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Oflline Bitmap Maps not visible in the menu

Stephan Knull shared this problem 8 years ago
Not a Problem

I recently changed to a new device (Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 instead my old Galaxy Note 8.0). The device is rooted (stock rom).

In the offline menu of Locus pro I no longer see my bitmap maps, only the vector maps are listed.

When I toggle to smart selection I can see at least the bitmap maps I have used recently.

Is this a bug or feature which I have missed somehow?

Kind regards,


Replies (7)


Good day Stephan,

where are your bitmap maps stored, in default Locus/maps directory (these should be visible in all cases) or in some custom directory placed anywhere in device (here check if you have correctly added this directory)?


Hi Menion,

thanks for the fast reply!

My Locus folder is stored on the SD Card. On my older Note 8.0 there was not enough space to place it on the system storage. I am currently reformatting my 64GB sdcard to see if this is maybe a corrupted filesystem or so.

Will place a note here afterwards. I have granted write access for all apps on the external card so I thought this would work.


Hi Menion,

with another sdcard everything works now as expected. The card which did not work anymore was a reative new (6 month old) Sandisk Ultra 64GB card. So I did not expect it to die that early as they give warranty for ten years for those cards.

One hint for the translation of your page: The German word "Beihilfe" for Support has a completely different meaning (too complicated to explain here ;) ) and is not appropriate for this context - just use "Support" which is a pretty common term nowadays - or if you really want a German term use "Unterstützung" instead.


Hello Stephan,

this is quite surprising. I probably can't help here more, anyway really suggest to format your card on PC (with some deep full format) and also suggest some "error checking". I also can't believe that half year old card should stop work.

Next time, if this happen (hope not), best should be to create a log by any of these method: . In log should be some useful information, where is a problem.

So glad it's working for you now and feel free to ask and continue in this topic, if any similar problem happen.


Hi Menion,

that's exactly what I try to do right now. It seems the card was in readonly mode - which seems to appear more often on exfat cards.

When this does not work I will return this piece of crap to the retailer.

Thanks anyway and have a great easter!




Hmm read only mode is also surprising :). Because even in read-only, Locus should be at least display these maps. Anyway you will see after some tests. Nice evening!


Maybe I have corrupted the card finally with an attempt to reformat the disk which failed.

Now I even tried this tool

without success. I consider this card as DEAD now and get a replacement unit from the retaiker tomorrow.

Fortunately I have a full backup :)



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