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autobackup will start after locus end

Matej Kočiš shared this idea 12 years ago

I suggest autobackup will start after locus shutting down, instead autobackup start when Locus start. Now autobackup restrain when you need Locus start.

(Navrhujem aby sa autozalohovanie spustilo az po vypnuti Locusu. Teraz ked sa spusta pri spusteni Locusu to len zdrzuje)

Replies (37)


I`m sorry but backup after end doesn`t have too much sense.

Backup is done to prevent some data loss and that`s why it block Locus using when you start it. If you perform backup when you close Locus, it will have similar negative effect (it need some time) and as a side effect, you should close it or destroy by system or some task manager before backup is completed. So you cannot be sure that backup was really done.

I decided that "making backup" is most important. That`s why it`s done first and may not be interrupted. If you don`t like this behaviour, reduce repeat day or do not backup all data or simply - do backup manually


Okey. It was just a idea :)

If it is stupid idea, never mind.

Thanks for reply.


Don`t think it`s a stupid idea: When you open Locus you want to work with it and have to wait. If you close it you don`t need to wait for completion of backup and can do other things. However I understand Menion`s position that there might be technical problems with backup during shutdown.


AutoBackup is the worst thing in Locus! Why before several months there was no need for it, and now it is?


if you need not it, then you stop using it


1. who say it wasn`t needed?

2. why don`t you disable it, if you don`t like it?


Ok. You got me here! I must politely admit that I didn`t know I can disable that.


in locus: menu>functions>backup manager>automatic backup>disable (instead disable can be somethink alike)


diky. uz to mam


Ok guys. I have a solution. When starting Locus for the first time at the new day, there should be a question dialog which will be asking "Automatic backup will start in 5 seconds, press Cancel to stop." And it will count 5 4 3 2 1 0 and it will start backuping. With this solution, if the user will be in very hurry, he will have possibility to cancel the process. If not, after 5 seconds, it will start the backup process.


and if you want start autobackup you have to wait 5 seconds more. it is not solution.

if autobaxkup can not be when locus is exiting, then this way (what is now in locus) is i think the best way.


my Autobackup lasts for 2-3 minutes. so 5 seconds it a perfect solution.

put yourself in my situation:

starting a trip,

i want to start recording it,

shit, i need to wait 2 minutes,

2 long minutes

ok I can finally start the recording

now this is how it would be with 5 seconds delay:

starting a trip,

i want to start recording it,

locus is asking if i want to cancel autobackup, im clicking cancel

I can start the recording

This is frustrating, that sometimes im afraid of starting locus, because i need to wait these 2-3 minutes. sometimes i must kill the Locus, and after it restarts, it won`t make the autobackup again. or I need to use the widget, to avoid getting into the app itself. this is really crazy!


hmm and why are you performing auto-backup when it`s not needed? "AutoBackup is the worst thing in Locus! Why before several months there was no need for it, and now it is? "

(short info: auto-backup was created, because in time 2-12 months ago, I received together around 5 emails, that people lost their track database. Before around 2 months, I rewrote system how Locus handle with sqlite track database and since then, no other loose. So I think, it looks that current handling is safe and auto-backup is not needed today - but, who knows ...). Anyway since 2.5.6, preset autobackup value is increased from everyday to once a week ...)


i think if you do need autobackup, then turn off it. autobackup is good function.

2-3 minutes is really long time. my autobackup lasts maybe 2-4 seconds. what phone are you using?

if developers add cancel option, please add option autobackup now too (without waiting) or option for turn off waiting option. thanks


"AutoBackup is the worst thing in Locus!" because it is annoying, not because it is useless. I like it`s function, but not behaviour. I have a lot of tracks recorded (it will be two years now since I started recording), so this is the probable reason why it took so long.

The best solution would be somehow externalize the backup process. Maybe starting Locus with some intent? Then I would be able to add that intent call to the Tasker, and be in charge when I want the backup. I would start it at 5AM, when I sleep and autobackup will not disturb.

To be honest, a few days ago I deleted by accident, one of very important tracks, and Autobackup saved it. So I dont want to lose that function:)


The solution is easy. Just add "Cancel" to the backup dialog. If user will be wishing to quick end the Automatic Backup, he will get a chance to do that ( other possibility is to kill the app ( which is never a good thing))


sure. but only if gui will have the highest prority. if not, then cpu will be busy because autobackup and we will can not push cancel button.


so maybe a hardware button? Back Arrow? Hardware buttons have higher priority, eh?


hmm. i dont know :) but i dont think so. ,,hardware" buttons are also through touchscreen.


I have an idea.

Autobackup will run in background and meanwhile we can normally using locus. :)


This would be too easy. Menion already said thats impossible, because Autobackup process is blocking access to the data inside Locus ( maps, points, and so on)


I`m changing status of this from "not planned" to "implemented"

in next version will be new system for autobackup. You`ll be able to plan it (you`ll have to plan it) on time, when Locus will not be used. So for example to everyday to one in night. Locus will in this time, wake up device, trigger backup and sleep device.

During a backup you`ll not be able to start Locus. Also you`ll not be able to start backup when Locus will be running


Menion >Also you`ll not be able to start backup when Locus will be running

??? i don`t undersand exactly.

I can`t create a quick backup. i have to wait?


I was talking about auto-backup. Normal manual backup is possible during "locusing" .. did you tried last test version? If it`s not clear from version, then I have to rewrite texts a little bit ...



Only the AUTO backup don`t start if Locus is running?

a Quick Backup save is possible

The AUTO backupmanager is waiting for exit Locus and run as backgroundtask?


almost like that, try it and you`ll see ...

"Quick backup" do backup right when you press it

"Auto backup" do not wait till locus end. You define time in day and number of day when do it again and system wake up! (locus do not run in background) small part of locus that do this backup in defined time.


ok, first part is clear now (quick backup)


Menion >...small part of locus that do this backup in defined time....

If Locus is not running - some other task must do this

So there must be run a small background task?


yes. System wake up small service I created. This service do complete backup. When you meanwhile tap on Locus, it firstly check if this backup is running, and if so, it do not start! This will prevent some corruption of database during a backup.


Menion, you`ve got me here, lol. The notification it shows is totally and completely generic, it`s nowhere near clear it comes from Locus. I`ve got this notification, thinking "WTF?! Automatic backup of WHAT? I didn`t setup anything?!?!". I`ve tried to reproduce to no-avail, getting to the point i`ve actually posted a thread on XDA in an attempt to find out what did that (here - Come on, PLEASE make it obvious this thing comes from Locus :-)

PS: I am "infx" from an old forum, been inactive for very long time.


same situation on my side when i see this message first time.

i also think: whats this??? "Locus autobackup succesful" can make this clear


don`t worry. I already changed this. Now I`m preparing 2.8.1 version with many small fixes as well as this one ...

EDIT: and sorry for confusing. My mistake


so I hope that all works fine in latest 2.8.1 version and locus is periodically silently backup all major data and you correctly notified with "Locus - automatic backup" text.

First request was to do automatic backup after locus ends, but I hope this is much more elegant solution to keep your data safe.


I have problems with Automatic backup nowadays.

My configuration is: repeat every 3 day at 4:30 AM. But it doesn`t work like that. I had a situation about 5 times that autobackup started after I restarted a phone (during normal day usage). So it looks like autobackup missed its chance do start during night and it is suddenly recalling about it after phone restart.

It is not cool, because autobackup blocks access to Locus. And Locus is constantly being used on my phone, and restarts are sometimes in a critical times, when I`m recording a track. What is the worst, it is impossible to stop autobackup process. This is terrible and annoying, the only way is to kill the Locus process.

Please make a backup process abortable. It is really bad in critical moments:/


yes it should work in this way, that autobackup is trying to backup in defined time, or as soon as possible. But in case, you have turned off you device over night and then you turn it on at morning, backup should be done right after start, it`s not working in this way?


No, I`m never turning my device off. So its is always up during that 4:30AM.

Anyway, how it works? How the autobackup is done, when Locus is turned off?

I insist, there should be a CANCEL option for ongoing backup. Maybe clicking on a position in status bar will do a job? - ("Click here to cancel"). Believe me that force killing an app is not a nice approach.


I experience the same, Locus starts backup after phone reboot.

May that be an effect caused by using "Locus as a service"?


I`m also using Locus as a service

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