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SRTM "grey squares" shading in the sea from zoom 9 to 11, with some maps only ...

Fifi shared this problem 8 years ago

Hi Locus team,

Problem with SRTM :

As it happened once for me, i had some "grey squares" shadings appearing on some places in the sea.

As the problem didn't happened on my smartphone, i first transfer the hgt files from my smartphone to my tablet. Result = same troubles

So, i've deleted all hgt files in the srtm and downloaded new ones for the area (SE58, SE59, SF58, SF59) = same troubles

What is strange is that it happens from zoom 9 to zoom 11 only ... and also It happens with online maps, personal maps but not with the vector map !

Is there a cache to delete somewhere ?

Any idea to solve that ?

Thanks in advance,


Edit : it also happens with vector map but on less areas after zoom 11

Replies (6)


Good day Fifi,

before I start to test it, I need some more information.

- just for sure, write me an online map I may use for testing

- what is a source of your HGt files, so I have same data

- do you have enabled some overlays or WMS maps?

- give me please exact coordinates where should I try it, thanks

Hope this will be all I need to exactly simulate same problem on own device.


Hello Menion,

. For example : online OSM OpenCycleMap

. HGT Sources :

. overlays or WMS maps enabled : NO

. coordinates : S 22.35903° E 167.02828°

As i said before, the thing really strange is that i don't have the problem with the smartphone ... and the HGT files are supposed to be the same ... ( i going to try to compare the two folders, /SRTM on smartphone and /SRTM on tablet, with a tool just to be sure that it is not the file explorer that has not done a mistake during the copy or the extract)

Thanks in advance,



Good day Menion,

So, i've compared the srtm folders :

1. In the smartphone, i have some files with an extension ".empty" that i don't have in the tablet

2. With a comparison tool, it appears that i had 9 files different between the 2 folders. Replacing these files in the tablet with the smartphone's ones doesn't change anything.

Question : what about these files with the ".empty" extension ? Are they necessary or not ? Have they something to do with the grey squares problem ?

I also attach the srtm folder containing hgt files that i have in the tablet if you want to try. For information, the tablet is a Samsung SM-T211



Hello Fifi,

with your SRTM files, I've found only single "hole" in sea like on screenshot with very nice elevation in the middle. Is this what are you talking about? If not, may you post a screenshot, it should help, thanks,



Hahahaha what a hole you've found there !!! Yes, i have that one too on the tablet and also on the smartphone.

But have a look on the following screenshots to compare the results between the smartphone and the tablet for the coordinates i have mentioned before in my post at zoom 11 and 12 (S 22.35903° E 167.02828)

Smartphone Z12 :


Smartphone Z11 :


Tablet Z11 :


Tablet Z12 :



Hello Fifi,

interesting. Holes in shading are caused by problems in SRTM data, not by Locus Map itself, if I remember correctly. Petr fixed by any tool all HGT files we offer over Locus Store, so this problem may not happen with "our" files.

Anyway question is why shading behave differently on your devices. Part of shading is cached in cache of Locus. Try to deleted directory Locus/cache/map/shader/ if it helps. Maybe you used different HGT files some time ago and Locus now use cached values ....


Good evening Menion,

Locus/cache/map/shader deleted ==> problem solved. A cache somewhere, that was my first thought.

About HGT in Locus Store : hmmm, i've never seen these HGT files offered in the Locus Store ? Could guide me for that please ?

Thank you !


Hello Fifi,

really interesting. Question for me remains where these incorrectly shaded tiles comes. But as I wrote, Petr did some improvements on HGT files right before there were similar problems all over the world.

HGT files in Locus Store are currently available as part of LoMaps, so if you do not use LoMaps, you do not have access to these HGT files. Anyway if it works fine for you now, then no problem.


Thanks (And i use LoMaps but i can't remember, maybe i copied some HGT downloaded from viewfinderpanoramas onto the LoMaps ones. I'm going to update my LoMap just to check if this little -24000 m deep hole remains)


In this case, Locus offer download of missing HGT files right after download of LoMap is completed.

Hope this holes do not come from "our" HGT files :).


After deleted old HGT files, LoMap update and HGT re-download => No more deep hole ! Well done Petr ! Thanks to all of you

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