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Add new point from GPS instead of map center

gynta shared this idea 8 years ago

(fw from

Function Add new point select Location Map center by default.

Idea was a possibility to set different Locations by default

eg. config.cfg

add_new_point_default_loc=1 gps / 2 center

Best Answer

Hello guys,

In next version will be new preference in settings > maps - points & tracks, called something like "default new point location", with options "GPS" and "Map screen center". GPS will be probably set as default option ( have to think more about it ).

Replies (26)


tap on [7] here ->

to center the map to your GPS position and after that, add the POI (=one tap more)


Hello karley,

I do not know, on what exact purpose you use Locus in your company, but there wasn't any such request on this feature. Seems that all are satisfied with current solution - map center as default value.

Currently there is no way how you may pre-set GPS location as a default, so what gynta suggested is probably best way how to achive this. You may also in menu > settings > map - control & panels enabled "Hold center method", which cause that center of screen automatically returns back to your GPS location after a while.

If you will be really interested in this feature, I may change this question to idea so others may vote and convince me that this is really "must have" feature.


Please, do not modify the behaviour, leave it as it is ! :-)

This way it is more universal - either you let the crosshair follow the GPS position the way Gynta indicated above (and then you actually get the current GPS position) or you move the crosshair in the map to a place you want to point at (and then you get its position).


I've change this question to idea, so feel free to upvote/downvote!


up-vote to change the default location adding points, I have a lot of fieldwork and we take the points in the position where we are. So, in the hurry sometimes me and my comrades, forgot to select gps to take the point and then we have problems with the coordinates in the GIS.

I changed the common GPSs in our enterprise, to use android phones, is really better with locus pro, than other GPS but this situation give us problems sometimes.


Yes that is a good idea


So anyone can decide what is more important to him .... a window to say what is default

we need the same window to this: Location Selector Dialog



Good point. When I am kayaking or sailing and want to quickly mark a point, the point is the map center, that could be or not be the actual position, depending on how did I choose to center the map. This is often more than annoying. Especially if the new point is an underwtater near surface dangerous rock, or even worse, an emergency "man over board".

One solution could be to add 2 additional new point options accessible through (for exemple) the right side panel icons


1- new point at screen center

2- new point with camera picture at screen center

The 2 additional being

3- new point at GPS position

4- new point with camera photo at GPS position




at GPS is good


The idea is good. I would also like to be able to adjust what is a selection default. Perhaps the same under presets, then I can set a different default value for each activity


Oh yes, how often have I intended to create waypoints at my position but they ended up at the map center. Which I of course only noticed when I was no longer there...

I am coming from Garmin, where a waypoint is alway created at GPS position. Was quite a painful process to get used to the changed default.

Another option would be to offer an additional waypoint type.

We already have regular points, photo points and quick points. Why not have "current position points"? A speaking name with a predictable behavior.

As opposed to the regular points, that may or may not end up at your position, depending whether lock to position is active or not. At least when you dont explicitly select "GPS" as source and just hit "Save"


I would also like a changeability of the default values. Need also mostly GPS value and must then always change to the sub-menu and the reference.


The function "new point" already exists. But the default value for the reference can not be changed. In the menu one can choose gps but the next time is again card center in it.


The default action on most apps as well as on Garmin devices is to use the current GPS location, and of course manual coordinate entry. Some allow projecting a waypoint from the current location. But the default option is always the current location. At least one app allows a long-press on the map to call up 'Add waypoint at this location'. That's pretty handy, too.



I want to be able to mark a way-point as quickly and as reliably as possible in 2 situations:

- Man over board

- Marking an obstacle or a pass when doing a shallow water area scouting

On this 2 circumstances what needs to be marked is the GPS position.

On these 2 circumstances I will be probably over stressed and taking care of several other tasks.

I will want to record the point in as little steps as possible, and using as little brain as possible.

Presently (Locus 3.21.1) to be sure that the recorded position is at the GPS location it is necessary to:

Option 1:

1- Double tap the screen to show the bottom and side tool bars.

2- Check the status of the GPS centering icon and tap on the GPS centering icon if inactive.

3- Tap on the way-point icon

Option 2:

1- Double tap the screen to show the bottom and side tool bars

2- Tap on the way-point icon

3- Tap on the way-point selection option dot to bring the "new location" window"

4- Tap on the GPS icon

Option 1 is faster, but still requires 3 steps and more importantly, an observation on the status of the GPS centering icon, observation that will require some attention from the user on and already stressful situation.

Some users will prefer to keep the present default option (way-point marked at the screen center).

But I believe that if a user wants to mark a point at the screen center, the user is not in a desperate hurry to mark this point, as the user has already be spending some time moving around the map to find the point where he wants to add the way point. Therefore, if the user has to go extra steps to record the way point, I believe that this is not a big issue.

Therefore I believe that, if my preferred option to have two separate functions, one for GPS and one for screen center, is not easy to implement, then the default way-point position should be the GPS position.




The first step in your example is needed only because you have chosen to auto-hide the toolbars.

Have you tried just long-pressing the map?

  1. Long-press on the location you wish to create a waypoint. A popup menu will appear.
  2. Tap the menu. Details will appear.
  3. Tap the first icon in the menu-bar (bottom of screen). This will create a waypoint.
  4. Optionally change the waypoint's name. Tap "Save".

In Oruxmaps you also long-press on the location where you wish to create a waypoint. A popup menu appears, tap the menu, etc.

In Alpinequest, you first move the map-center to the location where you wish to create a waypoint. Tap the map-center and a popup menu appears, tap the menu, etc.


The paths are ok. Only you have to always switch from map center to GPS.

Well, last would be retained. Even better would set the default value fixed. And the whole still per preset, as already mentioned.



To Taras D: thanks for your suggestions.

But saddly, "Autohide toolbars" option is a necessity on a small screen. and long press on the screen has no action on my device (updated to Locus Map Pro 3.22.2, on Android 4.04).

Best regards



Settings > Maps > Map Control > Enable address display

Long-tap on map will show a popup menu with the street address of the location. Don't worry if the address is wrong! For example, if you long-press in the middle of a lake, the menu will show the nearest street address. Obviously there is no street address in a lake! However, the GPS coordinates for the location will be correct.

In this example, I long-tapped the map-center so you can see its coordinates (shown in the function panel). I create a new waypoint (following the instructions I described previously). The name of the waypoint is the nearest street address. However, the waypoint's coordinates are correct because they match the original values.



Hello guys,

In next version will be new preference in settings > maps - points & tracks, called something like "default new point location", with options "GPS" and "Map screen center". GPS will be probably set as default option ( have to think more about it ).


Many thanks Menion.


Hello Taras. Thanks for your very detailed and illustrated message. I had to allow address search in the settings to have an action on the screen long tap.

To ensure that the new point is the GPS position the steps are as you described, but with 2 extra steps:

  1. Long-press on the location you wish to create a waypoint. A popup menu will appear.
  2. Tap the menu. Details will appear.
  3. Tap the first icon in the menu-bar (bottom of screen). This will create a waypoint.
  4. Below the "FOLDER" entry, at the "LOCATION" entry, it is necessary to tap the dot (as the default location is "Map center")
  5. On the appearing window, tap on the GPS icon
  6. Optionally change the waypoint's name. Tap "Save".

Therefore 5 steps before saving the point.

The future Locus version solution announced by Menion will be OK for me as the user will be able to select the default location.

Thanks again and best regards.


Maybe you have some other Settings that need to be modified because I don't need to do steps #4 and #5 (in your list).

When I create a waypoint in step #3, the actual coordinates are displayed in Location (not "Map center").

The only way I can have "Map center" appear in Location is if I long-tap directly on the center of the map (on the crosshairs). If I long-tap anywhere else on the map, Location shows the actual coordinates. I don't need to do the extra two steps you described. Four steps is not super-fast but it doesn't bother me.

When Menion creates the new option, you will have three steps to create a waypoint at the GPS location:

1- Double-tap to display the function panels.

2- Tap "Add new point" button.

3- Tap "Save".

If you can live without auto-hiding the function panels, it becomes only two steps.


Thank you menion, i think it is perfect.



If the default is GPS, or if GPS is selected ... if the GPS location is not set (GPS not activated), would the map center be used?


Hello Tigus,

did you tried this improved version?


Hi Menion, apologies ... my comment was about the idea itself. I had not tried the new version yet.

Today I updated and it works excellent! I think the GPS position default value is correct, and if it is not active take the center of the map.

Thank you!



Perfect, glad to hear. Hope notification below location field is visible enough to get attention in case, GPS location is not valid in that moment.


I have problem now in v 3.24.0. Noticed some time before.

Then I add new standard POI, default position for it is always GPS. Even I moved center marker away. Now I always need use dropdown menu to select 'map center'. This is bug or regression?


Good day,

please read my answer here . This behavior may be modified and it's up on user if default location for new points will be GPS or map center. Hope this helps.


What about third option here "GPS if map center linked to GPS, and screen center otherwise"?


Does it make a difference? If map is currently centering to GPS location, then both locations are same, right?


You're right)

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