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Bluetooth 4.0 (LE) Heart Rate Strap (Wahoo TICKR) Connects But Has No Data

Ryan Guisewite shared this problem 8 years ago

I have a Wahoo TICKR heart rate strap that I know works with my phone on other apps (so it isn't the device or the strap), but fails to read any data in Locus Map. It connects but says "No valid data" and does not log any heart rate information when recording a track. A huge let down when I was so excited to use this app. Please fix soon!

Replies (18)


Good day Per,

did you tried this heart rate monitor with some other application?

From my experience it is usually needed to have monitor on a chest for a while. Sometimes it is even needed to have a little bit "wet" between monitor and chest. But you probably already know it.

Because all heart rate monitors based on Bluetooth 4.0 use exactly same system for connecting and also for working with applications, generally when one work - all should. So please hive it a second try. Thanks



I should have mentioned it but yes it works fine in other applications. It also works fine in Locus when I connect to it via ant+ but when I connect via Bluetooth it just says no valid data.

In the list of supported devices for BT 4.0 it also says that you're able to see battery status for wahoo tickr, where will this information be shown?

Thank you for your quick response



Hi Per,

interesting. Is is possible to create special testing version of Locus and you will try it and send me back special log files that Locus creates?


Good day Ryan,

I remember I already read that Wahoo devices works with Locus. You are trying to use Bluetooth Manager > Heart Rate Monitor (BT 4.0)?


Hey Menion,

Correct (using the Bluetooth Manager > Heart Rate Monitor (BT 4.0)). It connects without issue. For some reason, however, it just keeps saying "No valid data" and doesn't record a heart rate.


Good day Ryan,

is it possible, that you try an special version of Locus that also creates a log file and you then send me this file? If so, try please this version: , install it, try connect to your BT device and let it for a while. Please be sure that your monitor is on your chest so it should really report some data to Locus (maybe try it for a sec. before in another app).

Then close Locus and in Locus/logs directory will be a recorded log, that may contain some information. Thank you.


Just to make sure, you did receive my private ticket with the log file for this thread, correct?


Nevermind, I just saw that you commented on the other ticket. Odd that it didn't notify me like in this thread.


Good day Ryan, unfortunately I see no private ticket or any other message from You. May you resend me your log once more here (packed in zip file) or if not possible then to my working email address Thank you.


Good morning Ryan,

there were too much supports on me and I was not looking on names correctly, so I though that these are two different people and two different tickets with similar issue, funny :).

So thanks for a logs. Unfortunately I still see no reason for this behavior. Hmm ...

Is this HRM you have ?

I have one older BT 4.0 monitor, but seems it stopped work few months ago because no matter which app I use, no matter if I put inside new battery, it always connect on few seconds, then on few seconds disconnect etc. So it's time tu purchase another one. If this is same as you have, let me know and I'll order it. Hope I'll then have same problem as you.

EDIT: ah I see there is more of them ...


No worries! I understand the craziness of a billion people vying for your attention. And yes, that is the same strap that I have (the base model, €49.99 version)


No problem, as I wrote, I also need some new HRM device as my previous one stopped to work. So best is to order monitor that cause troubles :). So order send, it will just take some time till I get it because second stuff I have in this order may take more then week till they get it.

Once I'll have some news, I'll write You here.


Hi, I just got a new Tickr and have the same problem. It works with the Wahoo app. I was actually planning to get a BT/Ant+ compatible speed sensor, too. Since I see a similar idea has already been posted ("Support for wahoo fitness sensors") I would like to add the question: will the Wahoo RPM Speed (!) sensor work?

Thank you!


In Monday will be delivered to me Tickr HRM device, so I'll test it during next few days and let you know.

About "speed sensor" ... all BT4.0 sensors should now use exactly same methods. So I really expected that implementation in Locus will work with all sensors. Surprise for me is this post, when Tickr sensor obviously do not work. So I rather won't say that "speed sensor" will be working for sure. Best is to have this confirmed from someone, who already use it together with Locus. Just for sure ...


Good day guys,

sorry for a small mess in posts ... I've merged two topics, with exactly same issue, into this one.

Anyway, good news ... I've received purchased Wahoo Tickr HR sensor yesteday. After few hours long fight, I was finally able to make it work. On tomorrow is planned new version of Locus Map, so you will be able to test finally working Wahoo Tickr sensor in Locus as well!


Super!! It works for me. Thank you!

How can I automaticly start BT HR sensor when I start Locus.


Thank you, now it works fine here, too! Great support!


Hi, good news: Wahoo RPM speed works as well :)


Glad to hear it guys. There were general problem in Locus & BTE, so I hope this solved also problems with other HRM devices and speed sensors as well. Thanks to all for support, patience and pushing me little bit ;).


Unfortunately, too early pleased.

Heart Rate works verry well but my Cadence sensor ( not ("no valid data"). I hope you can fix it also.


Hmm interesting. Are you sure, that magnets are close enough? Also is "no valid data" on screen for all the time? Did you also tried any other application, just for sure?


With standard app (wahoo fitness) I get allways data from the sensor - so I can say: the sensors is working (this sensor didn't have magnets).

Today I've had a workout about 4 hours. Only locus app active. Heart rate works all the time :) .

The cad-sensor - all the time enabled in BT-Manager - shows only "no valid data".


Hmm that's bad ... seems I'll have to purchase another sensor, cause after latest updates, it really should work. For now, I have no solution for you, sorry.


Good day Holger,

may you please install this special Free version of Locus , start it, connect to your cadence sensor (move it little bit so it will send some data for sure) and after minute, close Locus. In /Locus/logs directory should be now some files that, I hope, will help me little bit.

Thank you!


I've tried to download but I get allways 404 - not found


I'm sorry ... friday evening seems to be too late on me. It took me three version till I finally created a one I need.

Here it is: , thank you


I've tested. I hope you can find whats going wrong.

Thank you for your work - and enyou the weekend.



Hi, thanks!

Ehm .. how is it possible that in log is clearly visible connection to heart rate monitor and also there are recorded heart rate values? Isn't there associated heart rate monitor to this speed&cadence sensor? I though there is a problem with speed & cadence. I'm confused now little bit :)


First, I thought the cadence sensor didn't work standalone, he needs the heart rate belt. too - but that's false.

I've done a second test (1470418113269.txt). I've set both sensors in BT-Manager to on. Heart rate shows values, cadence not. Locus say: sensor found but no valid data.

And a third test (1470418412438.txt), only set the cadence sensor to on. But that only works (sensor found???) if I carry the heart rate belt. Locus say: sensor found but no valid data.

It's wrong that the heart rate sensor is able to see the cad sensor because

my fourth test (1470420126784.txt). Without heart rate belt, only cadence. And locus can't found the sensor. I think that's the reason.

In the wahoo app the cad sensor works also standalone without heart rate belt. I've testet to be shure.

I hope you understand my english :)



thank you for a tests and logs. May we try one more test?

Please forget on your HRM device. It does not make sense. Leave it for a while somewhere so it will be put into sleap and stop works. Now start Locus, open Bluetooth Manager, and in visible panel named "Bicycle speed & cadence (BT 4.0)", disable this sensor by slider in top right corner. Then tap on tools button and choose "Remove association". Then start sensor again. You should get offer of available/visible sensors. If there will be your "Tickr xxx" sensor, do not choose it - it's HRM. You should see there your speed & cadence sensor.

I have to try later using HRM and speed & candence sensors at once. I'm worried this cause a troubles to you.


Hi Menion,

you've found it. Great!

After removing (wrong) association I got the right sensor. Second I started HRM too and both sensors worked. I'am happy.

Thank you verry verry much.



Perfect, glad to hear it! So communication with sensor work fine and problem was only invalid association where Locus was trying to use your HRM sensor. I'll try to think about some improvement here, to notify user in case, he tries to use invalid association. Best should be to allow connect to what-ever-sensor user choose and automatically detect it's type. Lot of work on long winter nights :). I'm anyway glad to hear, it works!

Have a nice evening.


Dear all, I have just bought a Wahoo Tickr X heart belt. I am not able to pair it with Locus app. I opened "Bluetooth manager setting" in Locus maps and Locus is not able to find my Wahoo heart belt via Bluetooth 4.0. I have tried to connet it with Wahoo app and works well. Can you help me to solve this issue?

Thank you in advance.



Hello Lubo,

I'm using exactly this monitor for a few years and works really well. Do you click on "Enable/Connect" button in the category "Heart rate monitor BT 4.0"? If yes, maybe try to click on tools > Remove association in this section if this helps.



Hi Menion,

it works! :) I have removed association and it paired immediately with my sensor. Looking forward to test it outside.

Thank you for your advice.


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