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Enhanced GPS "NMEA reader" functions

alx6ths shared this idea 10 years ago

At the begining i want to say thank you for the great application and ongoing support, really thank you!!

I would like to build on the previous discussion and ask you for adding a support for Kenwood NMEA sentence $PKWDWPL format. This sentence carries the information about the symbol, speed, altitude and course of radioamateur APRS station, which allows to display specific waypoint icon and informations on the map.

So the idea is following, Locus with the current "NMEA reader" will read the $PKWDWPL sentence, and then insert unique icon from the storage, speed, altitude and course for each of the received waypoint from the APRS device.

And thats all, i can supply the format description and set of pictures with APRS symbols if you like.

There is multiple devices which supports Kenwood format: Kenwood TM-D710, Kenwood TH-D72, Byonics TinyTrak4, Argent Data Tracker2 (T2). All of these devices are widely used in the radioamateur world and i believe there will be many users which will be happy with this capability.

Thank you, Libor

Replies (11)


Hi, i've done some testing with the current version of NMEA reader and it works just great, it just missing the $PKWDWPL sentence.

Here is short explanation of the format:


$ - start

P - Proprietary Code

KWD - Kenwood (3 places – manufacturer)

WPL - Waypoint Location

114700 - UTC

V - Valid (possible values V/I)

5006.28 - Latitude

N - North (possible values N/S)

01417.65 - Longitude

E - East (possible values E/W)

27 - speed (knots ?)

345 - Course

271012 - Date (DDMMYY)

000365 - Altitude (meters)

OK7ED-9 - Waypoint name (max size 9 characters)

/> - APRS Table & Symbol

* - end

23 - Checksum


symbols and table attached


You probably do not noticed, but latest 3.5.3 version is already able to read these NMEA messages ;).

There is currently no support for icons, as this seems for me more complicated (task on few hours) compare to quite a quick job with basic support.

So at least something to start ... (and to stop you with huge hopes, it's also enough for now, sorry).


Oh great, thank you! I didn't try this yet :)

It seems something is being received, waypoint counter in the bluetooth manager is increasing, but for some reason, i cannot see anything on the map ? :-O


Oki, there shoudl be some difference in received NMEA messages that Locus do not handle correctly.

In Locus GPS settings is option to enable recording of NMEA messages. This should work also on your NMEA messages, so may you try it and record for me short NMEA from your device? I may then simulate (replay) received data and test it. Thanks.

Btw. recorded NMEA should be stored in Locus/data/nmea


No problem, i'll be back home at thursday evening and i will make the record for you.


Hi, so here it goes, the zip file contains two logs.

First is the log with all data, including standart nmea from GPS plus PKWDWPL sentence.

Second log is with disabled GPS only with PKWDWPL sentences. In this case it was a little strange, because the log wasn't created, until i enabled GPS, at that moment the file was populated with all the previous data including current GPS data :)

Hope it helps, thank you!


Thanks, but for unknown reason I'm unable to download you file. May you try it once more? Or maybe better on our old support email Thanks


Thanks for NMEA messages. There were issue on this web site and I wasn't able to download it. It's fixed now ...

Anyway thanks to message, I was able to simulate and find an source of troubles, so it will be fixed in next version.

Expect that there will still be only a single icon for all points. Adding support for custom icons is a lot more work and four positive votes do not yet convince me to do it ;).


Understood :)

Well i hope you can at least think about changing your mind in the future :)) In the meantime i'll try to atract more ppl into this great app and possibly support this idea. That is also why i wrote this topic in english instead of czech.

Anyway, iam happy the files helped to solve the problem and looking forward for the next version.

Thank you for your time and ongoing support!



already in an earlier posting i did describe on how to decode data delivered from various APRS-Radios or Trackers for showing it as map positions unter LocusPro. Used type of NMEA protocol was [GP]WPL, where LocusPro can handle this when using NMEA Reader Mode.

Now added is decoder version APRS2WPL, where some simple ARDUINO processor is used for decoding audio signals like e.g. being receivable on APRS frequency 144.8 MHz. Supported are Standard APRS as well as MIC-E compressed signal formats. Output from processor is 9600bps serial data NMEA type: [GP]WPL.

( Sorry page is in German, but there is a direct link for automatic translation into English )

73 de Klaus, DJ7OO


Looks like really use this feature, nice to see that time for this feature wasn't wasted :).

I'm also amazed what all is possible with Arduino, nice. Thanks for sharing.


I love LocusPro and I have been hoping for being able to see APRS waypoints in it for years :-) and at some point I even thought of implementing such a plugin myself (never had enough time to actually do that though :-( ) Can someone please point me to the instructions for setting up Locus Pro to receive such waypoints sentences from a Bluetooth device and plot them on the map? I plan to construct something similar to the device mentioned by DJ7OO and will be connecting to my Kenwood D710GA.


73, VA7ISH


Good day Israel,

looks like this idea is already implemented, just not correctly marked.

And how to use it: device that post GPWPL messages over Bluetooth, should connect to Locus in Menu > More > Bluetooth Manager > NMEA Reader. This "Reader" convert GPWPL messages into points and display them on the map.



I used my TH-D74 to send APRS waypoints in format:"Kenwood" length:"9-char" via Bluetooth to Locus. And...yes, it works :-)

What I get is a red flag on the map as waypoint symbol. Pointing to or clicking this flag shows the additional information like callsign, speed, hight, and azimut.

It would be nice if I could change the flag symbol to the callsign. It seems that this was possible in a older Locus version as mentioned here:

Regards, Eric


Good day Eric,

may you show me how this symbol looks like? Thanks


Hello Menion,

attached are 3 screenshots from my Galaxy S3. They show a moving APRS-Station with the callsign-ssid = DO1FZZ-9

Because it is moving, there are two red flags for the same station in the first screenshot.

Hm... weird, I received the according APRS message directly via my roof antenna. The distance to the red flags is much to far to be true. Maybe this is a question of the Kenwood format length? I will try other settings :-)




Hello Eric,

thanks for a screenshots. You wrote "It would be nice if I could change the flag symbol to the callsign" , but I do not know, what you mean by "callsign symbol", so I hoped for some screenshot/photo that should show me what you mean by this request, thanks.


Hello Menion,

oh, ok, I misunderstoud your question, sorry. The link I posted in my first post includes for example this picture: . It shows 3 APRS stations with the "standard i symbol", but with a extra string below showing the callsign of the station (DB5ZQ-9, DF0HR and DL5FAU-2). I used the alias "callsign symbol" for the combination of the standard i-symbol with extra string :-)

It would also be ok to have a red flag with the extra string below. But I was not able to find a function to enable this extra string.

I hope that this explanation works for you. I am not a native english writer and it is hard to explain/think in an another language :-)





ah you wants basic "i" symbol there. I wanted to add some different icon, so it should be clear that this is "something special". Text below, this is anyway different story. To enable these labels for points on map, go to settings > maps > points & tracks > points popup content > labels on map.

Hope this is what you were looking for.


Hello Menion,

I really love Locus and its a great app for outing and many other different areas. We tried to connect locus with bluetooth APRS TNC or YAESU/KENWOOD handheld devices, I can see those APRS beacon(Callsign via waypoint format) on the maps with red flags, it's very cool! but I want to know whether we can create a callsign list (waypoint names) with last updated time in locus, it's very similar with "Points" list, but can be dynamic updated because the APRS beacon are always received from TNC or handheld devices, please let me know if you have good idea or solution for it, thank you again.


Good day Sonic,

I may imagine extending existing side list "nearest points" for extra option to display only points received over APRS-based BT device. Anyway did you tried to use this list? In case, you do not have many points on the map, it may be useful solution.

It is anyway not currently periodically refreshed.

EDIT: in case you do not know this panel, I talk about this.


Hello Menion,

Thank you for your prompt valuable suggestions, I tried "nearest points" and it works, but as I have several different points, they are mixed in the list, so it's not easy to identify the information I need. I also tried to send APRS beacon when I stay at "nearest points" list, but the list could not be updated even Locus already received APRS beacon in background. may I suggestion some functions here and please consider if they could be added into the Locus app, this will greatly help all APRS funs. :-)

1. System could automatically store waypoint(APRS Beacon) information which receive from NMEA Reader.(currently can be displayed only, all data will be lost if turn off or shutdown the Locus app).

2. Those Waypoints can be dynamic updated or overwritten if their name are same receive from NMEA Reader or other sources. e.g. Add a new type of point folder, like Dynamic Point Folder, all dynamic data could be stored into the folder and be updated. (it's very good function to let people monitor the list only even when hiking, riding or driving, no need to manually turn off and turn on the list frequently)

3. Add more filters to allow people to select different sources, like show point from NMEA Reader only. (Because all point information are mixed together and not easy to directly find out important points)

4. The"nearest points" list could be filtered by last updated time or distance. (people could see who are most active users or who has just updated)

Thank you again for your kindly support and have a nice weekend.




Hello Menion, I was wondering if you could let me know your thought and solutions on the above suggestions, thank you very much for your considerations.


Good day Sonic,

I was thinking mainly about point no. 3 and 4. which may be in some cases usable also for other users. I have even made a private task on this. Anyway when I started to do it, I found out that it is really a lot of work so I left it. Now I feel that usage of these improvements is not high enough from my point of view, so sorry.


Hello Menion

Thank you for your feedback! Unfortunately these will increase a lot of extra work :-(

I also tried on newly installed Locus, may I suggest only two basic functions, The"nearest points" list could be automatically refreshed, and filtered by last updated time or distance. (people could see who are most active users or who has just updated). I think we can install a new locus app only for waypoint list, thank you very much.


I would also appreciate it!


Good day Menion,

I'm sorry to bother you again, Is there any chance that I can get you to help improve the "auto refresh" function and "sort by last updated time" function in NEAREST POINTS tab, there are a lot of HAM using Locus and it's really awesome, and also it would be very very helpful if you added this feature.

Thank you again


Good day guys,

looks like you really wants from me to improve Locus Map in way, it wasn't planned :). There was never plan to create from Locus Map powerful NMEA reader, I'm sure, there should be more advanced applications for this task on Google Play.

Anyway at least something, from four-point list of Sonic above:

  1. not planned, sorry
  2. this should already work, isn't it? If names are kept same, new points should overwrite old ones
  3. oki, filter added to "Nearest points"
  4. not planned for now, I believe this is not "must have" and except this feature, I currently see no big benefit for other users.

Let me know with next Locus Map version (or Beta), if points 2 and 3 works for you.



Thank you for prompt response, I've given up some suggestions like enhance NMEA Reader based on your previous reply. my only wish is that hope the NEAREST POINTS list could be automatically updated when receive location data from NMEA Reader(currently is a static, you have to quit the list and re-open it to load the latest data), and the list can be sorted by last updated time. I believe these small requests are not too much ham related, and do not give users confusion.

On the other hand, you are right, as you mentioned there are some APRS apps in the market, but Locus is the best one on outdoor like map track, route, offline, etc. sometimes HAM use it in some emergency rescue cases because of the very powerful map function and aprs location on the map.

Again, Thank you very much for your consideration. :)


LOCUS MAPS PRO is by far the best offline overlander software i have tried. As I am getting Into Kenwood APRS mapping so want to see this work.for me. I have probably singlehandedly had 100 people start using your program. Don't give up on APTS keep adding to the NMEA reader for live update of position info

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