After the latest upgrade I can no longer find a satellite map. Which is why I bought the app in the first place. Is this no longer available?
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MapQuest classic and hybrd/satellite images no longer accessible?
Since the latest release of LocusMap Pro, it looks like MapQuest maps (classics, hybrid/satellite images, etc), have been removed. Well, BUMMER!! That's the main reason I PURCHASED LocusMaps in the first place. Being able to download satellite images for geocaching in far-away places makes finding hard-to-locate trails and accesses, desert washes, etc. much easier to find and follow in real-time (while the maps are being used offline). If we no longer have access to those maps, LocusMap Pro has become useless to me. What happens now?
Hello Jonathan,
I'm sorry for troubles bur all MapQuest maps are no longer supported by Locus Map application due to changes in MapQuest terms of use.
I'm sorry but we can offer satellite map for Austria, Finland and Czech Republic at this moment.
Hello Jonathan,
I'm sorry for troubles bur all MapQuest maps are no longer supported by Locus Map application due to changes in MapQuest terms of use.
I'm sorry but we can offer satellite map for Austria, Finland and Czech Republic at this moment.
Okay thank you. Do you know when a satellite Map might again be offered for USA?
On Jul 18, 2016 5:10 PM, "Locus Map" <> wrote:
Okay thank you. Do you know when a satellite Map might again be offered for USA?
On Jul 18, 2016 5:10 PM, "Locus Map" <> wrote:
Sorry -- I just started a new Topic with the same problem. Probably a lot of people are bummed out about losing MapQuest satellite images. Most of my caching is in the U.S., and that's where I particularly want them. I left for a trip to Svalbard (in the Arctic Circle) a few weeks ago and wasn't able to load them then, either. Sure would have been helpful to have those as off-line maps. Reason I purchased LM Pro was for the satellite images -- now the program has become useless to me :-(
Sorry -- I just started a new Topic with the same problem. Probably a lot of people are bummed out about losing MapQuest satellite images. Most of my caching is in the U.S., and that's where I particularly want them. I left for a trip to Svalbard (in the Arctic Circle) a few weeks ago and wasn't able to load them then, either. Sure would have been helpful to have those as off-line maps. Reason I purchased LM Pro was for the satellite images -- now the program has become useless to me :-(
MapQuest new policy does not allow to use their maps in LocusMap anymore, and there was no guarantee the 3rd party sources will be available forever. See also this thread.
You may try to kindly ask to refund the price.
But you are not consistent - if it was the main reason, it cannot be useless, just less useful. :) It has far more usage than watching satellite maps.
MapQuest new policy does not allow to use their maps in LocusMap anymore, and there was no guarantee the 3rd party sources will be available forever. See also this thread.
You may try to kindly ask to refund the price.
But you are not consistent - if it was the main reason, it cannot be useless, just less useful. :) It has far more usage than watching satellite maps.
I use Locus for geocaching without aerial imagery. I'm using the open street vector maps where the trails and other paths are visible. Seeing how you can walk to the cache is much more valuable than the projection on an aerial image that isn't 100% correct anyway with a GPS that is at least 10m inaccurate...
I use Locus for geocaching without aerial imagery. I'm using the open street vector maps where the trails and other paths are visible. Seeing how you can walk to the cache is much more valuable than the projection on an aerial image that isn't 100% correct anyway with a GPS that is at least 10m inaccurate...
Auric -- if you limit yourself to "known" trails and paths, then OS vector maps may suffice for you. There are thousands upon thousands of trails that are "known" (let's just say "well-established") that do NOT appear on OS vector maps, nor even on USGS maps. Our latest trip to Utah proved that -- we were on an established 4x4 road in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Park that did not appear on any map. But actual satellite images may (and usually do) easily show those. I have cached many times out in the desert, accessing 4x4 roads and unmarked washes, which are not on any open street maps (vector or otherwise), but are easily followed when viewed as true-to-life satellite images. For all intents and purposes, satellite images show whats REALLY under foot (or under your tires) and are a tremendous advantage for not getting lost when no other roads, paths, or trails are shown on vector or topo maps.
Yes, Google removed access to their maps and sat images on due to licensing issues, but enough members complained and that was soon rectified. A GSAK macro also stopped working when Google threw up another blockade. There IS a fix for GSAK users to edit a configure.txt file (where we can create and install our own API key) which allows the API calls to work.
I would be VERY INTERESTED in the "hack" that you mentioned to allow Locus Map to do the same thing. As you pointed out, I don't know of a way to contact privately through this forum (which I JUST started to use).
Libor -- if I were to have written in my first post that accessing satellite images in Locus Maps was my "...only reason..." rather than my "...main reason..." would that have changed your comment about not being consistent? I have been caching since 2001 and have never had (or used) sat images for caching until I heard that Locus Maps offered it. So, I "was" doing fine without it for 15 years! I did say without sat images it was "useless TO ME" (not useless overall). Less useful -- I totally agree.
Petr -- thankfully the price of LM Pro is reasonably small. Hopefully a workaround of some type can be found to bring back the use of sat images. If Auric Goldfinger has a method of doing that, I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO KNOW WHAT IT IS!! I'm sure there are a LOT of people that purchased LM Pro for the same reason I did and are now disappointed that we lost a major feature once supported by this app.
Auric -- if you limit yourself to "known" trails and paths, then OS vector maps may suffice for you. There are thousands upon thousands of trails that are "known" (let's just say "well-established") that do NOT appear on OS vector maps, nor even on USGS maps. Our latest trip to Utah proved that -- we were on an established 4x4 road in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Park that did not appear on any map. But actual satellite images may (and usually do) easily show those. I have cached many times out in the desert, accessing 4x4 roads and unmarked washes, which are not on any open street maps (vector or otherwise), but are easily followed when viewed as true-to-life satellite images. For all intents and purposes, satellite images show whats REALLY under foot (or under your tires) and are a tremendous advantage for not getting lost when no other roads, paths, or trails are shown on vector or topo maps.
Yes, Google removed access to their maps and sat images on due to licensing issues, but enough members complained and that was soon rectified. A GSAK macro also stopped working when Google threw up another blockade. There IS a fix for GSAK users to edit a configure.txt file (where we can create and install our own API key) which allows the API calls to work.
I would be VERY INTERESTED in the "hack" that you mentioned to allow Locus Map to do the same thing. As you pointed out, I don't know of a way to contact privately through this forum (which I JUST started to use).
Libor -- if I were to have written in my first post that accessing satellite images in Locus Maps was my "...only reason..." rather than my "...main reason..." would that have changed your comment about not being consistent? I have been caching since 2001 and have never had (or used) sat images for caching until I heard that Locus Maps offered it. So, I "was" doing fine without it for 15 years! I did say without sat images it was "useless TO ME" (not useless overall). Less useful -- I totally agree.
Petr -- thankfully the price of LM Pro is reasonably small. Hopefully a workaround of some type can be found to bring back the use of sat images. If Auric Goldfinger has a method of doing that, I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO KNOW WHAT IT IS!! I'm sure there are a LOT of people that purchased LM Pro for the same reason I did and are now disappointed that we lost a major feature once supported by this app.
Libor -- to be honest, the way you phrased it (" is hard to imagine that viewing [sic] sat images is the only [sic] outdoor activity you find it useful for...") I can only respond, "No, viewing sat images is NOT the only activity" -- the ONLY activity I use the sat images for is GEOCACHING where no roads, paths, or trails can be found on existing maps, vector or otherwise. THAT was the reason I was using the LocusMap Free application to start with, and then decided to purchase it.
Look, I can just as well use the geocaching website to view caches on a satellite image, but then I'd have to print them all on paper, including their surrounding areas. I could call up the same images on my smartphone and do a screen grab of the sat images, but then there would be no way to associate those screen images with my actual position as I move within that area. Another option is to purchase from Garmin their BirdsEye View images (which are slow to download and prohibitively expensive) -- that, of course, would be an alternative to Locus Maps. When I first found out about Locus Maps and tried it FOR GEOCACHING ONLY, I realized that the ability to download online sat images for offline use was the ideal way to go if I needed them for any specific area that I didn't have vector maps for on my Garmin device. Other than using the sat images, I have no other reason for using the app. All other apps that I currently have fit my purposes -- but none offered the satellite image ability.
Auric -- thanks for those links -- I will look at them...
Libor -- to be honest, the way you phrased it (" is hard to imagine that viewing [sic] sat images is the only [sic] outdoor activity you find it useful for...") I can only respond, "No, viewing sat images is NOT the only activity" -- the ONLY activity I use the sat images for is GEOCACHING where no roads, paths, or trails can be found on existing maps, vector or otherwise. THAT was the reason I was using the LocusMap Free application to start with, and then decided to purchase it.
Look, I can just as well use the geocaching website to view caches on a satellite image, but then I'd have to print them all on paper, including their surrounding areas. I could call up the same images on my smartphone and do a screen grab of the sat images, but then there would be no way to associate those screen images with my actual position as I move within that area. Another option is to purchase from Garmin their BirdsEye View images (which are slow to download and prohibitively expensive) -- that, of course, would be an alternative to Locus Maps. When I first found out about Locus Maps and tried it FOR GEOCACHING ONLY, I realized that the ability to download online sat images for offline use was the ideal way to go if I needed them for any specific area that I didn't have vector maps for on my Garmin device. Other than using the sat images, I have no other reason for using the app. All other apps that I currently have fit my purposes -- but none offered the satellite image ability.
Auric -- thanks for those links -- I will look at them...
additional information about MapQuest and why is not available in Locus can be found on our blog:
additional information about MapQuest and why is not available in Locus can be found on our blog:
Even if the Locus team moves mountains to bring back MapQuest Satellite, it wouldn't help me one bit. I don't think I've *ever* seen one of their satellite images for Canada. It's always been simply unavailable, from whatever source I've tried. Clearly, MQ Satellite is NOT worldwide.
But personally, I have a solution in place for satellite images. So I'm happy.
Even if the Locus team moves mountains to bring back MapQuest Satellite, it wouldn't help me one bit. I don't think I've *ever* seen one of their satellite images for Canada. It's always been simply unavailable, from whatever source I've tried. Clearly, MQ Satellite is NOT worldwide.
But personally, I have a solution in place for satellite images. So I'm happy.
That's not exactly true, although it might be true for you! I followed Auric Goldfinger's advice the other day and downloaded his "providers.xml.html" document and installed it where he mentioned. I also download and installed the LocusMap Tweaks add-on. I had a few problems getting things to start working (not sure why). After a few days, a couple of phone restarts, and then the latest LocusMap Pro update, I seemed to have gained Google's Photo/Satellites images again (they appear on the map list under "Google"). I just now went to my Southern California area where I live, then scrolled the map up to Canada and beyond, north up to Alaska, and all the way to the east coast. The Google satellite images were showing and working as expected. In fact, they are working all over the world!! I also noticed that MapQuest maps were back (specifically the Hybrid Photo/Satellites option) and they too were working throughout Canada.
I am, however, having new problems with the Geocaching4Locus add-on. I keep seeing "Network unavailable. Please check your connection." even though I am connected to the network and everything else is working. I can sort of get the add-on to work, but have to manually fiddle with options to get caches to display. Then they may disappear, and then show up again. I'm not sure why this is happening since my connection is consistent.
That's not exactly true, although it might be true for you! I followed Auric Goldfinger's advice the other day and downloaded his "providers.xml.html" document and installed it where he mentioned. I also download and installed the LocusMap Tweaks add-on. I had a few problems getting things to start working (not sure why). After a few days, a couple of phone restarts, and then the latest LocusMap Pro update, I seemed to have gained Google's Photo/Satellites images again (they appear on the map list under "Google"). I just now went to my Southern California area where I live, then scrolled the map up to Canada and beyond, north up to Alaska, and all the way to the east coast. The Google satellite images were showing and working as expected. In fact, they are working all over the world!! I also noticed that MapQuest maps were back (specifically the Hybrid Photo/Satellites option) and they too were working throughout Canada.
I am, however, having new problems with the Geocaching4Locus add-on. I keep seeing "Network unavailable. Please check your connection." even though I am connected to the network and everything else is working. I can sort of get the add-on to work, but have to manually fiddle with options to get caches to display. Then they may disappear, and then show up again. I'm not sure why this is happening since my connection is consistent.
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