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Import single cache to Locus

Daigers shared this question 8 years ago

I often use the Live map from the G4L-Addon, when I'm caching and I have no caches offline in this area. To get the full functionality of a cache (waypoints, etc.) I download (or import) a single cache to the local database of Locus Map. To do this in Locus I go to the "General"-Tab of this cache. There is a grey button with the GC-Code. I click on it and in the past there was a menu item called "...import to Locus..." or so. After this you can select the database and so on.

Yesterday I want to import a single cache to the local database again (like descripted above), but there was no menu item like this (see attached picture). Perhaps by an update? So how can I import a single cache to the local database of Locus (not a complete GPX-file and not a specific radius). This function was very helpful, because you don't have to type in the GC-Code. To import a cache over the G4L-Addon with the complete GC-Code is too complicated. You have to memorise the GC-Code and you have to leave the cache-listing.

I don't know if this is a problem with Locus Map or with the G4L-Addon, but I hope that there is a solution. I use Android 6 on a Samsung Note 4 (stock).

Greetings Daigers

Replies (25)


Good day Daigers,

I'm just trying it with latest version of Locus Map and Geocaching4Locus add-on and it seems to work correctly.

Only what may affect this behavior is missing geocaching4Locus add-on. I expect you have add-on installed and fully working, right?


Hello Menion,

yes. I have installed the G4L-Addon and all is working fine. Only this menu item is missing. And I just reinstalled the G4L-Addon. But the menu item is still missing.




Hmm for me it sounds more like a question to @Arcao (developer of G4L). Arcao any idea please? Thanks


Hello Daigers,

Could you please provide link which doesn't work for you? I will add it to the add-on.

Note: All supported links are described here.



Hello Arcao,

all supported links works. I don't want to import a cache from a mail or so. Like I described above in this thread, I cannot download a single cache to Locus, when I'm in Locus, the live map is active and when I have no stored caches in a local database from this area. I do not open the G4L-Addon and type in the GC-Code. Directly in Locus (when you open a cache-listing ) there is a grey button on the "General"-tab. In this grey button you can find the cache-code (GCxxxxx). When you tap on this button you get a menu. And in this menu there was a function like "....import to Locus..." or so. This function is gone. With this function you can import a cache which you see in the live map directly to a local Locus database.

All other functions of the G4L-Addon work correctly.

I use the newest version of Locus and of the addon.




And when you choose "internet", what Url you see in internet browser?


When I choose "Internet", I see (for example) which change to


Hi Daigers,

I know this would not help you ... but for me it works as expected!?!?

I select an area in the live map of G4L in which I have no geocaches in the local locus database. In my case I search in Lübeck. When I now select "10 Lübeck Stadt der Wissenschaft: Innenstadt" an I click on the "GC40TXF" button on the tab "Allgemein" I get another window which contains "Geocaching", "Firefox", ... but also "Cache zu Locus importieren".

I am using the latest versions of Locus Pro and the AddOn G4L on a Samsung Galaxy S4 with Android 5.0.1. Stock Rom.

I am a Premium Member of Groudspeak, you too?



Hi c.s.g.,

what you say is the same like Menion said. Everything is working fine. But why doesn't it work for me? I have also the latest version of Locus and of the G4L-addon. The last I can try is to reinstall Locus itself. I do it unwillingly because of the many settings I have to set again.

Or can it be associated with an other addon? I also have installed the fieldnote- and the GSAK-addon.




Hi Daigers,

I have installed the fieldnotes AddOn too in the Pro Version of Locus. GSAK AddOn I have not installed.

Are you a premium member at groundspeak?

Are you logged in at groundspeak in Locus and G4L as a premium member?

Is you "access token" at groundspeak for Locus and G4L stlll valid?

Just some thoughts.



Hello c.s.g.,

to all of your questions: Yes.

I also use the Pro-version of Locus. Not the free version.



Hmm very interesting.

Un-install of Locus Map probably won't have any effect here. Anyway suggest to try to un-install geocaching4Locus, then try it again (there should not be G4L of course) and then! again install G4L over Google Play. Let me know please if this helped.


I guess problem is in https protocol in URL. The add-on supports only http protocol for I will fix it tomorrow.



I don't know what the reason is. But the missing menu item (Import Cache to Locus) is there.

What I do:

Like Menion suggest I un-install the G4L-addon (it was the second or third time). Then I try it again, but because the addon is un-installed there was no live map and no other functions of the addon. Then I install the addon again over Google Play. But the result was, that the menu item wasn't there.

Then I try another thing. I normally open GC-links to a Cache (like from mails by default with c:Geo because it's faster for only viewing. So I delete the standard settings of c:Geo. Now when I click such a GC-link in a mail, I can choose between some options like "c:Geo", "import cache to Locus (via the G4L-addon)" or the "Browser" to set a new default app for those links. I now click on "Import cache to Locus". Because I reinstall the G4L-addon I have to sign in with my login credentials. After this I have to allow that G4L can access my fotos, medias and files. After this I got an error message. I have to allow some special setting. It was something with "Apps, die am Anfang angezeigt werden" (I don't know how it is in englisch). You can find it unter the Android Settings (App-Manager - Click on the 3 dots in the upper right Corner - "Apps, die am Anfang angezeigt werden"). Here I have to deactivate the G4L-addon. But it was deactivated and it was grey so that I can't change this setting. Nevertheless I click on it, but nothing happen. After all this I look in Locus Pro and the missing menu item was there.

Because of the error message I descibed above I want to write a new ticket, but after deleting the app cache of the G4L-addon and reconfiguring the addon everything works. The missing menu item is there and the error message doesn't come again so that an import from a mail link works.

Strange. But now every works fine. But why? No idea.





uhh complicated. I'm mainly surprised that you remember all these steps after all :). Anyway to be true, I have no idea what may be a problem here. With @Arcao, we use only really basic methods, nothing special so it once add-on is installed, it should simply work.

To be true, I'm really glad it works fine for you now and it's not needed to dig into this deeper. Anyway if problem appear again (hope now), let us know. There is still something to do to solve it. Thanks



it happened again. I don't know really at what time. But the menu entry is gone again. Maybe from an update of Locus?

Greetings Daigers



sorry for a delay in response. I'm checking a Locus Map source code and cannot find any possible source of troubles.

Offer you see when you tap on GC code in app is based on real url that Locus Map generated.

Only possible issue may be here in source data of cache itself. So my question, from where comes cache you work with in Locus Map? Are you importing it from any GPX file? If so, may you please share this file?


Hello Menion,

like I wrote in my first comment I want to import a cache (which I see on the live map from the G4L-addon) to my local database on my smartphone. And the cache I see on the live map is only in a temporary cache I think. There is no GPX file which I have imported.

I often use the GSAK-addon. But when I import caches over this addon the menu entry is also gone.

But when I just tested it with the GSAK-addon I have a new problem. On my local storage of my smartphone I have a folder with databases from GSAK. The caches from this database can be imported with the GSAK-addon. When I start the addon in Locus normally a window appears in which the number of all caches which are in a specific distance are count up. For example 1500 caches in a radius of 15 km. But now when I start the GSAK-Addon the window appears (without count up all caches). And if I klick on import only 1 cache is imported. Last weekend all was ok. But now? Perhaps an update-bug of Locus?

I think I have to reinstall my complete Locus. The only thing are the many settings I have to set again. I can backup the settings. But if the problem is in the backup I have it also in the new installation.





about the GSAK-addin. Everything is working fine again.




Good day Daigers,

I'm little confused now. Is everything working now?

I still have no idea why these issues happen to you. Mainly because Locus Map does not store any information that should influence what appear after you tap on cache code. What is displayed is generated in moment you tap. Anyway if problem remains, I'll prepare for you special test version that will print out some more information into text file and that should tell us more.


Hello Menion,

sorry for the confusion. The problem with the GSAK-addin is solved. This evenig I prepare a new database from GSAK and with this new database the import works. I think that the problem wasn't the addin itself but rather some other thing.

But the problem with the menu entry is still there. But like I said I un- and reinstall Locus with all addons in the near future and will tell you if the problem with the missing menu item is solved or not. Perhaps I reinstall Locus and if the menu item is there again I wait until the next Locus Update. Lately the menu item was gone again after an update.





i think you are a german...

ich denke, dass du über den internet explorer den cache laden wolltest. wenn dem so ist, gehe folgender maßen vor:

einstellungen/anwendungsmanager/internet/als standart festgelegt/

dort lösche die standartwerte.

damit weiss der explorer nicht mehr, wie er mit der gpx umgehen soll und somit wird er dich wieder fragen wie er diese öffnen soll. weitere fragen dazu gerne über gc schmunzelhaase.



Ja, ich bin Deutscher.

Aber das Löschen der Standard-Werte des Handy-Browsers hat auch nichts gebracht. Ich versuche es demnächst mit einer Locus-Neuinstallation.





sorry for the very late answer. Last week I have to reset my smartphone. So I have to reinstall Locus Map. And now when I click in a geocache-listing on the grey button with the GC-code, the function to import the cache (only this one) to Locus is there again.




Good day,

oki, fine. I feel little confused ... it works, it doesn't, it works ... :). Anyway now it works, so I'm glad as well! Thanks

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