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Heart Rate is buggy 3.18.9

Janos Szolnoki shared this problem 7 years ago
Not a Problem

My BT4 heart rate sensor stopped working in from one of the last updates. I replaced it's battery, but nothing changed. I selected BT4 heart rate sensor again in Locus (it was switched off somehow). Now it shows me my heart rate in the Blouetooth manager, and the coach is also telling me the values, but on the recording dashboard, it shows noting.

Replies (3)


Good day Janos,

If training manager tells you the value, then there have to be some problem in your dashboard. Please check if dashboard really contains heart rate value. You may also check if heart rate values are recording (in statistics of recorded track). If all will look correctly, share olease with me your dadhboard (attach in zip archive to this help desk) so I may check it as well.

Thank you very much and sorry for a complications.


Dear Menion,

Thank you for the fast reply as always! I started to record a video about the case, when I realized, that heart rate is there, but I have to scroll down. The problem was, that previously Locus was running in full screen mode, and I saw the value, but now it seems that it lost some basic settings, and started with the Android statusbar, which made my dashboard smaller, and the heart rate value just got out of the frame...

Thanks anyway! :)


Perfekt, glad to hear you have found an real reason.

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