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Can't disable Quick Add in Download Map - Draw route not drawing

eng3 shared this problem 8 years ago

I am trying to download mapps using the Draw Route option.

However, the routes show up as straight lines versus the actual curved line great circle routes. I try to disable "Quick Add" checkbox but clicking it does not uncheck the option

Replies (6)


Hello Enrico

ok, disabeling "quick add" is not possible, but it´s working fine for me.

in screencast up to sec 23 i add points by "quick add" touching the screen, later i use the +button for precise positioning points at mapcenter



Good day Enrico,

I'm not perfectly sure what you wants achieve by disabling this "Quick add" feature. To your explanation, this feature only allows to add points to selection with simple tap on the map itself. In has anyway no effect on download functionality itself as precisely balloni described before.

Anyway thank you for information about mallfunction of this settings. It will be fixed in next Locus Map version, thank you.

If you will have any further questions around downloading of online maps, please check our manual here, or feel free to ask.


If I draw a long route from Europe to China for example, it draws as a straight line. However, the shortest distance on earth should be curved. I would like to draw a great circle route.

I primarily use locus maps in airplanes so I want to down load maps on great circle route to closer match the flight route

On Sep 29, 2016 7:25 AM, "Locus Map" wrote:


Hello Enrico

i think now i got it what you want and expect.

In screenshot the area beside the black doted line is what you want to download

The direct way on globe is north of Moscow and north of Kazachstan in this example

@menion, the black dotted line is build with new 2 Finger measure ;-)



Good evening Enrico, balloni,

thanks for discussion, I've got the point as well.

I'm sorry, but your request is not possible. How it works now is an intent, not an issue. Downloading of maps is based on compute of intersection of drawn area and coordinate system of downloaded map. Compute such intersection on geodetic curve is quite complex and such feature will slow down downloading of maps. And I believe that your use case is quite rare and in most cases, is not needed.

Suggest to draw path for downloading from more shorter lines. Thanks for understanding.


I see. I thought that it use to draw the route this way.

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