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Connection to heart rate watch supporting BT4.0

Etienne Fert shared this question 7 years ago

Hello I'm using Locus Map Pro and would like to connect to a heart rate watch (in my case Riversong watch). The watch supports BT4.0 and connects to Locus via my phone but the heart rate data is not transmitted. Any idea of the reason? Any idea about a watch at a similar price (lower than 50 E) which would support the connection and real time heart rate date transmission?



Replies (7)


Good day Etienne,

unfortunately none of our team own watches, that are able to send data from internal sensors to mobile device.

In your cases, you talk about these "watches" ? I'm worried they won't follow globally used system how Heart rate monitors communicate. They will rather force you to use their own application. Am I correct?

Unfortunately as I wrote, I have no experience or knowledge to suggest you any working watches. I personally use heart rate belt and till now never though about "watches option". Maybe some other active user here?


Hello, thks for the answer. Yes, I talk about then type of watch youmention. They work with their own application but I thought they would also make possible the connection to other android applications as it increases use cases and therefore may increase the number of sold watches. I don't think they make any money of the application but maybe they still want to restrict the use of their watch to their application. If anybody heard about a watch supporting other android apps I would be happy. I've been also using heart rate belts for many years but it is a bit unconfortable and there is a trend to move this function in sport watches so I had the hope to use this type of watch with Locus. Did you discuss this possibility with Polar or an other sport watch manufacturer like Garmin?


Understand. I remember I has here one similar support some months ago. In the end, user wrote to company that made his BT device to check, if it's possible to use it together with different application and they wrote him "sorry, it's only possible to use it with our app". Maybe you should try this for these watches as well ...


I guess you connect to an heart belt like Polar ones? Any chance for Locus to connect to such a watch from Polar? I will ask the same to Polar ;-).


Yes I use classic heart belt.

Unfortunately I really have no experience with watches that should propagate heart rate values over bluetooth to certain apps. Not sure if and how it may work. Best should be really to ask directly on Polar support if it's possible to use it even with other apps. Thanks for understanding.


Just got the asnwer, they don't know. No surprise and I understand very well that you don't either. It looks like I'm interested in an exotic use case ;-). Please let me know if you happen to hear something new about this and thks for your quick support.


They don't know? Surprising :). Oki, thanks for information.

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