exact steps to simulate this problem.

Anyway you may try to tap on icon of folder (icon next to title "Geocaching" in list of folders). This allows to toggle between load folder/unload folder. So try to tap on it once, twice, if second value change correctly. Should be, because full unload of folder also cause clear of this counter.

So give it a try.

To second problem ... hmm one more thing ... are you able to do a fresh import (for example from GPX) of your points and try it again?


Thx for the answer. Let me first refer to the second one. Of course I'm able to re-import the whole catalogue - the question is whether all the offline notes, found/not found indicator etc remain untouched, meaning that after re-import I'll have all these off-line things attached to the points. If there's no risk in loosing them then I can try to reload the caches.

The first problem: Man, you saved the day :) I've been using this app for a few years and didn't even know that this icon have any operation behind click/tap event :) Anyway I tapped it, progress bar showed and when it went to 100 percent the number changed to 0. So seems like it did help. Only one question. What does load/unload in this context mean? I tapped it, the number changed and I still see all the points in the folder, so nothing changed apart from the number. Now I wonder what consequences does load/unload has, if any?


UPDATE: I decided to test it by creating a new folder and importing gpx into this new folder. So after new import to this folder the filters are working fine there. Archived and disabled caches are not visible on the list if filtered out. I used this filter with other elements such as distance, etc to combine many filter elements and still sems to be working. Then I;d go with re-import of all folders but still plrase confirm I will not loose any offline data.


Hello, hmm I wasn't sure because it is already a few weeks, but you reminded me this - there was need to re-import caches to make this work. So good to hear it confirmed from your test.

if you have enabled "Check for duplicates" (in settings > misc), then Locus should overwrite old data with new, but keep also your custom waypoints and private notes. Anyway to be sure, I really suggest to use function "Backup manager" and do a "Complete backup". This will backup all your points and tracks into zip file and you will be able over same function restore them in case of any troubles.

And button hidden as folder icon - it simply display or hide content of whole folder on a map. Try it on your own and you will see, that first number (that say how many points is currently loaded on map) is changing.


Ok, I will follow the path you explained and share the results. Thank you for help.


You are welcome! Hope i helped you little bit.

In case of any problems with these two issues, feel free to continue in this topic.


You helped a lot with this topic actually. I didn't even have to delete and load the caches from scratch. I've just reimported them and all seems fine.

However after I reimported all the poits which took quite a lot of time (15 folders - each with 1000-4500 points) I tried to load the pictures for one of the folder using option reload geocaching data and during this operation Locus stopped working. I had to reset the phone and after that Locus does not open anymore. It's stuck on System files screen with neverending message "Loading in progress...". I suspect something happened to my sdcard - maybe some files were not closed properly and now Locus cannot open. Maybe you have the idea how to get it working without uninstalling etc ? I have done the full backup before all thos operations so if only I could start Locus and get to the settings I'd be able to recover it from backup.


UPDATE: Fortunately I was able to make it working. Strange thing is that I couldn't enter the application directly - described the problem abobe but I could indirectly via c:geo application. So maybe if someone runs into the similar problem it might be useful to him therefore let me describe it.

I entered c:geo application which is basically showing geocaches online, chose one of the geocaches and clicked on the map in GC screen. It then let me to choose Locus as the applciation to open the map with. When I chose it it opened without a problem directly on map screen. The most important was that I could enter tha settings menu. Initially I couldn't see any of my folders with points, maps etc but I recovered my latest full backup, it took a while to execute but finally after execution and restarting Locus it opened properly with all my points and folders. Now I need to do all the reimport of points (as a solution for my initial problem from 1st post) again but the most important is that I have my Locus up and running. Anyway still would like to hear if there's any other option to make it working (not via other application which frankly speaking I discovere absolutely accidentally :)


Hello Kipcior,

interesting troubles. Are correctly working filters for you so important? If not, I should leave it as is and from time to time, when you will update your caches, it will start working (with updated caches only of course).

I'm also surprised that Locus started for you over c:geo and not with basic start over launcher icon. Anyway not sure if there is something to do on my side now.



yes filters are important to me but as I said these are working fine after reimporting all the caches.

The problem I have now is related to the function responsible for loading all the images for caches. I have Polish interface so I can't give exact name of menu item but I'll try to direct there. When I'm in the points folder (list of points within particular folder) there's an icon "tools" at the right bottom which opens additinal functions for points. When I click it, select all the points (might be between 1500 and 5000) and choose option to load the images: something like "load geocaching data" it starts checking and if necessary loading images for points. For some reason this process sometimes ends without a problem but in many cases it hangs the application and not only Locus but also many other Android apps have problem then. For instance I cannot open applications management in settings, etc. In such case only restart of the whole system helps. Maybe it's related with memory or something like that, anyway I've had such problem several times since Driday. Fortunately after restart and SD card rescan Locus works properly but still it's kind of problem.


Ah understand. We call this function "GC Offlinizer".

I think, such descriptions are nice, but have no usage. What you may try is to get a log with this method: in case, Locus crash during that process. Because every single image means - download it from internet and store on SD card, in case of some malfunction of SD card, it may cause even such troubles. Did you tried to check your SD card on PC with some tool? At least windows "Error checking" tool (in SD card > properties > Tools tab , in case of MS Windows).

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