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Extract downloaded LoMaps failed on SDCard

Ulf Kosack shared this problem 8 years ago


I want download my bought LoMaps Germany North + South on my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge (SM-G935F). I configured the vectormaps folder on my sdcard in /storage/16E6-6920/Android/data/ Both, internal and sd card, are encrypted by Android. It's a standard Samsung ROM.

Every time I start the download the result is: "Element wouldn't downloaded correctly. Please try again later". This error occurs on Android 6 and Android 7, because I updated this week to Nougat.

The write access to the directory above is granted, because export of recorded tracks and save online maps to there is possible. My workaround was to download the LoMaps to standard directory, change the path in Locus, stop the app, move the files with file explorer to the sdcard and start Locus again. The offline maps are available from the sdcard. Through the workaround I could see, that the error occurs in the moment Locus will execute the step after download.

How can I download directly to the sdcard?



Replies (15)


Good day Ulf,

sorry for a complications. Unfortunately from these information I cannot say where is a problem as all seems to be correct.

May you please try to download a map (you may try a smaller map, not this huge Germany map) and immediately after download fail, create a log by this method: . In log should be information what happen on background.

Thank you!


Hi Menion,

with the workaround I can enjoy your great app. I only don't want to do it every time I update the map. The bugreport is available in my cloud: I send the password to your email (Email opened Ticket:

I don't know how many private data in this report, so I don't want to share it public.

And for you documentation in the wiki ( On Android 7 or Samsung I have to choose "Interactive Report" after "Take a bug report". The automatic report doesn't show any icon in the notification bar.

Thanks for help.



Good day Ulf,

thank you for a log. I've found a place, where Locus Map complains that map file cannot be used because it's incorrectly downloaded, but no clear reason why this happen. In next Locus Map version will be changed system how data are downloaded, so it may cause difference on your device (but probably won't).

Anyway I'm not sure how much time are you willing to invest to this problem. If it is not a big problem for you, then please try it with next Locus Map version (3.22, planned release tomorrow) and if it fail again, create me a log once more. I'll then prepare special testing version that will print of some more information about this problem, so I'll then ask you for a third test with this special version, but this later. Thank you.

And thank you as well for additional info, you are correct I have same option on own device. I'll forward this to Michal who take care about our manual.


Hi Menion,

unfortunally the update doesn't resolve the problem :-(.

Here my new bug report The same password like last report.




Good day,

thank You for a logs! For my surprise, there is no useful information in log itself.

I have few additional questions:

1. because I see you set all directories to custom private directory on SD card, why don't you set whole main Locus directory to this private storage over Menu > Settings > Miscellaneous > Default Directories > Set root directory? Then it's not needed to set every individual settings separately

2. did you tried to download smaller map, not just a huge Germany maps?

3. you may consider give a try to same system I use on Samsung S7 i own ... I've created on SD card directory "Locus SD" and placed and defined these directories here, so I have setup "/storage/4245-AD86/Locus SD/mapsVector for vector maps and so on ... difference here is that this is some own custom directory that is not influenced by Android system itself, compare to private directory you use.

So generally I suggest to

a) move whole Locus into this private SD card directory /sdcard/..../android/data ..., not just a separate directories like you do, or

b) use method I use so Locus SD directory on SD card with few directories that is possible to setup separately

I'm just little worried that Android doesn't like such custom manipulation with these private internal directories like you probably did.


Hi Menion,

sorry for the delay. Just today I've been coming to test your settings.

First, with my setting also little maps like Luxembourg with a download file of 20 MB crashes.

But the I followed your hint to set the Default Directory to the SDCard. And what shoud I say. Apperently the difference between Default Directory and Vector Maps Directory causes the problem. After changing all to SDCard, download and extraction are perfectly done for both, Luxembourg with 20 MB and Austria with 400 MB download file.

I think I selected every folder separatly, because I don't want to download the cards again, I something fails because of my misconfiguration and I have to reinstall the app. At the moment the card will be deleted at uninstallation. Perharps I should try you second hint with only a separate folder for the vector maps.

Thanks a lot.



Good evening,

hmm so you previous configuration caused a troubles, interesting.

You wrote that you "don't want to download the cards again". Be really careful with this configuration. There is no problem to download maps again, but with this configuration you lost also your points & tracks etc. I really "hate" this "private directory settings", but unfortunately, it's only option how to have full Locus Map directory on SD card since Android 5.0+.

Anyway really suggest to try second method I wrote about. Keep Locus directory in root of internal memory and create directory "Locus SD/backup", "Locus SD/mapsVector" and "Locus SD/data/srtm" on your SD card and move content from same directories (from Locus main directory here). Then only in Locus > settings > misc > custom directories, choose for backup, mapsVector and srtm, these directories. This is perfectly working solution for Android 5.0+.


Hi Menion,

than I would follow your best practices. If I can. BUT: With this configuration the download fails :-(. No matter, if download file is 250 MB or 20 MB. No matter if the main directory is on internal or external sdcard. I've tested it with Luxembourg and Belgium Cards from Asamm SW.

I've tested these combinations with offline maps for Luxembourg (19 MB) and Belgium (253 MB):

  • main directory on internal sdcard and your three named folders on separate folder: download failed
  • main directory on external sdcard and your three named folders on separate folder: download failed
  • main directory on external sdcard and only srtm and backup in your special folder: download ok.

The whole download process hangs every time on the point, where the downloaded file should be extracted. This only works when main and mapsVector-folder in the same structure.

Unfortunally I can't create developer error reports anymore. I can't save the report after creating :-(. Not with Nextcloud, not with es file explorer. I've attached two screenshots with folder paths and error message in message list. These isn't displayed on Locus Store only on the message list.

Could the sdcard encryption the reason for this error?

Because of "... but with this configuration you lost also your points

& tracks etc. ...." I configured the backup manager and the cloud

sync, so the backup daily automaticly synced in my cloud for desaster

recovery. Thanks for this hint.


Good day Ulf,

complicated task to be true. I was searching for some information about "SD Card encryption" in Android and it looks to me that similar problems has more applications. So I tried to enable this feature on my Galaxy S7 as well, but after three hours of "Preparing SD card" text on screen, I've stopped it ( tried twice ). So hard to simulate, even harder to solve.

Interesting is error message on your second screenshot. "SSL" text and also "I/O text" looks more like some problem with downloading.

Anyway I'll try to simulate it tomorrow with different SD card, but can't promise it will work ...


Good day Ulf,

crazy feature this encryption. I have no success even with completely empty small ( 8 GB ) SD card. Still stuck on "Preparing ...".

Because You are still the only one I'm aware, who has these troubles with downloading, exists there any working solution for few your wrote? I think yes, right? If so, I'm really sorry, but for now, this looks for me like impossible task. Main condition to fix most of problems is to be able to simulate it on own device. And here is it a problem ...


Hi Menion,

no problem. I've configured the extSdcard as main location, the daily backup is synchronized automatically to my cloud. So I can live with this setting where the download works.

Thanks for your help.

Ulf Kosack


Glad to hear it, thank You too!


Only for troubleshooting: Perhaps the error occurs because I can't write (manual export) a file outside of the extSDCard baseFolder (16E9-6920/Android/data/ If I export a GPS-Track to 16E9-6920/LocusSD/export I only get "process not sucessfully".

The app permisson for "Storage" (incl. write to sdcard, read sdcard) is granted.

So why the process for downloading maps and creating backups can write to 16E9-6920/LocusSD/, but not the process of exporting a gpx file?

Perhaps thread on stackoverflow could be useful.

Thanks Ulf.


Good day Ulf,

thank you for a link and additional information.

What is describe in this link is exactly what I've implemented a long time ago for directories "backup", "mapsVector" and "data/srtm". These three directories may be configured in Locus Map settings > misc > default directories and when configured here, it should be able to write into these directories even on SD card on Android 5+.

So fact that Locus Map is not able to export data on SD card on your device, is logical, because writing into Locus/export directory is not developed ( compare to mentioned three directories ). I, and believe that many people use these three directories on SD card and no problem so far. ( btw we write about it in detail here ).

So I still think that only what may cause troubles here is encryption of your SD card. But because I was not able to encrypt my own card, it's quite complicated to work on it. And because You are still alone who had these troubles and because there is possible workaround, I believe it does not worth invest more time for now.

I hope my answer is understandable. Thanks


Hi Menion,

no problem. I an use all functions and since the last update I can prepare my tracks on the tablet and sync it to the mobile via export again. Thanks.

I would only report my observerations. Perhaps it could help. At the moment I have no phone where I can test it extSdCard without encryption under Android 7.

If I should test something on my "special device" write in this thread.



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