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Crach after search in track

balloni55 shared this problem 8 years ago

Hi menion

after i search for a track, locus stop and the track db is destroyed

see attached video, report was send ~ 13:45 today

Replies (13)


Hello balloni,

what the ... "DB destroyed". Glad you had a backup!! Uff.

Unfortunately I do not understand why, but I do not see your bug report in Google developers console. May you please simulate this problem once more for me and get me a log with CatLog app or any other method? Thank you very much!!


i send cat log now to


Good day balloni, thanks for a log!

There are these important lines:

  1. 04-17 09:08:04.135 I/SqliteDatabaseCpp(1472): sqlite returned: error code = 11, msg = database corruption at line 58182 of [ed759d5a9e], db=xxx
  2. 04-17 09:08:04.135 I/SqliteDatabaseCpp(1472): sqlite returned: error code = 11, msg = statement aborts at 64: [SELECT _id, parent_id, longitude, latitude FROM locations WHERE parent_id IN (363, 658, 695, 699, 711, 731, 763, 802, 893, 905, 913, 914, 916, 917, 933, 945) AND previous_id IS NULL] database disk image is malformed, db=xxx
  3. 04-17 09:08:04.140 E/DefaultDatabaseErrorHandler(1472): Corruption reported by sqlite on database: /sdcard/Locus/data/database/tracks.db
  4. 04-17 09:08:04.140 E/DefaultDatabaseErrorHandler(1472): deleting the database file: /sdcard/Locus/data/database/tracks.db
  5. 04-17 09:08:04.180 E/DbTracksProvider(1472): fillTrackPointForSort()
  6. 04-17 09:08:04.180 E/DbTracksProvider(1472): android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabaseCorruptException: database disk image is malformed

First four lines are from database tool that provide Android itself. This tool simply report "database corruption".

For such cases we use this method:

You may try it if it helps. Otherwise send me your database and I'll try it for you. Sorry for a troubles, but because of quite intensive work with database file, this may really rarely happen. For such cases exists automatic backup, so I hope it worked for you as expected.


Hi menion,

thanks for your answer, i´ll try it

one question in advance, it´s a little bit unclear for me

should i try to repaire my backup DB or the "corrupted" DB after locus crash ?

I think my normaly working DB from backup ???or.....

please help what´s wrong? i´m not a DOS specialist




hmm try to navigate directly into "sqlite-tools" directory, there open command line (or on your screenshot just type "cd sqlite-tools") and then execture sqlite3 command. Maybe on windows, try simply

  1. sqlite3.exe tracks.db ....

So your line should looks like

  1. C:\sqlite-tools>sqlite3.ext trac...

And which database. Hmm it's a question if database in backup is OK. If it is, then why it gets corrupted by restore. I suggest to try this with database from backup if it helps and after copy, database will be working.

Also, this crash happen only when you search? When you do tiny track record and save it, then no problem? Really weird.


Hello menion,

yes, i am able to do anything with my tracks only if i search for a track DB is destroyed.

Search in waypoints work well.

Now without "$" i get sqlite3/DOS work, a new little bit smaler DB is created with error messages70511da24997d29308a530cbe07e006e

After i packed this created track.db to my and restored my pois/tracks to locus, i can use my tracks as before, till i run search....... so this was not the solution

Are you interested on this track.db ?

or have you any other suggestion for me to solve this Problem?



really really interesting. If you are willing to share you tracks.db file, I'll really gladly try it also on own device. I'm little bit worried that there will be some solution I may do directly in Locus, but I'll at least try it, thanks!


Hello menion,

btw. the problem occurs also on VM

i´ve send you my tracks.db per mail to


Hello balloni, I have a nice evening with your database, thanks :).

Here are my steps (almost same as yours):


This new.db file, I've copied to Locus/data/database and renamed to tracks.db. After start, Locus throw an error that database is not valid and if I wants to close/restore backup etc. I've found an issue in Locus. Database is fine, issue is just in Locus, sorry. I hope that I'll publish new beta version tomorrow or in worst case in Thursday, so you may use this Beta till new official version will be out. Possible?


>I have a nice evening with your database, thanks :)<

superb, you enjoy it, it was my delayed birthday present for you ;-)

and best of all, you found a reason and a solution


i´ll wait patientely on next Beta


Well, not exactly "found a reason" - I still have no idea what is causing rare database corruption. But at least, we have a solution that seems to works and as a bonus, one more fixed issue in Locus.

If you will have a problem with your fixed database, let me know because the one I've created seems to work correctly even during search, so I may share it back to you.


confirm, problem solved

with BETA V and fixed DB

thanks ;-)


Uff perfect, you are welcome!

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