More Options for Recorded Tracks

Clayton laramie shared this idea 9 years ago
Gathering feedback

I use Locus most for backcountry skiing. I often record my ski days. It would be awesome if I were able to look at the "Laps" tab of a recorded track and see laps listed as when I skied downhill and/or when I skinned uphill. This would also be nice for skiing at a resort.

Currently laps are defined by distance, but in many mountain situations, a lap is more accurately defined by elevation gain or the change from ascending to descending. On an old Suunto altimeter watch (barometer), it would count a new lap whenever you gained x meters in altitude (100m). It's important to have a threshold so it doesn't count a new lap for a 10m uphill section. Maybe the threshold could be set by the user for greater control?

I'm not sure if on the "laps" section it would make the most sense to show each uphill/downhill together or separate all of them. For granularity, I'm thinking separate for now. Like 2 backcountry ski runs showing as 4 laps: Uphill 1, Downhill 1, Uphill 2, Downhill 2 etc.

Along the same lines, it would be awesome if my recorded track could be two different colors: one color for when I'm going up-hill and another color for when I'm going down-hill. Or solid line vs dotted line. This would allow me to easily see the skin track / ski lift vs the ski run. This also applies to alpine climbing and mountaineering, where the approach / ascent route is often different from the descent route and thus different colors would be useful.

I can see how in other uses, laps measured as distance are better (running, cycling) and how the separating recorded track colors for uphill/downhill might not be that useful. Maybe it would make the most sense for the user to select all of those settings in the track recording profile (I created one for ski).

Thanks so much. Love your app already but it would be even better for skiing with these improvements.

Replies (7)


Current laps are pretty much useless indeed. There is another proposal already in place, asking for user definable laps; your's above does extend it even more.


Thanks Michael. I'm new to the forum and didn't find that other post. Sorry to duplicate. I think laps and recorded tracks would be even better for skiing with these changes.


Unfortunate topic... it misses the word "laps". But I couldnt agree more with the contents! Locus could do a lot better when it comes to mountains and altitude handling. Splitting "laps" by up- and downhills instead of a meaningless distance would finally make this feature useful. A distance really doesn't mean much for ski touring, skiing, mountainbiking, etcpp.

All that matters is climbing or descending.


Sorry about that joe. I tagged the post with laps, but didn't think to include it in the post title. Now I can't edit it. If you found this idea interesting, I just added a couple more that are related.


I would also appreciate laps based on elevation profile. Why? I had a look at "laps" ("Abschnitte" in German) and found them useless for my activities like cross country skiing, mountain hiking, sledging, etc. I guess the same applies for biking/jogging/... in mountainous regions: Uphill, downhill and even parts have completely different movement characteristics, e.g. xc skiing uphill speed is massively lower (3km/h) than downhill (20km/h) and will also drop over time / require more breaks in longer ascents. Thus, comparing distance based laps gives little insight if one contains mostly uphill and one mostly downhill.

> It's important to have a threshold so it doesn't count a new lap for a 10m uphill section. Maybe the threshold could be set by the user for greater control?

I fully agree that a threshold would be required. Another approach then an absolute/fixed elevation difference is to use minimum time (e.g. one "uphill lap" shall at least have 5 minutes) which may be combined as "sliding window" with the use of 1st and 2nd derivation of the altitude to find inclines/declines or changes in the gradient.

> I'm not sure if on the "laps" section it would make the most sense to show each uphill/downhill together or separate all of them. For granularity, I'm thinking separate for now.

Me too - I want to see that how much quicker/slower the first ascend, one in the middle of the day, and the last of a long day was.

Finally, I want to empathize that not only uphill & downhill shall be distinguished, but also even parts.

Cheers, Georg


In addition I would like to add, that any automation should provide PROPOSALS for lap boundaries. There is never a perfect automation.

It must be possible to re-arrange a proposed lap-boundary manually. Even add or delete a lap boundary.

Uphill/downhill, speed ranges and alike should be selectable (any subset, incl. all of them). Then hand over to the human brain and fingers :-)


This would be very useful indeed. Has the developers looked into this?

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