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SmartWatch 3

jegow shared this question 8 years ago

Is there a way to use a SmartWatch 3 with locus pro? I thought it should be possible after reading the help desk. But it does not work.

Replies (3)


Good day Jens,

all about add-on for SmartWatch3 is in this topic: . Anyway add-on is now not actively developed and till it will be published on Google Play, it's still early Beta version.

Thanks for understanding.


Hi! Please, which is the state of this issue? I'm using a Sony SmartWatch 3 with a Samsung Galaxy A50. Both fully updated. Bluetooth seems to work fine. But when I try to start the record of an activity from de phone, connections fails with an error message: "connection lost". Please, see attached file.

Any idea is welcome! Thanks!


Hello Ricardo,

complicated task. A few years we were finally able to move with this add-on little forward. Unfortunately, now our again not able to work on this task, so sorry, I have no idea how to correctly help here. Most usually, problems are related to the battery optimization system in modern Android. So please try to exclude Locus Map and also add-on itself from the optimization system on your device. It may help. Thanks for understanding.


Hi, Menion! Thanks for your reply! Yeap, this seems a severe issue! It is excellent to receive a message from Locus Team! I've been playing with battery optimisation here, and it seems it shouldn't be any longer the issue. The point is that the add-on seems to work fine (with little oddities) when I launch a track recording from the app and follow it from the smartwatch. But the record seems to fail with this connection error when launched from the smartwatch. I say "it seems to fail" because even although I get an error, somehow the order reaches the app but it starts a long time after ordered (not sure how long it takes to start, but I'm talking about a bunch of minutes, perhaps 10-20 minutes).

Please, does this make sense for you? Let me know how I could be of any further help! I would like to see this issue solved to enjoy this great app fully! Thanks for your work!



10-20 minutes? I'm surprised that it has some delay. I logically expect that it is delivered instantly or never.

Modern Android devices usually have a sleep internal for the phone that is not using > 15 minutes. So it still may be related to some battery optimization. Please check also this our collection of tips. And among excluding Locus Map & add-on, try it please also with "Android wear" application. Because this app is some kind of "middle-men" in the communication process and maybe it is stuck on it. Sorry, I do not have precise information. You are currently only one who reported us this problem.


Hi! After a number of changes in battery power management in my Galaxy A50, a number of restarts, updates, turning on and off different settings and stuff, both phone and watch seem to talk perfectly with each other! I'm not able to explain why they don't work together before and do it right now. Sorry about this!

I'll concentrate on enjoying this great team until something get wrong again and keep this thread posted with any discovery!

Thanks for your hard work and great products!!


Hello Ricardo,

no need to sorry. I should say sorry for this miserable user-experience. Android more and more push on various kinds of battery optimization, which is fine on one side for end users, but very pain-full for devs or users that try to use some unusual combinations (like Locus Map + separate watch add-on). Hope, it will work fine for you without any new troubles.



Thanks for the answer. I followed the link but a can't find any apk - "... The apk from above works ..."


Here it is, anyway don't expect miracles.

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